Game of Thrones


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The Penny Arcade forum thrad, from which I have been ganking a number of these images and other lulz, has a series of ASoIaF-themed parodies of film names etc. which are fucking brilliant. It starts here.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V







I intend to adjust the frame rate of a few of these after I figure out how to adjust frame rates in GIMP without copying all frames to a new image one-by-one. (I did it for the first one and it was too much of a pain in the arse for me to bother doing it for the others that need it; also, I'm afraid it may have degraded the picture quality slightly since I'm not sure how to get GIMP to recognise the exact 256-colour set of colours for an image in indexed colour). The direwolf one has been added :direwolf3: and the Pedobear one as :pedofinger:; let me know if you want any others.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V






Probably a bit redundant, but whatever. I will gladly add any and all of these people want as emoticons; I refrained from uploading them all tonight because I'm not sure which ones people would actually use.

Also I can't remember whether this was poasted or not but the actor who plays Sansa has adopted the dog who plays Lady. So that story, at least in real life, has a happy ending.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
So many amazing images here I can't even begin listing them all. I'll probably add a bunch more emoticons tomorrow after work.


Fuck off with the dog gifs, :monster:.

Pedobear gif is win, and will most definitely be a recurring thing. I hope, :monster:.

And off course, so is the Ed / Jaime thing.

And off course,

Of Thrones and Hodor
O' Hodor Where Art Thou?
Maester Qyburn, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love The Mountain
Dial H For Hodor.
Medal of Hodor
Inglorious Bastard
The Man Who Knew Nothing, Jon Snow
Fear and Loathing in King's Landing.

win :monster:



Win! :monster:.

Also, if that ain't a pedo smile, I don't know what is.

Last episode was pretty win. A few remarks.

One: Lysa's batshit insane, as is his kid. Good acting / actors on that one, :monster:.

Two: Awesome sceneries in this episode.

Loras shaving Renly's chest? What the fuck? Did I miss something painfully obvious from the books, or did they just fabricate that in there to get a gay sex scene in there? I mean, I knew Loras was a fag, but a gay fag? :/.

Four: VIOLENCE! DEATH! :monster:.

Five: Some excellent conversation scenes in here too. Robert v.s. his wife in particular stands out from the rest. As does
Robert v.s. his breastplate
, :monster:.

Six: Swordfighting choreography's rather shitty though, but that's probably because I attended one swordfighting class back when, :monster:. Hollywood swordfighting involves lots of arcing swords with a goal of hitting each other's swords a lot, it seems. 'Course,
a dagger in the eye's quite a lot more effective.

Seven: Hm, no Dany scene. Oh well, they still seem rather unnatural to me - in part due to the surroundings, I've always pictured the location to be more desert / savannah-y, whilst in the TV shows it looks... well, overcast, most of the time. This would make sense, of course, considering it was shot during the winter, :monster:.

Eight: Really seeing where they're going with the leader now, a good method of integrating the mandatory fantasy novel map into the TV series and letting people know where lies what.


Fire and Blood
Loras shaving Renly's chest? What the fuck? Did I miss something painfully obvious from the books, or did they just fabricate that in there to get a gay sex scene in there? I mean, I knew Loras was a fag, but a gay fag? :/.

Yeah you missed that. It was subtly said in the books and confirmed by Martin later. Renly and Loras were an item, which makes (spoilers for later books)
Cersei's suspicions about whether Renly already took Margaery or how she had to go at it with Loras like her and Jaime extremly hilarious.
. Of course, there was no shaving scene in the books though and you're not the only one who didn't pick up that they were very gay and definitely together: a lot of readers missed it.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Episode 6 was the best episode yet.
Viserys' crowning
and the duel were even more effective than I expected them to be. The added scene with
Viserys attempting to steal Dany's eggs was also a nice touch



Episode 7 is now available to stream on HBO Go, but as not everyone is able to view it yet, please tag spoilers from it until it airs on HBO proper next week.


The pimpslap is strong in that one.

:monster: Great episode. I also like how they finally
turned Sansa into a swoony cunt
, I remember that happening a lot earlier in the books (as in, right from the start).

They missed a chance to drop an
-bomb though. I am disappoint.


Fire and Blood
BTW for those who don't read the books, don't watch the ep7. It'll be a killer for those who don't know what's going to happen ;)

And yeah, Cthulhu, it was about damn time this arrived. I was like "WTH" while watching her earlier scenes >__>'

Also Tyrion. ILU.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I'm glad I can join the fray now! I'm going to update as I watch.

First of all, the flow of this episode is really wonderful. They move between the different locations and storylines with total ease. The feeling of crescendo is building really well.

Some of the best quotes in the series are so far in this episode. ("I'll wear it like a badge of honour." "Wear it in silence or I'll honour you again.") I go between hating and loving Robert. Hitting his wife is, obviously, deplorable, but it's one of the ways in which the world actually feels medieval and avoids that "err'body is 'Merican" trope that befalls so many unfortunate shows and movies. With the exception of Arya (and she does it well) nobody has that whole "I'm modern" thing that ruins immersion.

I think they're developing the Khaal nicely with some silent storytelling. I'm getting that sense of gentleness that people talk about in the books. I never read the books so I had to take their word for it that he's not a generic tribal thug. I'm coming around to him now. It's a shame he doesn't get more dialogue, but from where I'm sitting I prefer the screentime allotted to the other characters. (Tyrion!!)

The Lannister kid (Lancel?) reminds me of Edward from FFIV. Idiot.

HOLY COW SHIT JUST GOT SO REAL what are you thinking Ned!? This kind of thing makes me think that he's being played. That the Lannisters, the Starks, everyone is being played. Thanks a lot, Final Fantasy Tactics.

Trial by combat seems a little barbaric for Westeros...

Aww Ras/Greyjoy.

Sansa is an idiot. "I don't want someone brave and gentle and strong I want him!" (Arya: "LOL") And A-ha! No wonder Joffrey's such a tosser, he's an incest baby!


Is there a way that we can get Episode 7 outside of the US? Is there some wizard that can rip it off of the HBO website?
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V


Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Did Osha remind anyone else of the actress who plays Tonks in the HP movies?

crowning moment of...well, crowning,
was just as satisfying as it was in the books.

Arya's LOL face/Ned trying not to laugh when Sansa went off on her TWU WUV speel made me lol.
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