Game of Thrones


Pro Adventurer

Agree, I loved Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss too and she was the choice of Collins herself, this is the case where a single movie cannot be called "racist" by itself but because of the prevalence of white-washing it becomes problematic. About "white-latinos" I understand the sentiment of too much whiteness in media despite being technically non-white, my country has the same problem.


Pro Adventurer
Double Post,

This has been endorsed by GRRM as the most accurate depiction of the Iron Throne. Art by Mark Simonetti


WHOAH that's like 10 times the size of the TV version! *_*


Chloe Frazer
If I'm being honest it kinda looks ridiculous and I can see why it wasn't made like that in the t.v. version.


But I guess it's about accurate; didn't the book say it was forged out of a thousand swords? The one in the show is... probably 200 tops. Probably less. I'm sure someone counted, :awesome:.


Fiat Lux
If I'm being honest it kinda looks ridiculous

That's kind of the point. It's a massive pile of swords thrown together and melted into a throne. No wonder the thing sent rulers batshit insane. The HBO version looks too polished and mundane by comparison.

Obviously if they budgeted for that in the show they'd have no money left for CGI dragons and boobies.


I must admit, I found the series version of the Iron Throne a bit underwhelming, :monster:. No sharp bits people cut themselves on when they were sitting in it, for one.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Ellaria Sand cast. The actress, Indira Varma, has been on Rome (Niobe), Torchwood (Suzie Costello), and Human Target (Ilsa Pucci) amongst other shows. I haven't seen Rome but I liked her in the latter two. I also didn't realise she played both of those characters until just now because she looked substantially different in each role.


Chloe Frazer
I also remember seeing her on a episode of Bones back when the series was still good, I quite liked her character on that episode.

Ghost X

In scenes of conversation, the least the camera people could do is focus in on the detail of the clothing as they pan around the scene.


Pro Adventurer
BTW I’ve finished the Game of Thrones book

It was good and I’m surprised how accurate the first season is… and I stand that the scenes with the whores are utterly UNNECESSARY and gratuitous. I watched the series and read the books without them and I experienced the story to the fullest.
Characters I like more in the TV show (because of acting mostly)

  • The Lannisters (Tyrion, Cersei, Jaime and Tywin)
  • Joffrey (hate is more accurate)
  • Viserys
  • Khal Drogo
  • Sam Tarley
  • Renly and Robert Baratheon
  • Bronn
  • Littlefinger
Character that I like more in the books

  • Jon Snow :(
Stuff I wish they included

  • Ned, Sansa and Arya having a vigil in the godswoods
  • The battles in detail (no budget LOL)
  • White people in Essos and PoC in Westeros. Doreah is white and it’s racist that they portrayed the Dothraki as an all-brown people. In the tourney for the Hand there are mentions of dark-skinned folks.
  • Jeyne Poole up to King’s Landing
  • Sansa’s thoughts :(


Story on Dinklage, he's apparently the highest-paid actor in GoT, and a rant on dwarfs in acting and shit and how they're usually the comic relief or side-characters. I remember a fantasy movie from back when with a dwarf as the main character (forgot the name), ergo, I disagree.


Do you by chance mean Willow, Yop?

Yesh, that one :monster:. It was weird and creepy as fuck, pretty sure it gave me nightmares first time I watched bits of it involving a three-headed monster coming out of an egg. We actually had a video game for that one at the time, :monster:.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
To be fair, Dinklage did say dwarfs are usually comic relief or side characters, not always :monster:


Save your valediction (she/her)
Before LotR, Willow was pretty much as good as Fantasy got. I still think it's great.
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