Game of Thrones


Chloe Frazer


Save your valediction (she/her)
It's not misogynistic unless it promotes violence against women.

Sad. But Ros destroyed Season 2 for me so all I could think of was that we're going to get more screen time with actual characters now.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Another great episode.

I think I got chills most of the time, particularly when we learned Arya was going to "shut the eyes of two men forever". I've grown so used to her being this innocent, little girl who has to survive, but now she's becoming so much more.

Yes, Sansa. Everyone knows about Loras, except you. Stop being so damn naive!

Is it just me who freaks out when Emilia Clarke isn't in the credits by the way? :monster:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
It's Sean Bean, what were you expecting? :monster:

But the reaction was hilarious.


roffle, :monster:

Also woo, download time. Also again, how come nobody's remarked on the latest episode when it aired yesterday? Is this not watched or something? :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I actually haven't watched the latest episode, I'm thinking to stack it up so the momentum towards the finale will not break. I don't mind spoilers though.

The issue I think now is Daenerys' apparent "white savior archetype" which I actually disagree. Cp from my tumblr:

1. She never experienced Westeros so she actually doesn’t impose morality or culture to Essos. As long as she can remember she has not been to that place since she left since she was a baby. So she might have a white skin, but she certainly don’t carry the white culture.
2. The series make sure Westeros is not more civilized than Essos. Yeah, Westeros might have banned slavery, but how they see themselves superior and treat wildings like animals say much about themselves. Both regions rape, pillage, burn, whore and do stuff. Since we get to see Westeros most of them time, we see how noble families tend to be dysfunctional and even do stuff such as incest.
3. Her goal is not actually to free every slave, her ultimate goal is to get the Iron Throne and freeing slaves is actually gathering followers that will help her with her ambition. I do not doubt that she sincerely wants to address those sufferings and do what she thinks is right as she herself stopped the rape of village women by Drogo’s soldiers. But she doesn’t dictate any morality of her race, she just thinks slavery is wrong and she wants to free people.

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
when Jaime was talking to the maester about Brienne i was "now he says he forget something at Harrenhal", then "c'mon, we all now you forget something at Harrenhal" then he said that he forget something at Harrenhal and i was
also, Jaime at the end was fucking awesome.
Jainne is officially OTP now


Save your valediction (she/her)
I had almost, almost forgotten that Robb's wife was not Jeyne Westerling, and then they had that horrible scene with the baby and it was just the worst. But Robb and not!Jeyne's butts are daaamn. Game of Butts.

I must say, though, apart from Robb's plotline, I actually quite like most of the changes they're making to the story. Gendry going to Dragonstone instead of Erdric Storm is great. Shireen teaching Davos how to read instead of his-son-but-not-the-one-that-died is also good. They were extraneous characters anyway, I am glad they're cut. From a story perspective it just makes sense to continue with the characters we know/care about.


I'm still a little butthurt that Jaime's hand wasn't nixed by an arakh, but there are better hills to die on. I don't recall that maester from the books, but it was a while ago.

Osha's monologue came out of fucking nowhere. I mean, she brought it back to being relevant, but it seemed really "and-now-I'll-write-a-monologue" scripty.

Ygritte is just the best. And Tywin.


Chloe Frazer
Oh Ygritte, when I'm watching her is like I'm playing CC for the first time again, I really tried not to get too attached to Zack because he was doomed, I really tried to emotionally prepare myself for his death but that fucker made me fall in love with him and wish he survived. It's the same with Ygritte, every single episode I'm thinking I should emotionally prepare myself for her death, it's gonna happen but she makes me love her more in every new episode she's in and now I'm desperately hoping a miracle happens and she survives even though it's most likely not going to happen. God I'm gonna be a wreck when she dies.


I'm still a little butthurt that Jaime's hand wasn't nixed by an arakh, but there are better hills to die on. I don't recall that maester from the books, but it was a while ago.

Maester Qyburn or something? Could have the wrong name here. He plays a pretty major (and sinister) role later on in the books:
turning The Mountain into some zombie supersoldier and shit, if I read and comprehended that bit properly. For great awesome, :awesome:
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