Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


Eyes of the Lord
They're taking the piss, aren't they? Story DLC planned and announced before the game's release always leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And it's not like this game is being rushed out. >_> It seems like the $270 "Ultimate Collector's Edition" doesn't include the season pass either. If that's true, Square Enix are showing their determination to milk their fans for all they're worth because they know they can get away with it. Well, I'll be voting with my wallet.

Did they ever day that the Ultimate Collector´s Edition would include everything, otherwise this comes more your own interpretation of what "Ultimate" means.

Speaking of the DLC, for all we know this story DLCs could be stuff that´s unimportant for the main game´s plot and that focusing of them would be a waste of time (for the main game).


Double Growth
Season Passes are stupid anyway and if you buy them before you know what/how the DLC actually is, you're a rube. :monster:

Even my FF fanboy-ness isn't enough for me to buy a season pass. Even if it turns out all the DLC is good, you could just get the season pass THEN.


Pro Adventurer
I haven't ordered the UCE myself but I think it's a reasonable expectation that the "ultimate" version of any game comes with every part of that game. Ultimate = last, final, greatest, etc.

I have no problem with DLC in some cases, usually where some time has passed since the game's release and the developers have had new ideas for content and more time to implement them. My problem is with DLC that is already in the works before the game's release. Certain dedicated fans will buy everything they possibly can that is related to the game - we have some of them here - often with pre-orders, when they have no idea what the DLC will contain or if it will be any good. I'm not criticising the fans, just the publishers who know they can milk those fans of their cash by selling content that could, and should, be in the game at launch. Especially if any of it is canonical. In the blog post Tets linked to, SE say
The FFXV DLC is not content that has been cut from the main game just to sell to you later.
but what's the difference? Functionally, nothing. It's just "take our word for it, guys". If they sincerely meant that, if time constraints meant they couldn't ship it with the day one version of the game, they could have given it away for free, or at least included it in the existing deluxe and ultimate versions of the game.


Higher Further Faster
*listens to Florence songs on Spotify*

Someone hold me, I may swoon. <333333

Why have we not heard the other songs before now?


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
So the season pass doesn't come with the 270$ edition?

Why Square? Why do you do this to us?


Higher Further Faster
I did not. :O

I've been mainly listening to Stand By Me. I've been waiting for the full version of this song to drop since the reveal event.


Pro Adventurer
I've been listening to them both on repeat!

Too Much Is Never Enough has 'ENDING THEME' plastered across it like a blinking neon sign.

And she's mentioned right before the last chorus of the song:

"And who cares about the thing I did that night?
So what? Maybe Luna had it right
And who cares if I'm coming back alive?
So what? 'Least I have the strength to fight"


Higher Further Faster
I just listened to it again and caught it.

I'm really wondering if there's something they are keeping secret about Luna. We really don't know much about her other than she's a princess and Noctis's fiance, and I get the impression their marriage is more about duty than love.

Just my theories I could be totally wrong.


Eyes of the Lord
The developers have said that Noctis & Luna marriage is made for politic and diplomatic reasons withing the plot.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, but Luna has more feelings for Noctis than he does for her. That's a formula for some dramatic plotlines right there. Not to mention they'll surely concentrate on Luna's own relationship with her brother.


I just want the game now.

The long wait has just been too much
too much too much too much too muuuuuch~ &#9835;

Also, Ray Chase does sound like he's Noctis.
And evidently he did performance capture for MGS4 =P

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Pro Adventurer
^Has that been confirmed somewhere?

This article right heer, published back in April:

I didn't intend for my comment to sound like I think she's wholeheartedly in love with Noctis, but she does give off the vibe of caring more for their relationship and future marriage than he does.

As soon as the early Versus trailers were quoting Shakespeare, I was expecting a high character mortality rate.

When it was still in development as Versus XIII they did say that it was supposed to be the darkest, most tragic FF game in the series. Call me a masochist, but I hope they still hold true to that.


^Has that been confirmed somewhere?

This article right heer, published back in April:

I didn't intend for my comment to sound like I think she's wholeheartedly in love with Noctis, but she does give off the vibe of caring more for their relationship and future marriage than he does.

It was specifically this part I was talking about:

Yeah, but Luna has more feelings for Noctis than he does for her.

I don't think that's going to be the case, but I totally see why people think that. I think it's probably the classic "girl is more mature than boy" trope rather than her actually caring more for him than he does for her. I could be totally wrong but I think he probably cares for her just as much but it's overshadowed by all the shit that's going on with the kingdom. I realise he hasn't outwardly expressed any real care compared to Luna in what we've seen, but that's standard fare for Japanese media.


Pro Adventurer
I think you've got a pretty valid point too Lex! I should have worded my original post to 'I think' Luna has more feelings, etc.

I hope it's not that classic 'girl is more mature than boy' trope, but Luna does have a pretty good reason to care about the relationship and marriage with Noctis; it's her kingdom that's already been taken over before the game starts, so it's a pretty shot at liberating Tenebrae from Niflheim somehow if their marriage gets to happen.

Which I'm having a sneaking suspicion that it will not.

Just another one of those feelings.


AI Researcher
tempted to get the florence + the machine tracks of itunes because i want to hear them/make friends with someone with a spotify account :closedmonster:

i remember when ffxiii-2 had a bunch of story dlc, and then later they released (in japan anyway) a version with most of the dlc minus some collab costumes and maybe weapons on an extra disc. so i don't trust them not to do the same thing here


AI Researcher
i had some free credits for amazon, maybe there will be enough for this

though i am listening to it on spotify now anyways, i'd maybe like it on my phone for the travelling times
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