Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Congrats Lex and Kurato, there are no words or gifs enough for this celebration (because I'm on my phone :wacky: )


3x3 Eyes
"Would you like to order FFXV?" ... "This content not available" lol.

Such a shame it was so short, but I did enjoy the new demo. I managed to parry and counter the Iron Giant! And thank God for some magic inclusion. There was definitely some frame-rate issues now and again, but I know they are tackling this over the next 6 months. Without a doubt, the game is incredibly gorgeous.

Definitely hyped now. Just wish they had been more consistent with this marketing and it wasn't all announced in one go.

Will watch the anime tonight.


Pinkfish, Fish
All of this news has got my massively hyped now! Just booked a half day on the 30th September (might as well work while I wait for the post in the morning) all the way through until Monday 10th October, 9 & 1/2 to play this game uninterupted \o/

I only pre-ordered Deluxe Edition, I'm not really into figurines and it seems like a large part of the cost of the Ultimate is paying for that.


I missed everything last night (my turn in the family to stay at me Nana's, so no internet :P) - Thought this meant I could remain in ignorance about FFXV until it came out; I knew there was a guy called Noctis, there were guys in a car, and magic was going to have special effects on surrounding terrain. I wanted to remain neutral until the release date and was happy to go in that way.

But I gave in and am now watching the Twitch stream from last night :P
And now I'm just after pre-ordering the Ultimate Collector's Edition, just in case I end up liking it a lot!


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
Man, so I wake up and I still don't have a email... Does that mean I didn't get it?

(In this case they should offer a collectors edition without the statue).


Pro Adventurer
There's a word for people who spend ~250€ on pointless (sorry) collector's editions: enablers. :P Next time it'll be 300€.


AI Researcher
y'all almost made me consider getting that collector's edition. but i would prefer it without the figure tbh, i only really want the bluray and maybe the book


There's a word for people who spend ~250€ on pointless (sorry) collector's editions: enablers. :P Next time it'll be 300€.
The way I see my own super impulse, the Play Arts will be someone else's gift, as will other elements. In addition, my other brothers don't yet know of the pitch-in required on their part :monster:

trash panda

It's 8 hours later and I still don't have a confirmation email. They still haven't charged me either - last night they only did a test withdrawal of .50 cents. So long as I have this confirmation number, that means I got it, right? RIGHT??? ;___;


Dark Knight of the Red Wings
I just can't justify spending almost $300 for that Ultimate Collector's Edition. That, and there's absolutely NO WAY my wife would allow me to spend that kind of money on a video game. I would like to have the blu-ray version of Brothers, the soundtrack, and the artbook but I just can't spend that much.

Hopefully, SE will release Brothers separately on Blu-Ray eventually. I'm sure the OST will be come available separately at some point. The DLC, I'm sure I'll be able to get at some other point too, if I even need to be bothered with getting it.

I did preorder the collector's edition though. I can swallow spending $90.00.

Also, did it seem to anyone else that Lena Heady wanted nothing to do with being on that stage last night? She seemed totally disinterested.

Ghost X

Anime: Meh, except for the battle at the end, which I liked.

KingsGlaive: Has a lot of potential. Seems to have a lot of nice action scenes. My brain can't work out whether it is excited or not though :awesome:.

FFXV: The summon footage was most interesting for me, especially that of Titan, and Ramuh throwing his staff thing through the air. That's new :awesome:. I hope they're integral to the plot :P. Not a fan of the choice of having a "Stand by me" cover (or any cover for that matter) in the game. Having Florence sing some original music might be more tolerable. Ah well, can't win them all. The transforming flying car is interesting, but I am more impressed with the fighting scenes in and around those flying personnel carriers. Glimpses of other locations also nice. Curiosity achieved.

trash panda

I think Kai figures alone are $100+, artbooks are commonly in the $20-50 range, soundtracks are ususally $30-50, games are $60...I think you get what you pay for (at retail value ofc) with the Ultimate edition. I haven't bought a new game since.....I can't remember when. :monster:

Plus now I don't have to buy myself a birthday present. :monster:

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
If it wasn't for the play arts Kai jacking up the Ultimate Edition's price up to $270, I would have gone for the Ultimate Edition right away. (Hellllllooooo art book and music and blu rays)

But alas. :monster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Now for the morning after where buyers remorse is starting to set in with the realization of what I did..... But I won't relent!!


Higher Further Faster
Now for the morning after where buyers remorse is starting to set in with the realization of what I did..... But I won't relent!!

I keep going back and forth all like, "Should I cancel? Should I sell it on Ebay? Should I keep it?"


Pro Adventurer
Now for the morning after where buyers remorse is starting to set in with the realization of what I did..... But I won't relent!!

I keep going back and forth all like, "Should I cancel? Should I sell it on Ebay? Should I keep it?"

I don't believe in buyer's remorse. Money may not buy tangible happiness, but it can buy video games, and that's kinda the same thing. :monster:

No but seriously, if the money would've been taken out right away, I may have felt bad, but since it won't be taken out until September, I regret nothing. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
^I feel the same way. I really don't have the money now for the game, but knowing that I will be charged in September it almost feel like it someone elses thing to worry about it. :P I can just forget that I ever bought it and then starve in September when I will have no money for food. :wacky:

trash panda

I didn't realize we weren't being charged until September. :wacky:

I'm still freaking out because I have no confirmation email. :wacky:

Watch us all forget we're having $300 withdrawn from our accounts in six months and then we'll REALLY freak out. :wackymonster:

EDIT: HOLY CRAP why didn't I buy 10 of these things? They're up on ebay already for $600-$700. The resale value omgggggggggggg ;______;

trash panda

I think no one commented on it for the same reason that people don't wake up every day and say "oh my, the sky is blue today!". It is a universal law that Sean Bean's character dies. :wackymonster:


Pro Adventurer
I didn't realize we weren't being charged until September. :wacky:

I'm still freaking out because I have no confirmation email. :wacky:

Watch us all forget we're having $300 withdrawn from our accounts in six months and then we'll REALLY freak out. :wackymonster:

EDIT: HOLY CRAP why didn't I buy 10 of these things? They're up on ebay already for $600-$700. The resale value omgggggggggggg ;______;

Oh the profit's definitely there, but I couldn't bring myself to take it away from another fan just to try and sell it to them at a higher price. As someone whose been price gouged before, it completely sux.

Also, I find it hilarious that it's going up on ebay when these people don't even have physical copies of it yet. Wonder how many of these sellers will just take the money and run...


Remember that just because something is on sale on Ebay at a certain price, doesn't mean it will actually be sold at that price.

While this is true, they've already sold on eBay for over $500 due to scalpers. SE should have limited them to one per person, the idiots. Someone on neogaf bought 10 for the PS4 and 8 for the XBox One just to see if the system would let him.

I considered cancelling my pre-order for the deluxe edition instead, but the deluxe edition is exclusive to Game so there's no point. I only ever really buy games from Amazon (because I tend to get them the day before delivery at reduced price and free immediate shipping). I would settle for the deluxe edition if it became available on Amazon, but apparently it's a Game exclusive and I fucking hate Game. They're shit.


Pro Adventurer
Remember that just because something is on sale on Ebay at a certain price, doesn't mean it will actually be sold at that price.

While this is true, they've already sold on eBay for over $500 due to scalpers. SE should have limited them to one per person, the idiots. Someone on neogaf bought 10 for the PS4 and 8 for the XBox One just to see if the system would let him.

What a fucking dick. I swear, some people will do anything for a buck, nevermind the fans who have waited for this game for over a fucking decade. >_>
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