[Game Complete] Pushing It to the Thirteenth Hour: My Step by Step Impressions of Final Fantasy XIII.

Celes Chere

I can't help but laugh when someone that hasn't even played the damn game is trying to offer criticism of it.

I think it's just as funny as people obsessing over the game before it even comes out. :monster:

Like, I see people saying things like: "Oh, Lightning is the shit! She's my favorite character!!!" What if you play the game, and she just ends up sucking ASS? O.o Anyway, I hated Lightning before the game, and I still hate her. I think she has a stick up her ass. :awesome:

If you pause during a cutscene, you're presented with the option of skipping it.


Vanille is still really irritating though.

Are you kidding me? She's so sweet and cute. ;O; She kind of reminds me of Selphie. Then again, most people hate Selphie because she's 'annoying'. :monster:

is FFXIII worth 60 bucks

No way. OwO It is worth stealing from a friend, though. :awesome:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Are you kidding me? She's so sweet and cute.

Yeah, she would be sweet and cute if she was in an anime for children. In a game like this where most of the characters do a pretty good job of acting their age (adults) and acting appropriate to the situation, Vanille acts like a dunce.

I guess I'm used to western games where grown women act like grown women.

Next post will be the next update.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Update #11: 29 Hours, 16 Minutes

It's been a while, I know. The reason why I haven't updated this for a while is because there really hasn't been much going on. In terms of gameplay, the game doesn't throw many curveballs at you, at least not so far. It's still DUNGEON/CUTSCENE/DUNGEON/CUTSCENE/DUNGEON/CUTSCENE. That's literally all I'm doing. If you're like Hito, I guess you won't mind this, but this game is very combat and cutscene centric. That's all you so far. Ever.

Most Final Fantasies as I look in retrospect, have a 'turning point' in the game, where the game expands on the gameplay and offers new paths. Marks in FFXII, Blitzball, the Card Games, Chocobo Hot and Cold, Chocobo breeding, etc etc. Something that the gameplay has to distract you a little bit. FFXIII doesn't have that, sadly.

Even the Upgrade system wasn't what I thought it would be. Let me explain what it is. In this game there are only weapons and accessories. Throughout the game you find items like Fangs, or wiring, or scales, or whatever, that you apply to your equipment and it gets it EXP. Enough EXP and your equipment 'upgrades' another level. You can also dismantle equipment as well to get components. There's a lot of good items to be had, but the game discourages you from really messing around with it for a few reasons.

One, it takes too damn much to upgrade. I don't want to have to pump my Star Pendant with 50 Behemoth Fangs (that I had to fight 50 Behemoths for) or whatever just to give it 500 EXP out it the 1000 it needs to level up to LVL 2. Diminishing returns, big time. Two, upgrading ain't really worth shit on the lower levels. Yay, I spent 2 in hours to upgrade a 50+ Magic Ring to a 52+ Magic Ring. Delicious. Three, it's fucking expensive. You can buy upgrade ingredients in stores, but when shit costs 500 gil and you don't get Gil from fights (you're always pretty much poor in this game), you think twice.

So the game discourages you from experimenting because upgrading doesn't seem to be worth the costs of finite items. However, I am to understand you get the best shit through upgrading, so we'll see.

The battles are really getting tough. If you want challenging, you got it. The amount of points I need to advance my characters has shot up into space, and it takes a lot of training to get pumped up for a boss fight. On the upside, I CAN select my characters at will now.

That's the gameplay so far. As for the story? The story seems to be...falling over itself a little. Not to say that it's not good, it's pretty good. It just seems to be, I dunno...I can't find the right word for it. It just doesn't really seem like it knows where it wants to go. It's not really convoluted or unnecessarily complex, it's just...it doesn't really seem like it knows where it wants to go. Not...concise? I guess?

The characters are still the shining point of this game, through. Snow is still retarded, but even Vanille and Hope have cleaned up their act, and they're neither childish, or a pussy, respectively, anymore. Sazh remains my favorite character, and Lightning and Fang do their jobs of keeping everyone on task and not bullshitting.

I just got to Gran Pulse. I hear things really heat up here. We'll see!

Also, to whoever said this game isn't as linear as FFX: dead wrong.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Loving your input, Mog.

A few of your reactions I'd like to ask you about:

1) What did you think of Jihl's use in the game?
The fact that the party didn't even have to fight her annoyed me. Couldn't she have fought, lost and then gotten blasted?

What was your reaction to seeing Yaag Rosch alive?

3) Thoughts on Cid?

Shouldn't the Lindblum have offered an opportunity to be a "town"? As a large place the team could freely explore while talking to people who weren't going to spray machine gun fire in their faces for being l'Cie, it's disappointing that they get a fucking hallway to walk in. The development crew could have at least shot for something like what the Shiera chapter did in Dirge of Cerberus -- and considering that both games had the same director, I'm sorely disappointed that he failed to implement this

5) What did you think of scenes like
Sazh choosing not to shoot Vanille because "Lot of things can be excused. Shooting kids ain't one," Snow saving Hope, and Hope defending Snow?

6) Not just in terms of the pacing and variety of activities available, but do you ever feel like there's just too many fucking battles?

7) Least favorite thing so far?

8) Most favorite thing so far?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
1) She seems really understated. She could have been so much more, and I thought she was going to be, from the trailers and all that. I thought she was going to be sort of like a more antagonistic Beatrix, but as a character, she was little more than a plot device. A bit disappointing.

2) Weird, to say the least. Considering my thoughts on the characters besides the main ones (see below), I thought he had kicked the bucket for good.

3) Honestly, he just seemed like a regular ass character with the name 'Cid' tacked on. Besides for his affiliation with the Lindblum, he didn't really seem to have that 'Cid' atmosphere going on with him. As a character himself? He served his purpose.

Absolutely. I thought the exact same thing. What a damn shame!

5) Yeah, I think it was pretty cool. It's really great seeing the characters interact and grow closer.

6) Every day of my life, dude.


Yes, in all Final Fantasies, the plot is always from Point A to Point B. The main plot always takes you the same path, but the difference is that there are always distractions for you to take, even if its just for a little while, or sometimes it's something that you have to keep your eyes open for during the whole duration of the game (like Chocobo Hot and Cold, or the Card Game in FFVIII) You always have a break in the action to pursue something else until you feel like continuing on with the plot. In this game? Not so much.

I even made a graph. FFXIII is on the left, and you can extrapolate the graph on the right to some other FF, like FFVI, or FFXII, or FFIX. Hell, you can assume the graph on the right are most other RPGs, period.


Of course, this is a general graph displaying the overall mood of the whole game. I understand there are sidequests (like FFXII's Hunts) near the end of the game, but it's too far into the game to really effect the general mood.

8) The graphics and the presentation of the characters, definitely.
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Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
Is it just me or did they
greatly diminish Lightning's character in the second half of the game. The first half of the game she's portrayed as hot-tempered, moody, and border line nihilistic. Between punching teammates, flat out leaving other party members in the dust, and generally holding a negative Nancy world view, I was in love with that bad ass warrior woman. Then about the time Shinji-ass Hope starts on his emo-quest she goes soft, to IMO terrible effect. Awkwardly hugging young boys? Apologizing? Being nice to Snow? Some people call this character development, but I call it heart break. :(


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
What did you think about the soundtrack? I am listening to it now and I must say I like it. I am a keen lover of Game music, and Masashi Hamauzu is a very good composer (I knew XIII would have a great OST when I saw his name in the line up). There is a definate FFX feeling about a few tracks. He does battle themes very well, Saber's Edge is very good.

If there is 1 thing I can take away from this game, despite the fact I will probably never play it, it is this :)

btw, enjoying your reviews of the game Mog
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Is it just me or did they
greatly diminish Lightning's character in the second half of the game. The first half of the game she's portrayed as hot-tempered, moody, and border line nihilistic. Between punching teammates, flat out leaving other party members in the dust, and generally holding a negative Nancy world view, I was in love with that bad ass warrior woman. Then about the time Shinji-ass Hope starts on his emo-quest she goes soft, to IMO terrible effect. Awkwardly hugging young boys? Apologizing? Being nice to Snow? Some people call this character development, but I call it heart break. :(

(spoilers pertain to Lightning's general character development, if you're interested in braving the spoiler)

That wasn't so bad, I think. The issue is when character development overrides the original character she was in the first place. She still could have been a Hope hugging, apologizing, treating Snow as an equal, etc, while still being a badass warrior woman. Keep in mind, she had to soften up a little, because I would imagine everyone else would take her shit for only so long.

What did you think about the soundtrack? I am listening to it now and I must say I like it. I am a keen lover of Game music, and Masashi Hamauzu is a very good composer (I knew 13 would have a great OST when I saw his name in the line up). There is a definate FFX feeling about a few tracks. He does battle themes very well, Saber's Edge is very good.

If there is 1 thing I can take away from this game, despite the fact I will probably never play it, it is this :)

btw, enjoying your reviews of the game Mog

I actually couldn't hear the music very well. It's very atmospheric, but as a consequence, doesn't always stand out. The battle music is well done, though.
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Also, I have to say, the boss battle vs. the Havok Skytank was fucking nuts. Fighting a fucking fighter airship over the nightview of the city with its searchlights all over your face, and the crew yelling shit like "SURRENDER NOW" and "YOU ARE SURROUNDED" over its loudspeakers was definitely one of the most epic fights of the series. I give FFXIII props for that.
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Also, I have to say, the boss battle vs. the Havok Skytank was fucking nuts. Fighting a fucking fighter airship over the nightview of the city with its searchlights all over your face, and the crew yelling shit like "SURRENDER NOW" and "YOU ARE SURROUNDED" over its loudspeakers was definitely one of the most epic fights of the series. I give FFXIII props for that.

Dude, I just got past that. Yeah, that was pretty cool. :awesome:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Just by the way Mog, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your frank look at the game. You have seriously taken everything in the game as it comes, complaining about its faults, but not afraid to give credit where credit is due either.

Concur with this statement. I've been wondering whether to get it yet, and most review/opinions I've read have been either love or hate. You've given it an honest & fair review as you've played it.

Sounds to me like the lack of towns/respite from battles will annoy the hell out of me but the tactics for the challenging later battles will make it worth getting.

How’s the story/characters?
Or put another way; after 20 plus hours of playing I’m I going to care what happens to the characters enough to keep playing? :huh:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Also, I have to say, the boss battle vs. the Havok Skytank was fucking nuts. Fighting a fucking fighter airship over the nightview of the city with its searchlights all over your face, and the crew yelling shit like "SURRENDER NOW" and "YOU ARE SURROUNDED" over its loudspeakers was definitely one of the most epic fights of the series. I give FFXIII props for that.

That bit reminded me of the helicopter fight in the elevator(how the hell does that work anyway) in FF7, except you know, cooler.
How’s the story/characters?
Or put another way; after 20 plus hours of playing I’m I going to care what happens to the characters enough to keep playing?

There's absolutely no way to answer accurately since how you like the characters varies from person to person. Ask someone who has pretty much the same taste you do.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
That bit reminded me of the helicopter fight in the elevator(how the hell does that work anyway) in FF7, except you know, cooler.

Yeah, it was definitely awesome!

There's absolutely no way to answer accurately since how you like the characters varies from person to person. Ask someone who has pretty much the same taste you do.

Yeah, this. However, I've tried to be as objective on the story and characters as possible in my thoughts. I do believe that objective commentatary on a plot and characters is possible, but personal taste plays into the other 50%.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I have to say, Sazh is pretty awesome. There's something refreshingly normal about him.

I'd agree and say he was the best character in the game if I could get over how stupid he looks.

It's like Reddas in FFXII, he's so cool, smooth and badass. Then you see he's wearing clown pants and has out of this world sideburns with a squeaky clean head.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'd agree and say he was the best character in the game if I could get over how stupid he looks.

It's like Reddas in FFXII, he's so cool, smooth and badass. Then you see he's wearing clown pants and has out of this world sideburns with a squeaky clean head.

Those sideburns were pretty fucking awesome, dude.

And what's wrong with bald people?! :@

Alex Strife

I agree, Sahz was great. At the start I didn't care too much for him, even though I knew his background and all, but you know, as the game progressed, I really took a liking for his character! He's just... well, he's greatly normal.

Also, the fact that the game is linear adds a specific feeling. Most of the time, the game feels like you never get a break, which is pretty much what happens to the characters; so in a way it feels as if Square wanted us players to "SORT OF" experience that feeling of non-stop fighting.

I do think it could have been better if it was less linear, but (yet another time) I will have to say that I'm liking the game a lot more than I thought I would. Sure, there are things that could have been done better, like for example, there are certain characters that appear less than I thought they would, but I'm satisfied.

Oh, and the OST is good. Sometimes it's too "environmental/backfround music" so it doesn't stand out much, but in general it's good, there are some seriously good pieces; generally those that revolve around the main FFXIII theme and the "Standard combat theme".
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Double Growth
What really helps Sazh too is his voice actor. I don't know who he is but he freaking nailed it. Blows his japanese voice out of the water too.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
IDK, in my opinion, Hope has the weirdest looking outfit of them all. He has that weird bandana, the clashing yellow cowboy shirt and orange poncho, and a pair of green pants. Clashes all to hell, vaguely like Aerith's red and pink ensemble. Sazh just has a green overcoat and an afro. Hell, he looks normal compared to Hope or Vanille.

Celes Chere

Buh buh... I like how Hope looks. I love his shoes, and I want them. :awesome: His bandana is cute. ;o; His outfit does seem random though, like he fell into his closet and just walked out with whatever got stuck to him. XD

I like all of the clothing designs in FFXIII. I was surprised that I didn't dislike any of them. They all seem to match their characters too, I'm not really sure how... but they just... FIT. X-X

The only outfit that REALLY bothers me is Tidus's retarded half pant half shorts. They bug the HELL out of me.
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