Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Does this really mean any of that?

Oh, they'll announce the delay with KH2.8 to next year soon enough, either this month or next month. I guarantee it. Because Nomura said that KH2.8 was going to be released in early December. But now that FFXV is releasing on the 29th of November, it's too close to each other and people won't be able to afford them if fans are fans of both games.

And I was seriously wishing for KH3 to come out in 2017. NOW I have to wait for another two years all over again to the point that they'll keep saying another two year delay until they decide to eventually just cancel the game. It's a never ending frustrating saga.


Pro Adventurer
I genuinely believe that square is a non profit organisation. They make rise of the tomb raider "you can't buy that, sir. We're going to sell it to a bunch of people that don't even like tomb raider instead." Then they advertise the new hitman. I think to myself, that looks good. Never played hitman. "Again, I'm sorry, Sir. We can only give ou 10% of the game and then we'll give you the rest bit by bit." Oh, wow! Is it soo big that it won't fit on a single disk?! "No we just like to get the money before we bother finishing games these days." Now this! If this isn't the greatest fucking game that's ever been created it will be a let down.


Consumed By Darkness

I don't mind the wait, to be brutally honest. This is getting really really repetitive these days however. I feel like these days instead of giving us a release dates companies should just say "Released Whenever" then we won't have to get our hopes up only to be let down later down the line.

This game better be god damn perfection Square. Perfection!


Higher Further Faster
Does this really mean any of that?

Oh, they'll announce the delay with KH2.8 to next year soon enough, either this month or next month. I guarantee it. Because Nomura said that KH2.8 was going to be released in early December. But now that FFXV is releasing on the 29th of November, it's too close to each other and people won't be able to afford them if fans are fans of both games.

And I was seriously wishing for KH3 to come out in 2017. NOW I have to wait for another two years all over again to the point that they'll keep saying another two year delay until they decide to eventually just cancel the game. It's a never ending frustrating saga.

Maybe 2.8 for a month or two because of conflicting release times but this doesn't mean KH3 Will be dalayed, especially not for two years.

Can you please just calm down? I feel like you have had this freak out multiple times in multiple threads...


Pro Adventurer
I'm actually glad the delay is official. My wallet needs a reprieve.

But I can see people's frustration, I really can. Especially if they've booked time off work to play it. At least be glad they announced it more than a month ahead of time. Paraphrasing something a friend of mine recently said 'I'd rather it be delayed than be released on time with more bugs than an Ubisoft game.' I'll choose to echo this sentiment and be content with the new release date.

I suppose I shall have to tide myself over with something else from the SE store for my birthday next month. Decisions, decisions.... :wacky:


The Pixie King
I wouldn't be surprised if the delay has something to do with Playstation Neo optimisation, or even part of a marketting push for it.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
i'm fine with this delay because i don't have money for it anyway so more time is good

I can actually not be depressed when the Ult Edition drinks up that large sum of cash from my card since I'll have enough savings.


Pro Adventurer
Hey, FFXV is delayed, but here's the first 12 minutes of Kingsglaive!

First impressions:

During these 12 minutes I have wanted to tear up and have also laughed my ass off. I suppose this must be a good thing.

Starts with a small but nice opening montage that explains everything leading up to the present day. And if the beginning is any indication of how the rest of the action sequences will be, it looks like we're in for a pretty wild ride.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to destroy Jotunheim go and review this frame by frame to look at more details on Crowe's outfit. :wacky:


I'm not watching shit until I get the full movie :monster:

I've only seen the Uncovered trailer :P

Btw, I do think Kingsglaive might as well get its own discussion topic. y/y?


Pro Adventurer
DO LET'S :monster:

Especially if there are those who'd like to avoid the risk of spoilers. Let's put temptation in its own thread, shall we?


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Maybe 2.8 for a month or two because of conflicting release times but this doesn't mean KH3 Will be dalayed, especially not for two years.

In case you probably forgot, December is the last month of a year every year. Because the next month after that is the first month of a new year. Since Nomura wanted to release a KH game every year, 2.8 was originally going to be released in 2016 since it's the last game before KH3 which was strongly aimed for 2017.

Now because of the delay of FFXV, there'll be no KH game for 2016, 2.8 will be moved up to 2017, and thus, KH3 will be forced to move up to 2018 which I didn't want. I'm sick and tired of the "One year to go before the release of the most wanted game" and then they say, "Oh, sorry, you have to wait for another two years" which has been repeating over and over since 2012.

Can you please just calm down? I feel like you have had this freak out multiple times in multiple threads...

Normally I'm a paitent person, but now that paitence is nearing it's end, not to mention the constant bad news I've been getting ever since my grandmother died in 2013. Since then, I've had nothing but disappointments and near bad luck.

Today is one of those bad luck, anger issues days for me. I'm trying to stay calm and possitive, but it seemed that everytime I try to be possitive, everything always turns to negative. It's upside-down for me.

Plus, I was all hyped up for the 1st of October. Now it's an extra wait which is annoying.


Eyes of the Lord
While Nomura wanted to release a KH game per year, he's not the CEO making these business decisions, Yusuke Matsuda is not obliged to follow Nomura's ideas.

Botton line: If S.E wanted, they could release both 2.8 & KHIII on the same year or still release 2.8 in December 2016.


Now because of the delay of FFXV, there'll be no KH game for 2016, 2.8 will be moved up to 2017, and thus, KH3 will be forced to move up to 2018 which I didn't want.

This is not how any of this works. I doubt FFXV would in any way affect KH2.8 and why would it? It isn't that much closer to XV than World of FF is. They'll also wanna have it ready in time for holidays I'd assume.

No one said they can only release one KH game per year. You make up these arbitrary rules on how Square Enix works due to your very literal interpretation of their statements.

That being said though, I would not expect KH3 to come out in 2017 eitherway.
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Higher Further Faster
Tasha please don't be so condescending. None of that is proof of anything you are afraid of anyway. Don't let your happiness be reliant on video games being released on time. You will never be happy, even if you always get what you want. >_>


3x3 Eyes
Really disappointed with the delay.

And can we please stop with the 'don't want to release until perfect' talk? You are SO shooting yourselves in the foot...


It's really amateurish, that's what it is.
It's the exact same reason most indie-developers, musicians, artists, and other creative people never actually finish their first ambitious projects.

At some point, a creator just has to go "This has got to be good enough".
What's even worse, which anyone who's ever taken up drawing or writing music can attest to, is that often when you spend too much time nit-picking on something it just ends up getting worse and worse.
Ever drawn something, only to scratch it out with an eraser, and then draw it over and over again until the paper is dark grey, and starting to tear?
That's why one of the most important qualities of a creator is knowing when to draw a line in the sand and say : "This is okay, now it's finished" and rather take with you the ideas and frustration from that process and feed it into your next product.

There is no such thing as a perfect piece of art. Tabata, and his team, at this point, need to get their heads out of the clouds and realize that whatever last bit of polish they can do at this point is very unlikely to make much of a difference on the total experience of most players.
If there's something wrong with the game at this point, it's much more likely to be deep-running fundamental problems that can only be addressed with extensive re-design - and the small-fry problems like a low-res resolution at one of the countless rocks in the game, are not worth addressing at this point in either case.

I get that Tabata is stressed out - the game's a behemoth, and the future of FF, and Tabata's own job probably rests on its success.
But really man, if it isn't up and working to a relatively high-standard at this point - it's never going to.
Just accept your fate.

All that being said - this could be something completely different than what it appears to be.
For all we know, company higher-ups have decided that FFVX should come with an FFVIIR demo, or that they want to the release to match up with the PS4 Neo for some sort of bundle thing to boost sales, and Tabata and Co are just making these excuses to keep it under wraps.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Fully agreed, Hian. You almost took the words right out my mouth. Personally, every protect in anything has little odd mistakes or two, but I don't groan or complain about it. I notice it, and I just shrug and go, "Well, too late to change it now. I'll just ignore it."

In the end, there will still be mistakes in the game and no one's even going to care as long as they get to play the game.

That being said, my attitude with my own small projects like drawings(digital art) and stories on fanfiction, there are mistakes but as I say to myself, "Still not what I had in mind, but it's better than nothing and I love it." and I call it done. My mother's the same and so is my sister. Plus, there's no such thing as perfect.

What gets to me is that a lot of people always go, "This must be the best of the best and absolutely perfect, no mistakes and you must be quick or, take your time for several years" that sort of thing, and it's really annoying.

I mean, seriously, the more they fiddle with their projects, the more it'll only be terrible, as you said. But then again, high priced companies and rich people always believe that they know *gestures with fingers* "Everything".

Cavemen in the stoneage worked hard on survival and even made the first round circle, and did they think about wanting to make it perfect? I don't think so. As long as it works and is good, small mistakes are nothing.

In the end, Square's only reaction they're getting from their buyers is more frustration, impaitence, annoyance and disappointments.


Pro Adventurer
Tasha and hian:

You two realize that Square Enix has A LOT riding on this game and everything surrounding it right? This could likely do serious damage to the company and impact the future of any more FF games if the end product is not where they want it to be.

XII is one of my favorites, and the executive producer of the game even admitted that they thought the end product was not 'perfect', and it looks to me like you both are overanalyzing the word.

Bottom line, if Tabata and the team are not satisfied with the product, what makes you think we would be? Better delay a good game then not release it at all.

If I may quote Auron in X, "Hurry up and wait."
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