Game of Thrones


Great Old One
Okay according to bf I m past the biggest stuff in Book 3 now so I'll take my chances. But I'm gonna encourage people to be clever about their spoiler tags when it comes to Book 4 and 5 :monster:

I am a bit disappoint though.
No thlobbering or mention of thappireth. The fellow in the book was much moar comic relief, :monster:.
Yeah I was so disappointed about him not being there - he was a source of many a lols in the book :lol: But maybe it just wouldn't be as funny in the show. I dunno. Maybe they're saving him for later too, like they did with Jojen and Meera.

Speaking of which, they cast Jojen SO RIGHT. Meera maybe not so much, I imagined her a bit more like the actress playing Ygritte, actually. But, she's the physical part of their duo, so I guess her actress makes sense. She's supposed to be older than Bran, but I think she just looks a bit too old. I dunno.

In the book Bran really likes Meera and to me it seems like he's having a slight crush on her.

I guess they could also stress the importance of that hand a bit moar.
Well they sorta demonstrated how good a swordsman Jaime is, with Brienne. Maybe not that much, but still. I'm betting there'll be more of that later, as I have a feeling losing that hand will mean a major character change for Jaime. It's like Spike and his chip implant. He'll be forced to focus on different sides of his personality.

...which his falling out with Tywin is a good example of.

The little we see of Dany in this episode is nice. I can't wait for the scene where she takes over Astapor!!

I really like what they're doing with Shae's character. The actress playing her is really really good. Shae always struck me as a bit one dimensional in the books - really cool, but one dimensional. I always wonder if she has an agenda. Which she just as well might, but if she doesn't, the show portrays better what the deal with her is. She actually really likes Tyrion. (And if she doesn't... well played.)


Great Old One
Also, sorry for the double post but I just have to get this off my chest




...that is all. *crawls back into hiding in shame*


I do quite hope they'll cut off his hair and make his beard even bigger in the TV show, :monster:

Also keep reading book 3, imho, before someone makes remarks about the stuff you wrote before you finish the book, :monster:.

I quite like the actors for Jojen / Meera, Jojen the betterer. They could've / should've introduced them earlier though. But eh, they saved it nicely in this season.

btw, what are they doing with Greyjoy? Wasn't he supposed to have half his feet cut off and fingers removed and destroyed completely into a Gollum-like servant wretch? Or maybe I'm being too far ahead of myself here.


Chloe Frazer
What Yop said Fangu. I suspect you haven't reach my spoilers so finish the book so nothing is spoiled for you.




Fiat Lux
D&D are clearly dicks who hate Stannis. Didn't one of them actually say in an interview that Stannis would be a "terrible king"? Get that shit out of here.

That scene where he was dry-humping Melisandre on the beach was a major bitchslap against the character. Not a great fan of Stephen Dillane as Stannis anyway (Mark Strong ftw!) but the writing & direction there was dreadful. Looked like something that should've been left on the cutting room floor.


Fiat Lux
btw, what are they doing with Greyjoy? Wasn't he supposed to have half his feet cut off and fingers removed and destroyed completely into a Gollum-like servant wretch? Or maybe I'm being too far ahead of myself here.

Theon's fate wasn't revealed until ADWD (the fifth book). Since they skipped the 'Reek' storyline in S2, it seems they're doing their own take on it this time. Ramsay "rescues" Theon (it's all a set-up) to earn his trust before he decides to break him. Wasn't Theon castrated in the books, too?


Theon's fate wasn't revealed until ADWD (the fifth book). Since they skipped the 'Reek' storyline in S2, it seems they're doing their own take on it this time. Ramsay "rescues" Theon (it's all a set-up) to earn his trust before he decides to break him. Wasn't Theon castrated in the books, too?

That was Ramsay? Ah okay, things make more sense now, :monster:
. I do admit to having trouble identifying new characters unless they explicitly state their name and some background, like in the books. I first imagined they'd start every 'chapter' in the TV series with a name tag showing whose chapter it was, or something. But it's fine as it is now, the locations and characters make it clear enough what storyline is in what scene.


Chloe Frazer
I loved the ending of tonight's episode,
Daenerys revealing she knows Valyrian, killing Kraznys with her dragon and freeing the slave soldiers, it was awesome.

From next week's promo -
It seems like the cave scene is coming up. :awesome:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I loved the ending of tonight's episode,
Daenerys revealing she knows Valyrian, killing Kraznys with her dragon and freeing the slave soldiers, it was awesome.

My absolute favorite part about Danaerys' story arc since it shows she can be just as shrewd and cunning a leader when she puts her mind to it, and in the books the last badass thing she did since after that
she gets bogged down in politics and it honestly starts to get dry as fuck >:


Chloe Frazer
Forgot to mention the scene with Olenna and Varys was full of win. Olenna is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.


Just think: next week
we might find out whether Coldhands is Benjen Stark.

I wouldn't be too sure, I'm pretty sure they could
chuck a deer head on his head and make him unrecognizable. Pretty sure they wouldn't spoil anything that hasn't been in the books.
Then again, :awesome:

Yeah, pretty awesome episode, epic dialogs and shit. Varys is a boss. Dickless, but a boss :awesome:


wangxian married
i just wanted to say that olenna tyrell is the fucking best

tyrell pride for life, motherfuckers


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Olenna Tyrell is indeed a badass. And TV show viewers who haven't read the books don't even know the half of it yet.


Chloe Frazer
From what I heard she's the one that orchestrated Joffrey's death wasn't she?
Last edited:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
The show has been strikingly on form this Season.

It's been alright (much better than S2) but there's still been certain things that bug me. Lack of Strong Belwas, Barristan's relatively lackluster introduction, Sam's odd lack of initiative with the dragonglass (book readers know what I'm talking about) and Bran's segments still being relatively boring as shit imo (although tbf that's probably more to do with the source material not being all that great with it).

Generally just book deviations that detracted from what it could have been if they had included them. Not that all their deviations have detracted from it (a lot of scenes which weren't in the books, I absolutely love) but imo S3 is still falling a tiny bit short of Season 1 brilliance, which was a great bunch of episodes that perfectly encapsulated the first book.

Hopefully with the plot in the near future they'll be able to surpass it by leaps and bounds. :monster:


Chloe Frazer

Oh god the cave scene it happened, I needed a change of panties after that. The lack of John naked was disappointing but the scene was so good and funny with Ygritte being very surprised about John going down on her and then being very intrigued afterwards cause apparently no one had done that to her before.

I'll talk about the rest of the episode once I'm done processing the cave scene. :monster:
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