Gears of War 3

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
We played a Horde boss wave for Gears 3 and it was awesome.

Love Adri and Bex. :3

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Oh wow, when did kimble know the type of feelings I'll have when I hear Dacon's voice getting pissed off at my feeble attempts to kill grinders? ; . ;

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
lol adri remember the times I tried to snipe grinders? :awesome:

I hope they have an easier hit ratio in 3. There's also berserkers. D:

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
Not sure if I can recall that, Reg. Although, you can snipe them with a shot (or maybe two, max) to the head before wave eleven if you do it right. :monster:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
How many shots required for waves 11 above? I remember trying to snipe them during wave 4-5 ish but thats just bad memory x(


We have come to terms
Okay, so I'm not playing the campaign without three of you coming along for the ride.

And I can only hope that you lot do the same.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Okay, so I'm not playing the campaign without three of you coming along for the ride.

And I can only hope that you lot do the same.

Well that's been the plan all along.

We just need to set up a time for us to get together


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Of course, there's blood and guts and finely-crafted giblets on well-shaded chainsaw blades but we still get a nice PG-13 view of Anya and Marcus holding hands and THAT'S ALL FOLKS


also lol Sam totally likes Dom but you can't really make a move on a recent widower :monster:
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Ok so I finished it last night
I have to admit it, I was pretty dissapointed. Their "big names" such as raven was in it for what 3 scenes and then f'ed off never to be seen again. They explained the lambent and why E-day occured but never explained how the hell the Locust queen is mostly human. They state the locusts invaded Azura......But how? The lambent can't get to Azura because of the maelstrom???? They are giant bloody tendrils that come up through the is this different from the sub making its way to Azura underwater?

Also petty moment but Dom dying. FUCK YOU GAIZ!!!!

Still, it was a good game and I enjoyed it but I guess I just expected more from the plotline considering it's the last gears.


Joe, Arcana
Finished and in reply to Scott
I do have to agree with you on a few points there. Whilst the story structure is quite nice, Gears has never been good at addressing anything specific, and they miss out a lot of details that would otherwise make it flawless. One thing that got me was that in Gears 1 the team didn't even know there was a Queen yet they are well aware of it at the beginning of Gears 2. And by the start of Gears 3 they somehow also know her name?
Also. In Act 4 you go and get fuel from Griffin's tower and spend the first half of that act acquiring it, so that you can use it for the submarine. Then when you find the Submarine you have to then find a Rotor, and then.....fuel. What?
Don't even get me started on the final scene of Act 3, where Dom kicks the bucket. There are sooooo many things wrong with that scene. Even if they weren't looking to make it perfect but instead for it just to make an impact, could have done a lot more.

Also. How the fuck did Anya and co get to Anvil gate only a short while after Delta Squad? Did they also hijack a gas barge and then follow closely behind Delta without being seen? It really ruined the impact of making this massive journey across the wastes to get there.

I'm gonna agree with Scott too. They have this great narrative here with the potential for all these linking factors and hidden information, conspiracy theories etc etc. And what, they just decide not to mention half of it. I know for some things that works, and it is for the player/viewer to leave up to their imagination, but here it fell on it's face. "Oh look here's Gears of War 3. Finally all of us fans of the season can get some answers. Who IS the locust queen? How did Dizzy survive that fight with Skorge and not Thai, a grizzled veteran? What hairstyle does Marcus have under that-- oh wait there's ONE question they answered wooooo."

Great game. Marvellous gameplay. Extremely improved combat system. Fun game modes. Lasting appeal. Great campaign but terrible narrative.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
One thing that got me was that in Gears 1 the team didn't even know there was a Queen yet they are well aware of it at the beginning of Gears 2.

No delta is not aware of it at the beginning of Gears 2. They only find out about her after they kill the Riftworm, and Hoffman tells them about the facility where they may find info about her. Marcus himself comments on this. This all falls into the recurring theme of the COG heads hiding things from their soldiers. They've always implied that they knew more than was let on.

And by the start of Gears 3 they somehow also know her name?

No.....Prescott tells Marcus her name in Act 2.
Also. In Act 4 you go and get fuel from Griffin's tower and spend the first half of that act acquiring it, so that you can use it for the submarine. Then when you find the Submarine you have to then find a Rotor, and then.....fuel. What?

....They needed fuel for their truck, and then they needed fuel for the sub. What's the issue here?

Also. How the fuck did Anya and co get to Anvil gate only a short while after Delta Squad? Did they also hijack a gas barge and then follow closely behind Delta without being seen? It really ruined the impact of making this massive journey across the wastes to get there.

It really wasn't that much of a journey, and when you go to pick Anya and co. up you see their wrecked vehicle. They clearly drove there, and they didn't have an easy time of it as you can see they lost all of their backup in the process.
Who IS the locust queen?

This was a real issue, mainly because when Marcus' dad is about to tell us all about her, DERP MARCUS DOESN'T LET HIM FINISH SPEAKING.

How did Dizzy survive that fight with Skorge and not Thai, a grizzled veteran?

Dizzy escaped because Tai saved him from Skorge. Tai told him to run while he held him back. It's covered in the comics. Much of the additive material fleshes out the plot quite a bit, and a good amount of it is pretty good.

Obviously you shouldn't need it to get the full story, and for the most part you don't. It really does add to the overral experience and immersion in the world imo.

Great game. Marvellous gameplay. Extremely improved combat system. Fun game modes. Lasting appeal. Great campaign but terrible narrative.

*Plot. Narrative is not really the contents of the story itself, but the representation of it, if I remember correctly. It's been a while since literary class tho :P

It is a well told story imo that is terribly uneven imo.


After getting this game I've been really wanting to play it a lot, and I find myself not being able to for some reason.

Well besides beating story, doing all 50 waves and etc. What I mean is online ;-; I think I've only played 2 matches all together. Ugh, but mostly because my friends whom I usually play with are being asshats atm.
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