Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Honestly CM, if you want to get more activity in FCF, you should probably be seeking new blood entirely rather than rotating the same circle of community's worth of members.

Cookie Monster

Honestly CM, if you want to get more activity in FCF, you should probably be seeking new blood entirely rather than rotating the same circle of community's worth of members.

Tried, crashed and burned. FCF actually needs an entire makeover, just like FFOF, except FFOF is still pretty awesome. Needs a clear focus, new domain name, etc. And, at the rate the site has been going for the past year, I'm glad I didn't hold my breath.


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Tried, crashed and burned. FCF actually needs an entire makeover, just like FFOF, except FFOF is still pretty awesome. Needs a clear focus, new domain name, etc. And, at the rate the site has been going for the past year, I'm glad I didn't hold my breath.

The same thing will happen as last time. People have a few ideas then we all just give up and don't bother. I'll just be happy with it being merged with FG so we at least have all the posts. It's never going to be the same as 08. For either site really.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
'07-'08 was FCF's golden years. After that it went down, RIP FCF you will never be forgotten.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Also Eames is arguably the most badass for me. Or Arthur. Because damn. ; O ;

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Tried, crashed and burned. FCF actually needs an entire makeover, just like FFOF, except FFOF is still pretty awesome. Needs a clear focus, new domain name, etc. And, at the rate the site has been going for the past year, I'm glad I didn't hold my breath.

From an objective opinion from an outsider like myself...sometimes it's just time for it to die, my friend. The spirit of the community can still go on if that's what's meant to be (after all, that's how this very same site started!), but keeping the same tired old thing on life support isn't doing anyone any good.

If you really want to keep the spirit of the site and the community, let it go entirely, take a step back, reevaluate exactly how you want it to go down, and then try again.


We have come to terms
It's dead.

It can't be brought back.

Making a new and better site with Tony, Dacon, and Alex as your overlords fgj.
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
The sites hay day was back when acf fell and everyone that did visit acf decided to use that as the surrogate.
Then all the BS stiarted hitting the fan there and people just got bored, endless cycle tbh.


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