Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


Pro Adventurer
Hajime Tabata clarifies the statement about the 10 millon units, It isn´t about profit, but the team’s personal ambitions.

I think it's for both reasons, actually. They can't make people believe they aren't doing it partly for profit, because let's be real here, they are.

But I actually do get the feeling that they're quite passionate about this game and I don't think it's a passion there just to get money. I think they'd feel a sense of pride for reaching such a goal. You know if I was involved, I'd be happy to know people were really enjoying the game. I'm also happy for the paycheck, but to know people like a game I had a hand in making that much... I'd feel really good.

Also, making lots of money off this game is indicative in it's own way how successful the game is. :monster:

trash panda

Did anyone else think that the combat system was difficult in the demo? Not difficult in a bad way, but....I certainly hope there's a beginner mode. :closedmonster:


Double Growth
Yes but I hate when Square Enix drops these crazy "Sell this many often-unrealistic millions or it's a FAILURE!" They did it with the first Tomb Raider. And Capcom did it with Devil May Cry 4. Expecting these relatively-niche titles to perform commensurately with the Call of Duties of the world. And publicizing this big number is a really stupid idea for when you don't hit it, everyone (notably potential investors) now know you suck at budgeting.

Part of that Tabata clarification almost sounds like walking back what he said because someone realized that was a dumb idea.


Pro Adventurer
^Actually selling that many copies suddenly makes more sense when I remember them saying that they wanted XV to surpass VII. They need to sell that many copies and possibly more if they want to do that.


Pro Adventurer
Did anyone else think that the combat system was difficult in the demo? Not difficult in a bad way, but....I certainly hope there's a beginner mode. :closedmonster:

It took me awhile to get the swing of things. Like I've said before would've done better if I were playing on a PS4 instead of an XBox One.

Well, I did the math, and the profits from the Ultimate editions alone would put them at about 8 million. So there's more than half of the profit right there.


Eyes of the Lord


Double Growth
Well Destiny looks like a great example of some more terrible budgeting. I'm routinely stunned at how much they managed to spend on that game considering how little there is to it.


AI Researcher
i wish they would change the deluxe edition to include kingsglaive bonus disc and brotherhood on bluray, because those are what i'm most interested in owning :sadpanda: or at least release a separate brotherhood/kingsglaive set because that's a lot of money to spend on that special set and i don't know if i'd even get it now

edit; roen opened a site for ffxv replica clothing:

i like noct's t-shirt ( ) but looking at the prices of the other items i don't think i'll be getting it. the vests/jackets are like £1,000-1,500. even socks are like £20. i ain't going for that
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Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Played the Platinum Demo and yes I know at least Carlie, Howl and Force have played as well (I'm sure most have) but here are my wholly unimportant thoughts on it:

The Good:
- The combat is actually a nice improvement on what we saw in Episode Duscae. It's intuitive and I feel more in control then I did playing Duscae.
- The premise is cute. I describe it as "Kingdom Hearts without Disney". I really like the dream locations.
- The music, as expected, is fantastic.
- The projectile weapons are flashy and fun to use.

The Bad:
- It is directionless as all hell. You have three zones and a boss and the objective is "get to the end". There are side places to go where you can collect more of these crystals but I have no idea what they do apart from knowing that collecting a lot unlocks certain plates which can be used in the game for various effects.
- The plates purposes are somewhat random. You can change time and weather from the start, then you unlock transports and transformations which are fun but mostly useless. Though some give you some awesome rewards, although those rewards are stripped from you upon fighting the boss making them - you guessed it- pointless.
- It was really really short and mostly empty. I mean I'm not just unfairly comparing it to the absolutely feature-rich Episode Duscae 2.0, but apart from exploring the areas, fighting monsters and collecting crystals there's really nothing to do but get to the end.

This is perhaps the kind of thing you have to just play over and over again to see everything and I'm down with the general feel of it but it just left me wanting more, and knowing I won't see this adventure played out in the final game actually makes me a little bummed.

Don't get me wrong, it's fantastic and fun and I'll be playing it again, but don't go in expecting another Episode Duscae or you'll be disappointed.

I will say I am very pleased with all the news from Uncovered. It has legitimately restored my hype and put my snark at bay.

Also if you wanted to watch my playthrough:


Pro Adventurer
Imo, there's no way in hell this game will flop...if that thing happens then the future FF main titles (atleast) will be more of an open world.


3x3 Eyes
I actually felt that the gameplay in the 2.0 demo was better and smoother than this, but that could be me misremembering. Will need to play it alongside Platinum and double check.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
The combat isn't smoother but the gameplay feels more substantial. It actually feels akin to a Ground Zeroes rather than just... well a demo. Now maybe you prefer the combat in Duscae and it's not horrible but I like being able to freely switch between weapons as needed and the projectiles were a nice touch.

Pro Tip, the 3rd zone has two gold platforms you can spam to earn a lot of crystals (useless though they are) and restock your projectiles. It also spawns more monsters to fight to try them all out. It's right before the long hallway. They relight after a set amount of time.


So apparently there's
a Shuriken weapon and a shield hidden in the last area...:shifty:

As for the demo: Showcases a variety of environments, lets you play with switching time of day, weather, let's you transform into monsters to check out the animations and other words, it's actually more of a tech demo.

It's kinda weird because I don't think it's that suitable to sell the game to someone who is undecided and wants to know what FFXV is all about. Duscae did a better job at that what with it being actually a fragment of the full game.
On the other hand, Platinum at least has a more finalized version of the combat and HUD (which I think is improved over Duscae)

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Just completed a no-fighting (except the final boss), no crystal collecting, no plate stepping speed run. Because I have time for that. Was about 11 minutes, though in fairness half that was laoding time.


AI Researcher
is the platinum demo not very long to complete, then? i have it downloaded but haven't played it yet

is it clear about what you need to do to get whatever-it-is-you-get to transfer over to the full game?

trash panda

edit; roen opened a site for ffxv replica clothing:

i like noct's t-shirt ( ) but looking at the prices of the other items i don't think i'll be getting it. the vests/jackets are like £1,000-1,500. even socks are like £20. i ain't going for that

First of all, no.

Secondly, lemme 'splain myself. :wacky:

Why wouldn't they make a clothing/cosplay (or whatever this is supposed to be) line for the general public (i.e. not just people who wipe their butts with cash money). Someone tell me I made a mistake doing the yen-dollar conversion on Google because according to the calculator, Noct's jacket is $1451.35 USD.

I get that it's a partnership thing and SE might not have much say in the prices, but they could have gone with something less ridiculous. They must know that they're excluding a very large portion of their audience here. :loopy:


Higher Further Faster
I think I did the conversion wrong because I'm getting $895,896.99 for that t-shirt. :closedmonster:

Are the last three 9's after the decimal? Because that's $895.90, which is still a no.

If SE wants money they need to license this stuff for mass production to the other 99% of society. That's where the real money is that. :P

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
is the platinum demo not very long to complete, then? i have it downloaded but haven't played it yet

It is almost absurdly short, even for a demo if you just run through it, but if you explore everything it will last you around 45 minutes. It is nothing like Episode Duscae, you can't even save your progress or revisit areas after you leave them (without starting over).

is it clear about what you need to do to get whatever-it-is-you-get to transfer over to the full game?

I didn't even know there was anything like that so I'm guessing no.


AI Researcher
I think I did the conversion wrong because I'm getting $895,896.99 for that t-shirt. :closedmonster:

Are the last three 9's after the decimal? Because that's $895.90, which is still a no.

If SE wants money they need to license this stuff for mass production to the other 99% of society. That's where the real money is that. :P
there's no decimals in japanese prices :monster:

i think that price is just a place holder since some of the products aren't officially out yet. they are being sold on a production by order basis, which might affect the price. also all of roen's stuff is that expensive


I like to draw
Wait.....damnit...did I just get April Fools'd into thinking that shirt costs a kabajillion dollars? :wacky:

Well, Japan does take April Fools seriously! I can understand how the price would be insane, though x_x I'll assume it's not being mass produced in a sweat shop.

In other news, my dog started barking at Carbuncle while I was playing the Platinum Demo. :awesome:


AI Researcher
tbh i think it'd probably be cheaper to just pay someone to make you a pirated knockoff version of those clothes

because i would do that

Mayo Master

Pro Adventurer
Well, isn't Roen a very-high-end brand of clothes where the average shirt is around $350? Wouldn't surprise me if the corresponding prices are a bit "exclusive".
On the other hand, it's not like many gamers could afford an Audi R8 either.
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