Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

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TBH honest I'd forgotten Reno's unwillingness to hurt Evan. But yes, Reno does have his own moral code. I don't think he'd have any qualms about hurting or killing some random stranger, but he and Rude know Evan now; Evan's kind of a mate. And Reno does have a track record of ignoring his orders in order to accommodate his own peculiar moral compass, as when refusing "for today" to try to capture Cloud & Co on Da Chao, due, one assumes, to the fact that for that day only, the Turks and Avalanche were allies (not that he and Rude could have managed to capture Cloud anyway!!).

Reno never explicitly demonstrates one iota of remorse for Sector 7. You can read it into his drinking if you like, or into his "aw man, we were part of an organisation that was inadvertently destroying the world. But whatcha gonna do? [I'd still like to rebuild Shinra anyway]" speech in ACC. But never does he say, "That thing I did back in Sector 7, it's eating away at my soul. I can't sleep at night." And he's had plenty of opportunities to utter words to that effect if his creators wanted to show him feeling that way.

I really love Reno.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
BC makes very, very clear that any time the Turks really don't want to do something, they don't do it. Do they even once follow an order that they actually dislike without wriggling out of it somehow?

Re: Da Chao, they're still on vacation, and they know they're likely to get owned again. Elena is tied up, Rude is far away, if Reno picks a fight he's going to take them at 3/1 odds with his back to a sheer drop, if he tries to take them on all that's likely to happen is they put him back in hospital.


Eyes of the Lord
Since Nobuo Uematsu won´t return to compose for the Remake, I´d like Masashi Hamauzu to compose the OST, he´s pretty good.


Well, the Turks also kept secrets. For all we know, on the outside Reno didn't care much on what was happening(and I think he at first thought the AVALANCHE Cloud was with was still the original AVLANCHE reborn from Before Crisis), but deep down, he had to bottle up his feelings and was still mourning for the "loss" of both Veld and the BC Turks since he and everyone else thought they were dead.

No. Veld and BC Turks did not exist in the original, and had not yet been conceived of at that point.

Could you please stop dragging the compilation into replies to posts that are clearly talking about the plot purely in terms of the original narrative.

Granted that what you say here could be true granted the compilation - don't get me wrong - I'm not saying your opinion isn't valid here - it's quite clear, I think, from the original, that the Turks were originally written to be relatively easy to recognize semi-comic relief villains, and that's essentially it.

And whether Reno is stressed out by his work (who wouldn't be when you're risking your life all the time?), does not, in the original, seem to reflect in any way on Reno's behavior when he does horrible stuff - which he seems to do without hesitation or doubt of any kind what so ever.

Since Nobuo Uematsu won´t return to compose for the Remake, I´d like Masashi Hamauzu to compose the OST, he´s pretty good.

Really? Their styles are really distinct, and Hamauzu's arrangements (heavy use of violins and more classically inspired piano) are pretty far away from the style of FFVII's soundtrack.

That being said though - there's unlikely to be much composing being done for the remake. Most of it will be rearrangement work, and that can be done by pretty much anyone.
I'd rather it wasn't someone like Shimomura, or Hamauzu though because their styles are just way too distinct, uniform and different from Nobuo to lend themselves well to the FFVII OST in my opinion, but their styles are probably still likely to bleed through and affect the arrangements.

I'd rather have someone, who like Nobuo, has a style that is much more eclectic, and broad to begin with.
Although, given that she's probably the most expensive producer in the industry at this point and therefore not a likely candidate, I'd really like Yoko Kanno to do all the arrangements and production work as her skill and range as a producer and composer completely eclipses everyone else working in the anime and games industry in Japan as of now.
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Yeah, what I'm trying to say here, very badly, is not that I think Tasha is wrong and that I'm right, but that what I love about the OG is that it leaves so much open to interpretation. I understand why people would like to see their interpretations "confirmed" - hell, there's probably loads of fans who would like to see Cloud definitely choose one date over the others [yay Barret] - but I would hate SE to do anything that closed down these multiple possibilities for interpreting characters.


Eyes of the Lord
Really? Their styles are really distinct, and Hamauzu's arrangements (heavy use of violins and more classically inspired piano) are pretty far away from the style of FFVII's soundtrack.

That being said though - there's unlikely to be much composing being done for the remake. Most of it will be rearrangement work, and that can be done by pretty much anyone.
I'd rather it wasn't someone like Shimomura, or Hamauzu though because their styles are just way too distinct, uniform and different from Nobuo to lend themselves well to the FFVII OST in my opinion, but their styles are probably still likely to bleed through and affect the arrangements.

I'd rather have someone, who like Nobuo, has a style that is much more eclectic, and broad to begin with.
Although, given that she's probably the most expensive producer in the industry at this point and therefore not a likely candidate, I'd really like Yoko Kanno to do all the arrangements and production work as her skill and range as a producer and composer completely eclipses everyone else working in the anime and games industry in Japan as of now.
This is a remake, there´s no obligation to make similar sounding music (arrangements) to the original music. Since they decided to go for a different gameplay with it, why not going for something different with the music?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I think in the remake they should make Reno less excited about destroying Sector 7, and be more remorse about the act later in the game. He would still do the deed, but at least he would question the morality of it.

Edited to add: that was a bit cryptic, sorry. It's not a rhetorical why. How do you think the story would gain from this addition? Is it because you want to see word of God confirm Reno as a slightly better person than the one he currently comes across as?


This is a remake, there´s no obligation to make similar sounding music (arrangements) to the original music. Since they decided to go for a different gameplay with it, why not going for something different with the music?

That's one way of seeing it. I would say that since it's a remake that exactly what it's obliged to do, and personally, I think this extends to the game-play too.

If they said "this is a reboot/reimagining", then I'd agree with you.
But the thing is that remakes are, fundamentally, only really good for one thing - and that is recreating the appeal of the original in as faithful a manner as possible.

To remake something in a way that essentially is closer to a reboot or reimagining is asinine because A.) people who're looking for something new and different could just as well be playing/watching/reading/listening to/engaging with something entirely new and not know the difference, and B.) people who're emotionally attached to the original work, can not.

Now, I know that this is not what they're doing, and I've settled for the reboot/reimagining that they're going for - but I'd still prefer something that aspires to capture as much of the original aesthetic as possible.

That being said - I would also say that there is an argument to be made to keep the aesthetic of the original soundtrack with the remake regardless - because the remake is still set in the same world/setting, and the soundtrack will have more impact if it matches that, and I'm not at all confident that Hamazu would be able to do this.

The original soundtrack was a combination of full on orchestra with rock and electronic elements which fits extremely well with the industrial 80's/90's combined with medieval fantasy setting of the game.
Hamazu's style and melodic compositions are fundamentally different from Nobuo's, and he does not make that kind of music, nor the kind of arrangements that compliment such a setting, and because I've seen how uniform his compositions are across various titles, I would not be confident in his ability to capture this should he be handed the responsibility of this soundtrack.

I can completely appreciate that you like him as a composer - I do too, and I own most of his works - but I don't think his style is the right one for the style of this game.


Eyes of the Lord
The original soundtrack was a combination of full on orchestra with rock and electronic elements which fits extremely well with the industrial 80's/90's combined with medieval fantasy setting of the game.
Hamazu's style and melodic compositions are fundamentally different from Nobuo's, and he does not make that kind of music, nor the kind of arrangements that compliment such a setting, and because I've seen how uniform his compositions are across various titles, I would not be confident in his ability to capture this should he be handed the responsibility of this soundtrack.

What part exactly of VII had medieval fantasy setting? The closest I can think of is the Wutai Village and only that one, I don´t remember any other place in Gaia having that kind of setting.


What part exactly of VII had medieval fantasy setting? The closest I can think of is the Wutai Village and only that one, I don´t remember any other place in Gaia having that kind of setting.

It didn't say it had a medieval fantasy setting : I said " the industrial 80's/90's combined with medieval fantasy setting" which means, it's a setting that combines elements of both.
If you still think that's unclear though, let me rephrase :
"the setting that combines elements of the 80's/90's real world with medieval fantasy elements."

The use of swords, and other medieval-era fantasy weapons, the narrative structure emulating the traditional high-fantasy structure of earlier games and popular fantasy books, the use of magic, heavy references to Norse mythology (and others), are some aspects of that.

The vast majority of towns outside of Midgar have clear pre-modern Germanic architecture, buildings made with wood and classical tiles, and cobblestone streets.

I wasn't actually thinking of Wutai, but you can add that too if you want to.

The there is the 80's/90's industrial aspect of it as well.
But good of you to single down on one aspect of my post, put the emphasis on the wrong part of it, and ignoring everything else.
Makes for constructive conversation to be sure.


Eyes of the Lord
It didn't say it had a medieval fantasy setting : I said " the industrial 80's/90's combined with medieval fantasy setting" which means, it's a setting that combines elements of both.
If you still think that's unclear though, let me rephrase :
"the setting that combines elements of the 80's/90's real world with medieval fantasy elements."

The use of swords, and other medieval-era fantasy weapons, the narrative structure emulating the traditional high-fantasy structure of earlier games and popular fantasy books, the use of magic, heavy references to Norse mythology (and others), are some aspects of that.

The vast majority of towns outside of Midgar have clear pre-modern Germanic architecture, buildings made with wood and classical tiles, and cobblestone streets.

I wasn't actually thinking of Wutai, but you can add that too if you want to.

The there is the 80's/90's industrial aspect of it as well.
But good of you to single down on one aspect of my post, put the emphasis on the wrong part of it, and ignoring everything else.
Makes for constructive conversation to be sure.
Are you happy now?

First, I only emphasized a portion of your post because I saw no need to quote the whole post and to not clutter my post, just like how in this very quote I´m using I removed the post I made that you quoted from it to not pyramid quoting.
Moreover I highlighted that part of your comment because it was striking to me since the words medieval fantasy setting I tend to associate it with these: Example 1 & Example 2. Setting having swords, mythological references & use of magic is not necesarily exclusived to the medieval fantasy setting, this is applyable to the ancient times as well, like the Greek Epics for example.

Ok, I´ll admit that I got the sematics wrong from your comment but, you dismissing me for that makes neither for a constructive conversation.
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Edited to add: that was a bit cryptic, sorry. It's not a rhetorical why. How do you think the story would gain from this addition? Is it because you want to see word of God confirm Reno as a slightly better person than the one he currently comes across as?

I feel the game ought to give you the option to bring up when you encounter him just kinda chilling in the Turtle's Paradise pub. It's a pretty big deal, depending on your partymembers. At which point his reaction does not have to be stonecold disregard for your loss.

The original game does take you from him killing tons of people to giving you the option to not fight them in the return to Midgar. Stuff could be done to help make that a more balanced choice.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
No. Veld and BC Turks did not exist in the original, and had not yet been conceived of at that point.

Could you please stop dragging the compilation into replies to posts that are clearly talking about the plot purely in terms of the original narrative.

Granted that what you say here could be true granted the compilation - don't get me wrong - I'm not saying your opinion isn't valid here - it's quite clear, I think, from the original, that the Turks were originally written to be relatively easy to recognize semi-comic relief villains, and that's essentially it.

And whether Reno is stressed out by his work (who wouldn't be when you're risking your life all the time?), does not, in the original, seem to reflect in any way on Reno's behavior when he does horrible stuff - which he seems to do without hesitation or doubt of any kind what so ever.

Well, I'm going into more of the timeline of the series rather than the release dates, because our time in reality doesn't count in either games, anime or movies. You ever watched those time-travelling movies and such?

Besides, at least I'm not commenting about the Compilation in the original Final Fantasy VII thread. This is the remake we're talking about, and it's already confirmed that some parts of the franchise will be placed into this remake along with new content to make further sense in the series. It's retelling the original story and giving out important parts of the prequels and sequels telling a new story.

You have to remember that...can't remember his name, but the guy who wrote the original story is adding new story contents. In fact, I think he also wrote the storyline for Dirge of Cerberus(or maybe pretty much all of the storylines in most of the FFVII titles).

This is the first remake of Final Fantasy that is not just a simple remake. Other remakes didn't have prequels connected to it's original storylines(FFIV and FFIII for example).

I hate to sound mean here, but if you dislike the Compilation so much and if you rather not have any of it's content in the remake, then the remake will end up bad to people who rather just stick to the original game, and I'm sorry to say this and I regret it, but that's reality.

This is a remake, there´s no obligation to make similar sounding music (arrangements) to the original music. Since they decided to go for a different gameplay with it, why not going for something different with the music?

Or something different to the story slightly like adding some important parts and new parts? It's not like they're cutting anything out. (They already confirmed that point they didn't want to cut any parts of the story, which is why the game itself is being put in multiple parts)

I think in the remake they should make Reno less excited about destroying Sector 7, and be more remorse about the act later in the game. He would still do the deed, but at least he would question the morality of it.

And show his expression that he could later regret it. They should also keep the optional choice in the final battle against the Turks and keep the option of not willing to fight(that option is more of the true scene than the other one if you ask me).


Save your valediction (she/her)
I hate to sound mean here, but if you dislike the Compilation so much and if you rather not have any of it's content in the remake, then the remake will end up bad to people who rather just stick to the original game, and I'm sorry to say this and I regret it, but that's reality.

By "bad," do you mean "disappointing?" That's not mean, nor is it particularly surprising. What you have to understand is, that a great number of FFVII fans are old-school, and you'll have to tolerate some griping from us, its our payment for buying a game that we know will have Denzel in it.

It's a big, aging fandom. The same thing happened to Star Wars (Han Shot First!) and the Bible. There are Old Testament-Only fans, New Testament fans, and people who appreciate both sides, but prefer Doctor Who.

If by "bad" however, you mean that if OG purists had their way we would end up with a sub-par product? I dunno about that, the Star Wars reboot did a pretty good job of pretending the prequels didn't exist. Nomura take note.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
By "bad," do you mean "disappointing?" That's not mean, nor is it particularly surprising. What you have to understand is, that a great number of FFVII fans are old-school, and you'll have to tolerate some griping from us, its our payment for buying a game that we know will have Denzel in it.

I guess you have a point, but if that's the case, then why are "Old-School" fans excited about the remake if they'll hate the way they changed things? If they don't want to be disappointed, then you might as well just ignore it.

That's what I admittedly do when it comes to Sailor Moon(which by the way was actually rebooted and not a remade to continue the original anime), but then again, this is slightly different with FFVII at the moment, because, as I still hope, it's not a reboot-otherwise you might as well retell the entire story without adding bits and pieces from the prequels and sequels.

It's a big, aging fandom. The same thing happened to Star Wars (Han Shot First!) and the Bible. There are Old Testament-Only fans, New Testament fans, and people who appreciate both sides, but prefer Doctor Who.

If by "bad" however, you mean that if OG purists had their way we would end up with a sub-par product? I dunno about that, the Star Wars reboot did a pretty good job of pretending the prequels didn't exist. Nomura take note.

Star Wars wasn't rebooted. The original trilogy just had some scenes edited on DVD to connect them with the Prequel trilogy, including a deleted scene from what I theoried. Just because most characters from the prequel weren't in the re-editing doesn't mean the prequels didn't exist. But other than that, the DVD re-releases were pretty much the same as the old VHS copies back in the 1990's.

Characters from prequels don't have to be mentioned in original stories that are being re-edited, but some things like places can be briefly seen, or some of the characters can be mentioned.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I mean Episode VII. They were very clear about which style and setting they were using, and it wasn't both.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
@Tash: old school.fans are still interested because FFVII was a flawed masterpiece. And there were some biiiig flaws - crappy translation, plot inconsistencies etc plus the game itself has dated ( though it is still playable) the controls are clunky, the character models are well less than ideal (though still expresive and endearing) Basically though the idea of FFVII being more fleshed out, more explorable. We cant resist that tantalising possibility despite how many of us have little faith in SE to pull it off.

I guess for me, a vision of that fully realised world exists in my brain and I'd love to experience it for real.


Pro Adventurer
Alright so I haven't felt the need to add anything to the discussion here but since Tasha is asking about why people would get excited about a remake that'll change stuff, I figure I might as well share my thoughts. I have mixed feelings about the compilation that range from appreciating story potential of stuff it's introduced, to hating the continuity errors and flanderization it's brought about or how a lot of the potential I see was wasted on poor execution and bad writing. I appreciate some of the changes like the Buster Sword and SOLDIER uniform while still liking the original, meaning I won't be too bothered either way regarding such things. At the same time, I don't like certain versions of things as much as another, such as the OG Zack death scene vs the CC one, or what CC changed about Cloud's mom's design and how bland a lot of the locations looked. With the remake, one of the things I find exciting about it is that we're finally going to get a chance to properly resolve the continuity issues the compilation caused and bring the OG characterization some people have lost sight of back into relevance. Discussing canon will hopefully be far less of a pothole induced headache and some of the longtime flanderization of characters that's been going on in the fandom will finally get toned down for a while as the remake becomes the main reference point. I'm not sure if my viewpoint is what you mean by old school fans but I figure it should help you understand their perspective.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I mean Episode VII. They were very clear about which style and setting they were using, and it wasn't both.

Yeah, well, Star Wars is different. That franchise switched studios from 20th Century Fox to Disney(which had nothing to do with the franchise in the 1970's), and never rechieved a remake. That series was complicated from the start anyway. Besides, maybe they'll make reference of the prequels in Episode VIII and/or Episode IX

But other than that, the original game is getting a remake because everyone loved Crisis Core and the re-done ending/opening Epilogue of said game.

Plus, you don't see Shelke getting erased since she's making an appearence in World of Final Fantasy, which tells me that it's one of the signs of at least some parts of the Compilation will be referenced, and for all we know, maybe we'll see Genesis in a new secret ending to the Remake. He made his first cameo appearence in the secret ending of Dirge, his back-story revealled in Crisis Core(including the cameos of Weiss and Nero), and the storyline in the Remake doesn't have to include them until after the world is saved and then Cloud's adventure continues in ACC.

Speaking of ACC, they redid some scenes in the movie and added Zack's death scene in the film. And unlike Star Wars, AC was only three years old before they redid it, and managed to get most of the some of the film's cast to voice new scenes. The only ones who couldn't make it were Denzel and Marlene's actors since they were too old by that time.

Edit: And let's not forget Kingdom Hearts. The games were remastered, and had no reference to the prequels, but that didn't mean they didn't exist. The characters made their appearence in other sequels and will continue to do so in KH2.8 and KH3.
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Eyes of the Lord
I would like to add the following: the remake is made by people.

Now you may say: that's obvious, duh!!

What is not obvious to some of them is that the developers have their artistic vision and interpretation of what's FFVII to them and how it should be portrayed.
Even if every single person that worked on the original VII were to return to make the remake, it should be noticed that it's been over 2 decades since the original release, enought time to look at VII with less rose tinted glasses and more harsh and critical thinking to it (with the power of hindsight they might have came up with better ideas on how certain things could have been executed instead) as well as their artistic taste and flavour changing.

How original VII ended up being was under specific circunstances, under specific creative decisions and compromises, under specific technological and creative limitations. We are no longer in 1997. We're in the middle of the second decade of the new milenium, and it couldn't be any more different.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I would like to add the following: the remake is made by people.

Yeah, that's one of the good points there. Fans can only be entertained and have no connection with the development of games or movies unless they decide to go work for the people who created their childhood games, movies, ect.

What is not obvious to some of them is that the developers have their artistic vision and interpretation of what's FFVII to them and how it should be portrayed.
Even if every single person that worked on the original VII were to return to make the remake, it should be noticed that it's been over 2 decades since the original release, enought time to look at VII with less rose tinted glasses and more harsh and critical thinking to it (with the power of hindsight they might have came up with better ideas on how certain things could have been executed instead) as well as their artistic taste and flavour changing.

That's right. It was back then, and like many other things, some games change. So, the remake will be different with some ideas from the Compilation and new ideas to help make the original game's story become less rusty. One thing is clear that the original text in the OG is cringe worthy, so that's one thing we all know they'll fix up.

How original VII ended up being was under specific circunstances, under specific creative decisions and compromises, under specific technological and creative limitations. We are no longer in 1997. We're in the middle of the second decade of the new milenium, and it couldn't be any more different.

Not to mention that as much as we all hate it, change can never stop. No human being in this world will ever stop learning. Most of us here I can see were born in the late 20th Century, but that was around more than 20 years ago for some of us(for me it's 25 if you include my Day One despite turning 24), and this is the 21st Century.


Are you happy now?

First, I only emphasized a portion of your post because I saw no need to quote the whole post and to not clutter my post, just like how in this very quote I´m using I removed the post I made that you quoted from it to not pyramid quoting.

You don't have to pyramid quote anything. The point here is that in almost all of, if not all, my exchanges with you, you've isolated points from my posts in a similar way missing the point of the argument, and never giving any feedback to show whether you think the part you reply to is a problem to my entire argument, or simply local to what you've quoted specifically - and that starts to get old after a while.

Here's the thing - If you're going to reply to someone, and you're agreeing or not largely in disagreement with the majority of what that person is saying, it helps to give an indication of that in your post before you select that one thing you didn't agree with and reply only to that.

Like "Okay, got your point - but I disagree with this part..." or something to that effect.

It doesn't help that the isolated point you usually reply on are not actual fair representations of what I was saying, nor are they minor points of semantics - the way you read my sentence for instance, entirely changed the meaning of it.

Moreover I highlighted that part of your comment because it was striking to me since the words medieval fantasy setting I tend to associate it with these: Example 1 & Example 2.

Yes, and if you take the time to look at your second example, that is the exact same architectural style found in Kalm, Nibelheim, and a lot of the odd buildings around FFVII's world - with the addition of pipes, and modern electronics (fuse-boxes etc.).

Setting having swords, mythological references & use of magic is not necesarily exclusived to the medieval fantasy setting, this is applyable to the ancient times as well, like the Greek Epics for example.

No that's true, and to be fair, I use medieval fairly liberally to include all type of fantasy that more or less predates the industrial revolution.
I use medieval as a umbrella term for civilizations as they exist before the introduction of modern machinery and electronics.

Ok, I´ll admit that I got the sematics wrong from your comment but, you dismissing me for that makes neither for a constructive conversation.

In what way did I dismiss you? I was simply telling you how I don't appreciate the way you reply to me. I'm still replying to you though - so I don't see how you're being dismissed.

Well, I'm going into more of the timeline of the series rather than the release dates, because our time in reality doesn't count in either games, anime or movies. You ever watched those time-travelling movies and such?

That's irrelevant though. If I am making an analysis on why a character is the way he or she is in a piece or art of media, as it was intended when made - it makes no sense for you to use later titles to add to that perspective.

"Oh, maybe OG Reno was just thinking X, or feeling Y in light of the compilation" is a waste of time, and tortured reasoning because ultimately OG Reno was not written nor envision at the same time as compilation Reno.

It's much easier to just say "Well, OG Reno was this way, and compilation Reno was ret-conned this way, and the two are not the same".

Because ultimately, those titles did not exist, nor were they planned when the original was made.

This is the first remake of Final Fantasy that is not just a simple remake. Other remakes didn't have prequels connected to it's original storylines(FFIV and FFIII for example).

The best industry remake ever made however - Resident Evil - is in many ways the same as FFVII in this regard.
Yet, they chose to make a remake true in almost every way imaginable to the original. Did I mention that it is now widely considered one of the best RE games, and is probably the most successful remake ever made within gaming.

I hate to sound mean here, but if you dislike the Compilation so much and if you rather not have any of it's content in the remake, then the remake will end up bad to people who rather just stick to the original game, and I'm sorry to say this and I regret it, but that's reality.

It will only be bad to the people who actually want the compilation in the remake. The thing is though - the majority of people who played FFVII, did not actually engage with any of the compilation.
The most sold compilation product is AC, and it is still nowhere near close to FFVII in sales, and apart from being largely panned by audiences after they had time to digest it, it takes place after the original and therefore bears no relevance to the remake in either case.

The reality here is that no matter what they do with the remake, most fans of FFVII will buy it. The second reality though - is that bogging the remake down with the compilation is more likely to mean that a majority of people playing it will think less of it when they're finished, than they otherwise would - just like most people thought less of every other compilation product comparatively to the original.

Most of the people who looked to the compilation and wished for a remake, did not do that because the wanted the remake to have anything to do with the compilation - they did that because they saw the difference in production quality, and wanted that quality for the original game.

Or something different to the story slightly like adding some important parts and new parts? It's not like they're cutting anything out. (They already confirmed that point they didn't want to cut any parts of the story, which is why the game itself is being put in multiple parts)

Wrong, they've already confirmed in the interviews that they will be cutting things out and rewriting things. Read them again. I should know, I translated them after all.

But other than that, the original game is getting a remake because everyone loved Crisis Core and the re-done ending/opening Epilogue of said game.

No. The remake is happening because the FFVII fan-base has been asking for it since AC, it's the best-selling game in the franchise, and just using characters from the game in other titles draws massive crowds.

CC is not a game that "everyone" loved.
In fact, the vast vast majority of FFVII's fanbase never got to touch CC, because the game was only released physically on PSP, in the very last part of that system's life-cycle.
It's a fringe title.
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Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
That's irrelevant though. If I am making an analysis on why a character is the way he or she is in a piece or art of media, as it was intended when made - it makes no sense for you to use later titles to add to that perspective.

"Oh, maybe OG Reno was just thinking X, or feeling Y in light of the compilation" is a waste of time, and tortured reasoning because ultimately OG Reno was not written nor envision at the same time as compilation Reno.

It's much easier to just say "Well, OG Reno was this way, and compilation Reno was ret-conned this way, and the two are not the same".

Because ultimately, those titles did not exist, nor were they planned when the original was made.

Yeah well, that was back then. This is NOW we're talking about. They planned the Compilation in the later years, since they planned it after seven years, so they made Before Crisis and Advent Children. When they looked up on which Final Fantasy title to create a compilation, they chose the original game since the game's ending left them with ideas to fill up on they would've liked to see.

The best industry remake ever made however - Resident Evil - is in many ways the same as FFVII in this regard.
Yet, they chose to make a remake true in almost every way imaginable to the original. Did I mention that it is now widely considered one of the best RE games, and is probably the most successful remake ever made within gaming.

And yet they are still using contents from the Compilation for other things, like Cloud's AC clothes in Super Smash Bros last year, or Shelke making an appearence in World of Final Fantasy that's coming out in October this year, which means that there are people who loved the Compilation if you look hard enough.

It will only be bad to the people who actually want the compilation in the remake. The thing is though - the majority of people who played FFVII, did not actually engage with any of the compilation.
The most sold compilation product is AC, and it is still nowhere near close to FFVII in sales, and apart from being largely panned by audiences after they had time to digest it, it takes place after the original and therefore bears no relevance to the remake in either case.

The reality here is that no matter what they do with the remake, most fans of FFVII will buy it. The second reality though - is that bogging the remake down with the compilation is more likely to mean that a majority of people playing it will think less of it when they're finished, than they otherwise would - just like most people thought less of every other compilation product comparatively to the original.

Most of the people who looked to the compilation and wished for a remake, did not do that because the wanted the remake to have anything to do with the compilation - they did that because they saw the difference in production quality, and wanted that quality for the original game.

So you're suggesting that the Compilation was never canon to begin with or that they're eventually announce that it's no longer canon? Is that what you rather want and not listen to other people liking the Compilation?

Wrong, they've already confirmed in the interviews that they will be cutting things out and rewriting things. Read them again. I should know, I translated them after all.

I thought they didn't want to cut out any of the storyline's content. When was this interviewed? Because I certainly remember reading that they didn't want to cut out the story, which is why they're placing the remake in episode-like parts.

No. The remake is happening because the FFVII fan-base has been asking for it since AC, it's the best-selling game in the franchise, and just using characters from the game in other titles draws massive crowds.

CC is not a game that "everyone" loved.
In fact, the vast vast majority of FFVII's fanbase never got to touch CC, because the game was only released physically on PSP, in the very last part of that system's life-cycle.
It's a fringe title.

But people still loved the movie and the other games, at least some of them. Are you suggesting that only like 10 people liked AC and CC while everyone else in the entire planet hated them and would rather just destrory them? Then what's the point of Square still using some of the contents from the other titles in the first place if millions of people hated them?

*Ugh* Why do I even borther trying to argue here if you so obviously wish terribly that the Compilation never existed and that we would've had to wait for 20 years just to see FFVII again after 20 years of nothing?
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