Game of Thrones


Chloe Frazer
"The Lion and the Rose" that sounds to me like Joffrey's and Margaery's wedding which would mean Joffrey is going to die very early in the season, sweetness. :monster: Also this is the episode that was written by Martin.


Also this is the episode that was written by Martin.

As it should be, :monster:

Also, Hodor, hodor - hodor? Hodor hodor - hodor - hodor?! Hodor hodor - hodor hodor?! Hodor! Hodor hodor, HODOR hodor, hodor HODOR hodor, hodor hodor; hodor hodor. Hodor. Hodor, hodor... Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor, hodor hodor.

Hodor hodor - hodor, hodor. Hodor hodor hodor! Hodor hodor - hodor - hodor hodor hodor hodor? Hodor, hodor. Hodor. Hodor, hodor, hodor. Hodor HODOR hodor, hodor hodor? Hodor hodor HODOR! Hodor hodor; hodor HODOR hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor... Hodor hodor hodor hodor! Hodor hodor HODOR! Hodor HODOR hodor, hodor hodor hodor hodor... Hodor hodor hodor. Hodor hodor HODOR! Hodor hodor, hodor. Hodor HODOR hodor, hodor hodor - HODOR hodor, hodor hodor, hodor, hodor hodor. Hodor. Hodor hodor - hodor. Hodor.

Hodor hodor; hodor hodor; hodor hodor hodor hodor, hodor. Hodor hodor? Hodor hodor HODOR! Hodor hodor, hodor. Hodor hodor... Hodor hodor HODOR hodor, hodor hodor - hodor. Hodor. Hodor, hodor. Hodor. Hodor, HODOR hodor, hodor hodor, hodor. Hodor hodor? Hodor, hodor. Hodor. Hodor, hodor... Hodor hodor HODOR hodor, hodor hodor... Hodor hodor hodor, hodor, hodor hodor. Hodor! Hodor hodor, hodor - hodor?! Hodor. Hodor hodor hodor - hodor hodor; hodor hodor?

Hodor hodor - hodor - hodor hodor! Hodor! Hodor hodor, hodor... Hodor hodor hodor; hodor hodor hodor! Hodor, hodor. Hodor. Hodor, hodor, hodor. Hodor hodor hodor! Hodor, hodor. Hodor. Hodor, hodor - hodor. Hodor. Hodor hodor HODOR! Hodor hodor, hodor. Hodor hodor; hodor hodor, hodor. Hodor hodor hodor?


which was apparently a try-out for season 1. Guess they didn't go through with it, :monster:

edit: Heterochromatic. Apparently.


Fiat Lux
So they replaced Bronn as Jaime's sparring partner instead of Ilyn Payne? Yeaaah... that doesn't really make sense but no less than I expected.


Fiat Lux
Eh, I guess I can live with it. Although Payne's silent pwnage is moar awesomer, it is known.

Well, leaving aside his ritual humiliation, Jaime also confesses some of his darkest secrets to Payne during their sparring sessions, safe in the knowledge they won't (or rather, can't) be betrayed. That whole dynamic doesn't work at all with Bronn, unless they're planning to radically alter his character from the unscrupulous mercenary who
abandons Tyrion
, which I sincerely doubt. I know the guy playing Ilyn Payne was unfortunately diagnosed with terminal cancer but HBO are no strangers to recasting characters.


I guess part of why I can live with it is that they've changed or plain removed a fuckton of plot shit like that already I don't recognise or remember the originals anymore, so, :monster:


Well, leaving aside his ritual humiliation, Jaime also confesses some of his darkest secrets to Payne during their sparring sessions, safe in the knowledge they won't (or rather, can't) be betrayed. That whole dynamic doesn't work at all with Bronn, unless they're planning to radically alter his character from the unscrupulous mercenary who
abandons Tyrion
, which I sincerely doubt. I know the guy playing Ilyn Payne was unfortunately diagnosed with terminal cancer but HBO are no strangers to recasting characters.

Payne is not irreplacable in his role as Jaime's confidante. But Bronn I'm unsure about. Jaime identified with Payne because they're knights, disgraced tho they maybe. Bronn is still just a merc. If they didn't want to recast Payne, I'd rather they used the new Mountain for this scene or something.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Except that the Mountain is a completely horrible human being in every imaginable way, while Bronn is just untrustworthy. Neither of them works anywhere near as well as Ilyn for the simple reason that the whole reason Jaime even told him anything was that he couldn't tell anyone else.


Except that the Mountain is a completely horrible human being in every imaginable way, while Bronn is just untrustworthy. Neither of them works anywhere near as well as Ilyn for the simple reason that the whole reason Jaime even told him anything was that he couldn't tell anyone else.

Ilyn wouldn't tell. If he truly desired to go to Tywin with this stuff, he could. He might not be able to write much but surely he can draw. Jaime trusted that Payne didn't give a crap.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
That's assuming he can draw anything anyone would be able to puzzle out the meaning of, which, if he can't write, isn't very likely.


That's assuming he can draw anything anyone would be able to puzzle out the meaning of, which, if he can't write, isn't very likely.

Considering their entire culture revolves around identifying their main families through depictions of stags and lions with crowns or no, I disagree. It would take me a minute to come up with a family tree that would make my meaning inmistakeable. And it's not like Payne is a lowranking individual. If he wants to learn how to write, he wouldn't be denied. They'd probably be surprised that it took him this long since he does have duties that require him to give commands and pass along information. Kill people isn't all he does. It ain't like Jaime was planning for Tywin to be out of the picture soon.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Two new promos.

My reaction?


Lord Kesharq

Late night user(coffee!)
Lostlord, Lewisito
sooo looking foward to this, even tho they are pretty different from the books (which iv read up to the new one cos yeah ITS NOT OUT YET!)


We have come to terms
I still need to finish A Dance with Dragons, but am eagerly awaiting the Sunday after next.


We have come to terms
I'm currently rewatching season 3, but would be willing to restream the series if there's interest.
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