Ravynne Nevyrmore
that one Lucrecia fangirl
- Ravynne
the cumulative effect of all this shipping seems to imply that no bond has any value except romantic love. Snake/Otacon is borderline canon, but I dislike it because introducing a romantic bond undermines a beautiful relationship of mutual respect that is already there.
Yes this x5000. There are a lot of platonic relationships that I find quite touching and meaningful and that gets shat all over when it becomes about fucking. Reno/Rude is one of those for me.
And for somewhat similar reasons it particularly irks me when people shit all over canon pairings just to work their non-canon pairing in, because it's like no bonds are sacred anymore. That's why no Vincent pairing that is not Vincent/Lucrecia will work for me ever—unless it's a prequel fic before he met Lucrecia—because I firmly believe that Vincent has essentially married his heart to Lucrecia forever, and if not even a fictional character can manage fidelity then Jesus Fuck what are the rest of us even still breathing for. In the world of fanfiction, it seems everyone is a fickle whore.
Alternatively, I concede that part of the reason why I don't care about who Rufus is incidentally dating or that some character might have mentioned in passing that they received a Save The Date card from Reeve who they really haven't heard from in two years may be because I really don't care too much about these characters. (And because they're characters that don't have canon pairings to be shat upon.) So it is feasible to me that they would be dating someone I don't know. Still, I think if someone was writing fanfiction about Grimoire or something and he casually mentioned that his son has some no-name girlfriend at school, I think I would still pretty much shrug as long as the story isn't about Vincent. Maybe it's naming the no-namers that becomes offensive because it becomes presumptuous. Will have to think on this more.