It really breaks the original game where Rufus spends most of Disc 1 searching the globefor some reliable form of aerial transport and personally hunting Sephiroth.
Not to mention the original Corel's location; it should be anywhere except in the middle of the desert no one can get into or out of. In fact, if you go off the FMV, it is north of North Corel.
Also, Fort Condor. That situation makes no sense whatsoever. Why didn't Shin-Ra just send some SOLDIERs and be done with it. Plus, where did FC get all the weapons and mercenaries?
In any case, it wasn't like the OG made complete sense either, so why should any of the compilation games?
In any case, it wasn't like the OG made complete sense either, so why should any of the compilation games?
That's because it does. It assumes you're gonna gobble up anythign FFVII cause you're a stupid fanboy. And so long as Vincent's cape looks like Spawn's no one will notice the Meteor-sized plot holes and sheer idiocy of that entire plot.Seriously it's like the game thinks you're stupid.
Always a good idea to have supah secret, uncontrollable, completely batshit insane super soldiers RIGHT UNDER your HQ. WTF. At least the Mansion in FFVII was in some remote backward ass village no one ahd even heard of. They don't even try to make this somewhat plausible.seriously, a secret city of zombie-like nazi super soldiers sealed BENEATH the de facto world capitol? Really? What the hell!?
This is the only reason I tolerate the game. Reeve became one of my favorite characters tbh. They did his character well, which is good because they sold Cait Sith short OG.2.- Reeve. I'm the only one who actually thinks he's better here than in the other FF7 games? He's like, the only character who was really enjoyable.
This is the only reason I tolerate the game. Reeve became one of my favorite characters tbh. They did his character well, which is good because they sold Cait Sith short OG.
The rest of DoC can shove it.
Apart from all that "...I'm a hero of the Jenova War" crap.
Dude, you hid behind a stuffed moogle & a toy cat while everyone else did the fighting! (...and you perved on your parents)
No he says to Vincent that "I'm supposed to be a hero of the Jenova War," but I don't know that HE really thinks that. I thought he was just referring to the fact that that's how the WRO views him. And having the HQ steamrolled reminded him that he, well, isn't.
Weiss' voice actor?
Apart from all that "...I'm a hero of the Jenova War" crap.
Dude, you hid behind a stuffed moogle & a toy cat while everyone else did the fighting! (...and you perved on your parents)
Wasn't Reeve the one who evacuated a bunch of people from Midgar to Kalm? That might be why people consider him a hero....I'm not sure how much the public is aware that he is the one controlling Cait Sith. Plus he pulled together the WRO and stuff, so that might be where the "hero" stuff comes from.
Does HE consider himself a hero of the war? It's hard to tell from that statement. I mean, he certainly wouldn't put himself of the level of Cloud or Tifa, but he did play an important role in aiding them. So he is still a hero of the war in all those ways.
Reeve is the only member of AVALANCHE that really stays in the public eye so it would make sense for the general population to view him as the hero of the Jenova War. Everyone else in AVALANCHE just wants to get back to their private lives.
I like how Weiss' personality did a turn-around from the mulitplayer to DoC and how his fighting ability drastically fell. In the mulitplayer, he wants to get out of DG as much as the rest of the Tsivets do and he fights Rosso and Azul at the same time and wipes the floor with them even when they are powered up and he's not. In DoC, he refuses to come out of the mako reactor and ends up getting defeated by Vincent when Vincent had trouble defeating just Rosso. It was nice to see the contrast between Weiss' and Hojo's mentalities.
I like how Weiss' personality did a turn-around from the mulitplayer to DoC and how his fighting ability drastically fell. In the mulitplayer, he wants to get out of DG as much as the rest of the Tsivets do and he fights Rosso and Azul at the same time and wipes the floor with them even when they are powered up and he's not. In DoC, he refuses to come out of the mako reactor and ends up getting defeated by Vincent when Vincent had trouble defeating just Rosso. It was nice to see the contrast between Weiss' and Hojo's mentalities.
Sadly, to truly appreciate this you have to see gameplay of a japan-only game, and buy japan-only guide books (Ultimania).
Reeve is the only member of AVALANCHE that really stays in the public eye so it would make sense for the general population to view him as the hero of the Jenova War. Everyone else in AVALANCHE just wants to get back to their private lives.
Ugh, Shalua's character design pisses me off, because FFVII was populated by characters wearing relatively normal clothing that wouldn't really be out of place in real life. Then the compilation (particularly DoC) arrives and Nomura shits on the whole aesthetic. Fuck, man. WTF was that dress she was wearing? She's a scientist ffs, why is she dressed like she's going clubbing while on the job? Never mind the Deepground peeps.Too bad she looked like crap. And got replaced by Shelke as the love interest. D:
Um, no.FFVII was populated by characters wearing relatively normal clothing that wouldn't really be out of place in real life. clothes? Compared to other Final Fantasies?Um, no.
Scarlet, Tifa, and Yuffie I would stick firmly in the category of not wearing normal clothing. Other people who might be in that category are Cloud and Aerith. Not to mention Caith Sith and Nanaki.