Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

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buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
I'm sure you could get mon-fri if the bakery you wanna go to is good at being flexible, most jobs offer a bit of flexibility anyways :)

Yeah hopefully. The problem is the bakery's in the area i'm moving to in Australia are all open 7 days but hopefully they're flexible. I don't mind either way as long as I get two days in a row off a week really. I hate having split days off.


Waiting for something
I'm sure you will, 7 days? Wow I thought at least you'd have Sunday off by proxy. I did full time hours last summer and worked 5 days a week doing the occasional Sunday as well and I loved having Saturdays off but hated taking a day off in the middle of the week. Overtime is really hard to get at the moment though which is why I haven't been able to up my hours compared to last year.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
So apparently I've lost ten pounds since graduating college without consciously trying to eat less.

Kind of freaked out by that to be honest.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Not at all. I'm 5'4", 123 lbs. Which pretty much means I'm a goddamn rail now.


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
I'm even the suckiest mood ever.

I've been on a five-minute crying fest.

Haven't done that in ages, tbh.


uprising down under
Her bouquet cleaved his hardened shell
And fondled his muscled heart;
He embibed her glistening spell
Just before the other shoe fell


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
sux, hope you get better.

At this rate it's chronic really.

I've been crying about this person and he's been MIA since forever.

So until he proves that he's alive then I'm stuck like this.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
That blows. I wish I had helpful advice but I can't really think of any.


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
That blows. I wish I had helpful advice but I can't really think of any.

It's fine. There's no way that I can definitively reach him so it doesn't matter anyway.

I'm forced to wait it out.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It's fine. There's no way that I can definitively reach him so it doesn't matter anyway.

I'm forced to wait it out.

Yeah I know the feeling.

One of my friends, probably the closest friend I ever had joined the army, and I haven't heard from him in years. I last heard he was sent overseas and have not heard from him since.

I don't hold out much hope personally, but there's no reason you shouldn't hope for the best given the circumstances.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Haven't started it yet due to excessive laze


hai a/s/l plz?
Queen of Sunshine / QoS / Suiseiseki / Desudesudesu / Teva / Teva'ni
I wonder if there's a correlation between introversion and ugliness.

That's a very interesting thought . . . how come you thought of that?

WHy's this thread so devoid of any activity? It's so . . . sad.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
That's a very interesting thought . . . how come you thought of that?

WHy's this thread so devoid of any activity? It's so . . . sad.

Ugly people would be less inclined to pursue social activities. Some 'ugly' people would also have a harder time with certain social activities.

However I am in no way saying that all 'ugly' people are introverted or that there are no introverted attractive people.
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