Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)


Chloe Frazer
Companies do delays close to their games release dates quite a bit. They're just technical delays to make sure the games run as smoothly as possible. Recently The Witcher 3 and Uncharted 4 come to mind. It's better when this happens since you're less likely to get a game like say Assassins Creed: Unity which was virtually unplayable on day 1.


Tasha and hian:

You two realize that Square Enix has A LOT riding on this game and everything surrounding it right? This could likely do serious damage to the company and impact the future of any more FF games if the end product is not where they want it to be.

XII is one of my favorites, and the executive producer of the game even admitted that they thought the end product was not 'perfect', and it looks to me like you both are overanalyzing the word.

Bottom line, if Tabata and the team are not satisfied with the product, what makes you think we would be? Better delay a good game then not release it at all.

If I may quote Auron in X, "Hurry up and wait."

Did you even read my post lithium?

Let me quote myself :

"I get that Tabata is stressed out - the game's a behemoth, and the future of FF, and Tabata's own job probably rests on its success.
But really man, if it isn't up and working to a relatively high-standard at this point - it's never going to.
Just accept your fate.

This could likely do serious damage to the company and impact the future of any more FF games if the end product is not where they want it to be.

Let me quote myself again :

"There is no such thing as a perfect piece of art. Tabata, and his team, at this point, need to get their heads out of the clouds and realize that whatever last bit of polish they can do at this point is very unlikely to make much of a difference on the total experience of most players.
If there's something wrong with the game at this point, it's much more likely to be deep-running fundamental problems that can only be addressed with extensive re-design - and the small-fry problems like a low-res resolution at one of the countless rocks in the game, are not worth addressing at this point in either case.

Let me rephrase the bolded part to make it more clear :

If there's something wrong enough with the game to warrant an addition of extensive amounts of time and resources at this point, it's much more likely to be deep-running fundamental problems that can only be addressed with extensive re-design - not something that can be addressed in a month or two.
And whatever they can address in a month or two, is not likely to be significant enough to warrant stalling a release to begin with.

XII is one of my favorites, and the executive producer of the game even admitted that they thought the end product was not 'perfect', and it looks to me like you both are overanalyzing the word.

How is this relevant and what word are you talking about?
I wasn't doing any word-analysis of the term "perfect" in my post.

XII is another game that is a perfect example of bad management and a game suffering from it. If there's any game in Square history I wouldn't want XV to mimic (except Vagrant Story) it's XII.
That being said, that's exactly what happened to XV, except 10 times worse.

No sane producer in the world is going to think that their product is perfect. That's not the issue here - the issue is how artists striving for perfection, or ridiculously high standards, often end up hurting their own works because they can't let go, and they're essentially at one point or another just wasting time and resources on nit-picking non-essentials that nobody but they will really care about.

Bottom line, if Tabata and the team are not satisfied with the product, what makes you think we would be? Better delay a good game then not release it at all.

I don't know - Perhaps I don't form my opinions on the basis of Tabata for one?
He's not an authority on what I like or don't like - and as far as I know, he hasn't made a single game for SE that I consider above mediocre, and so I have no reason to assume that what he considers "good enough" is going to be consistent with what I think in either case.

Secondly, false dichotomy.
Why are pitting delay against non-release? This is the exact opposite thing of what Tasha and I was talking about - namely how perfectionists often keep on delaying and delaying stuff until it is never release, or released with more problems as a result of the messy development that followed from all the delaying and nit-picking.

Anyways, Lith - sorry for this, but it's time for me to rant and rave for a moment. This is not a rant aimed at you, so this is where my post ceases to be a reply to you.
Rather this a rant provoked by SE and people who back-peddle on their behalf in regards to the development of FFXV :

We don't really know why FFXV is being delayed. Again, for all we know, this is just strategical PR bullshit meant to time the release of FFXV with the Neo in order to earn Sony and SE more money.

For all we know, Tabata noticed that there's a 5 frame drop during some of the summon animations and just really reeeaaally wanted to fix that.

My issue with the former is that it's disingenuous and exploitative.
My issue with the latter is that, as I said, there is no such thing as perfect, and if you start combing your game for slight frame-drops, slightly under-ressed graphical assets, under-efficient code, clipping bugs etc. then you're literally never going to finish - in which case Tabata is just wasting our time sifting though sand because of his own nerves connected to the release of the game.

And while that's understandable, because if the game flops (which it probably won't do in either case granted all the hype) his ass will be fired faster than he can say "please be excited", at the end of the day, the consumers and fans shouldn't be punished for that.
Being prepared to face that pressure is something any and all producers and directors need to be as they take on a project like this to begin with.
It's a minimum requirement, and so SE and Tabata aren't getting any good will from me on this.

They've spent more than enough time on this game - or any game for that matter - the vast majority of which was a complete waste due to horrible mismanagement at an almost unheard of level (the only comparable instance that comes to mind is Duke Nukem Forever) - and now they keep inundating us with a bunch of spin-off trinket bullshit whilst further delaying the core experience which is already long long looooooong overdue - on top of which we have little reason, if any, to think that there's actually going to be much meaningful difference as a result.

No - as much as I look forward to playing this game - and as much as I think it will be a relatively good, if not great game - SE does not deserve any good-will in regards to how this project has been handled.
It's been an utter catastrophe, and people need to call them out for this bullshit unless they want SE to keep on flushing time and resources down the shitter, and then punishing the consumers for it by bugging down everything they make with a metric-shit-ton of spin-off trinket bullshit, multiple different versions of the same game, and tons of paid DLC.

We have the FFVIIR down the pipe-line - probably the most asked for and awaited FF game of all time - and how they handle that, how it turns out etc. is probably going to be largely shaped by the development process and reception of XV.
There's nothing wrong with stomping on SE for their handling of this game.
In fact, it needs to happen - regardless of how well it turns out as a game - because SE needs to realize that this shit is unacceptable.

I'm of half a mind to not buy the game just to make a statement, and it pisses me the hell off that at the end of the day, I'm probably going to buy it simply because the game itself looks great and I tend to separate art from its authorship.
SE has also put me in the uncomfortable position of almost having to buy it to ensure the future of the franchise simply because they've fucked it up.
It pisses me off because in buying it, I'll end up silently endorsing the game, and SE might not realize the distinction between me buying the game, and someone else who just doesn't care.

However, FF is a franchise, and it's a franchise that's being overseen and owned by SE, and so if we care about the franchise it behooves us to be frank about how they're treating it.
They're not treating it well, and they're not treating its fans well, and have not for years and years.
It seems that they're trying to turn it around - but if they're going to make it, they need honest feed-back, and that will only come from fans capable of critically evaluating the stuff they do, not just blindly eating up the shit they sometimes try to spoon-feed us.
FFXV's development cycle has been shit. It cannot be justified, end of story - and the recent delay just runs that home even further.

Even if we grant that Tabata miraculously drastically improves something about the game in this period of delay, that doesn't change the fact that they've already had so much time on their hands, that whatever those issues are, they shouldn't even be there to begin with.
A game that's been this long in development should be so fucking perfect at this point that I can put the disk in an oven-toaster and it'll spit out diamonds.

If it isn't that perfect, then how about this SE? How about you don't waste millions and millions of dollar on a feature length film, an anime, and a mobile game, and instead use that cash to hire more people to work on the fucking game?
No, Tabata and SE, you're not getting shit from me at this point.
This game should've been out several years before yesteryear, and the fact that you're still delaying it at this point is emblematic of only one fact -
You're shit at planning, and you need to restructure your fucking company and start firing some people, and then hiring some new.

I'll do my part by not spending any money on FFXV except what it costs to buy the very cheapest box edition of the game, and nothing else what so ever. That's what you get from me SE.
I didn't wait 20 years for a box of trinkets and a feature film, or a bunch of additional content (that by any standard should be in the fucking game from day 1).
I waited for a god damn game. That's it.

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Tasha and hian:

You two realize that Square Enix has A LOT riding on this game and everything surrounding it right? This could likely do serious damage to the company and impact the future of any more FF games if the end product is not where they want it to be.

XII is one of my favorites, and the executive producer of the game even admitted that they thought the end product was not 'perfect', and it looks to me like you both are overanalyzing the word.

Bottom line, if Tabata and the team are not satisfied with the product, what makes you think we would be? Better delay a good game then not release it at all.

If I may quote Auron in X, "Hurry up and wait."

People were already tired waiting on this game's laboured development cycle before SE decided that it was a good idea to make this a mainline Final Fantasy. They choose to put themselves in this exact position.


Pro Adventurer
I'll do my part by not spending any money on FFXV except what it costs to buy the very cheapest box edition of the game, and nothing else what so ever. That's what you get from me SE.
I didn't wait 20 years for a box of trinkets and a feature film, or a bunch of additional content (that by any standard should be in the fucking game from day 1).
I waited for a god damn game. That's it.

Amen to this.


Where's all the "perfect" chat coming from? The impression I got from the video is that they're delaying it because they don't want the stability of the build and some last minute additional content to rely on a huge day-one patch.

That is of course, bullshit. But that's the official line and it's at least an admirable goal on paper to not want people without good internet access to be able to play the same version of the game as everyone else.

As a person with good internet access, I want the game on its original release date. As a person who believes that's just an excuse to appease people who'll believe it, I'm happy they're taking the time to make it more stable in any scenario, if annoyed by the delay.


Pro Adventurer
Tasha and hian:

You two realize that Square Enix has A LOT riding on this game and everything surrounding it right? This could likely do serious damage to the company and impact the future of any more FF games if the end product is not where they want it to be.

XII is one of my favorites, and the executive producer of the game even admitted that they thought the end product was not 'perfect', and it looks to me like you both are overanalyzing the word.

Bottom line, if Tabata and the team are not satisfied with the product, what makes you think we would be? Better delay a good game then not release it at all.

If I may quote Auron in X, "Hurry up and wait."

People were already tired waiting on this game's laboured development cycle before SE decided that it was a good idea to make this a mainline Final Fantasy. They choose to put themselves in this exact position.

Well no one is denying that Square didn't put themselves in this position. It seemed like they took on too much from the start, announcing the Fabula Nova Crystallis compilation, with XIII, Versus, and Agito, then making XIII into a trilogy and turning Agito into Type-0 and everything else they have in development...

Final Fantasy XV has only been 'Final Fantasy XV' since 2013. While it retains the bulk of what has made it identifiable to us over the past 10 years, they still gave it a complete overhaul. So in reality, we actually haven't been waiting 10 years for 'Final Fantasy XV'. I'm not trying to be politically correct asshole here, but come on.

I was in highschool when this game was announced and I've managed not to lose my shit for 10 years. I understand all of the frustration, but it's not the end of the damn world. To my knowledge, none of us here work for Square, so the only things we know about the development of this project is what's been made public. Let them polish up the damn game and stop throwing a tantrum and assuming every game after XV isn't going to be released on time.


Double Growth
Yeah. I don't have nearly as much riding on this as SE or, evidently, hian and tasha do. The Ultimate edition NEVER seemed worth it to me so I have nothing to back out on. And I have a colossal list of games to get through.

In short, smeh. I can definitely sympathize with Lex for having requested off work, but other than's two months. :whatever:


Yeah and like even then, I don't care that much XD. The most annoying thing was looking forward to having the time off to play it and being inconvenienced into looking like a flake by making those arrangements then going "oh btw boss don't need those days off now" lol.

My stupid friend has a stupid long weekend for her stupid anniversary on the week the 29th falls on, so I can't get that whole week off, but I'll work something out. I don't want to take like 3 days off out of a week because then I'm using days and not getting a long stretch off work, which sucks.


Pro Adventurer
Let them polish up the damn game and stop throwing a tantrum and assuming every game after XV isn't going to be released on time.
Moreover, Square-Enix has been consistently releasing (FF and non FF games) games on time betwen the past 10 years.

How many of those games had the future of the company riding on it? How many of those games have a movie, a free anime, two side games, collaborations with companies such as Audi and ROEN, and a music collaboration with a renowned singer like Florence Welch?

Square doesn't have to be like Ubisoft, where they release games every year and then have to patch the frack out of due to bugs. I'd rather have them take their time and make a masterpiece than pump a mediocre piece of crap I'll forget about by next year. We are not entitled to receive FF or non FF games by such and such date. It's done when Square says it's done.


To be honest, I respect the decision to get the game as polished as possible. I hate the trend of "fix it in post" and even day 1 patches.

...that being said, I bet my ass there's still totally gonna be a day one patch :wackymonster:


This delay suits me just fine. Now it's supposed to be coming out on a day where I won't have work both then and the next three days :P

In essence, I couldn't care about how the rest of you might be suffering :monster:
(Ah no, I do really, but personally I'm cool with the delay)


Eyes of the Lord
How many of those games had the future of the company riding on it? How many of those games have a movie, a free anime, two side games, collaborations with companies such as Audi and ROEN, and a music collaboration with a renowned singer like Florence Welch?
I can say that FFXIV 1.0 had S.E and the franchise on the edge as well as its ARR reboot.


Whole bunch of screenshots:



Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Well, personally I'm still with Hian on this one. I mean, seriously. Why does everyone always want to make things 'pitch perfect'?

Hian said this twice, and I will say it again. There's no such thing as perfect. You just have to cope with what you've got and what you've done. The one day Patch thing sounds ridiculous and polishing the game just one month before the original release date is beyond the joke.

I mean, in my prespective, the game's fine as it is now. There's no need to polish it. If anything, it'll just end up all smugey and water-coloured like the Remaster PS4 version of Type-0's gameplay all over again.


Higher Further Faster

Ha! Is this supposed to be them in disguise? Notice how Noctis is the only one with a hat, trying to hide his face. I suppose he would be the most recognizable.

This tickles me.

This delay suits me just fine. Now it's supposed to be coming out on a day where I won't have work both then and the next three days :P

In essence, I couldn't care about how the rest of you might be suffering :monster:
(Ah no, I do really, but personally I'm cool with the delay)

This is the best response to this whole fiasco. :monster:
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Pro Adventurer
Those honestly look pretty bad. The anti-aliasing in particular is terrible - this image shows it pretty well, I think. I know screenshots don't always do games justice but considering those were "delivered" by SE, you'd think they'd choose good ones.

Edit: the screenshots are from the video Lulcielid shared earlier, and they're not any better there. Have the graphics been turned down to improve the frame rate and stability on the PS4, I wonder?

FINAL FANTASY XV opening hour
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