Are you happy now?
First, I only emphasized a portion of your post because I saw no need to quote the whole post and to not clutter my post, just like how in this very quote I´m using I removed the post I made that you quoted from it to not pyramid quoting.
You don't have to pyramid quote anything. The point here is that in almost all of, if not all, my exchanges with you, you've isolated points from my posts in a similar way missing the point of the argument, and never giving any feedback to show whether you think the part you reply to is a problem to my entire argument, or simply local to what you've quoted specifically - and that starts to get old after a while.
Here's the thing - If you're going to reply to someone, and you're agreeing or not largely in disagreement with the majority of what that person is saying, it helps to give an indication of that in your post before you select that one thing you didn't agree with and reply only to that.
Like "Okay, got your point - but I disagree with this part..." or something to that effect.
It doesn't help that the isolated point you usually reply on are not actual fair representations of what I was saying, nor are they minor points of semantics - the way you read my sentence for instance, entirely changed the meaning of it.
Moreover I highlighted that part of your comment because it was striking to me since the words
medieval fantasy setting I tend to associate it with these:
Example 1 &
Example 2.
Yes, and if you take the time to look at your second example, that is the exact same architectural style found in Kalm, Nibelheim, and a lot of the odd buildings around FFVII's world - with the addition of pipes, and modern electronics (fuse-boxes etc.).
Setting having swords, mythological references & use of magic is not necesarily exclusived to the medieval fantasy setting, this is applyable to the ancient times as well, like the Greek Epics for example.
No that's true, and to be fair, I use medieval fairly liberally to include all type of fantasy that more or less predates the industrial revolution.
I use medieval as a umbrella term for civilizations as they exist before the introduction of modern machinery and electronics.
Ok, I´ll admit that I got the sematics wrong from your comment but, you dismissing me for that makes neither for a constructive conversation.
In what way did I dismiss you? I was simply telling you how I don't appreciate the way you reply to me. I'm still replying to you though - so I don't see how you're being dismissed.
Well, I'm going into more of the timeline of the series rather than the release dates, because our time in reality doesn't count in either games, anime or movies. You ever watched those time-travelling movies and such?
That's irrelevant though. If I am making an analysis on why a character is the way he or she is in a piece or art of media, as it was intended when made - it makes no sense for you to use later titles to add to that perspective.
"Oh, maybe OG Reno was just thinking X, or feeling Y in light of the compilation" is a waste of time, and tortured reasoning because ultimately OG Reno was not written nor envision at the same time as compilation Reno.
It's much easier to just say "Well, OG Reno was this way, and compilation Reno was ret-conned this way, and the two are not the same".
Because ultimately, those titles did not exist, nor were they planned when the original was made.
This is the first remake of Final Fantasy that is not just a simple remake. Other remakes didn't have prequels connected to it's original storylines(FFIV and FFIII for example).
The best industry remake ever made however - Resident Evil - is in many ways the same as FFVII in this regard.
Yet, they chose to make a remake true in almost every way imaginable to the original. Did I mention that it is now widely considered one of the best RE games, and is probably the most successful remake ever made within gaming.
I hate to sound mean here, but if you dislike the Compilation so much and if you rather not have any of it's content in the remake, then the remake will end up bad to people who rather just stick to the original game, and I'm sorry to say this and I regret it, but that's reality.
It will only be bad to the people who actually want the compilation in the remake. The thing is though - the majority of people who played FFVII, did not actually engage with any of the compilation.
The most sold compilation product is AC, and it is still nowhere near close to FFVII in sales, and apart from being largely panned by audiences after they had time to digest it, it takes place after the original and therefore bears no relevance to the remake in either case.
The reality here is that no matter what they do with the remake, most fans of FFVII will buy it. The second reality though - is that bogging the remake down with the compilation is more likely to mean that a majority of people playing it will think less of it when they're finished, than they otherwise would - just like most people thought less of every other compilation product comparatively to the original.
Most of the people who looked to the compilation and wished for a remake, did not do that because the wanted the remake to have anything to do with the compilation - they did that because they saw the difference in production quality, and wanted that quality for the original game.
Or something different to the story slightly like adding some important parts and new parts? It's not like they're cutting anything out. (They already confirmed that point they didn't want to cut any parts of the story, which is why the game itself is being put in multiple parts)
Wrong, they've already confirmed in the interviews that they will be cutting things out and rewriting things. Read them again. I should know, I translated them after all.
But other than that, the original game is getting a remake because everyone loved Crisis Core and the re-done ending/opening Epilogue of said game.
No. The remake is happening because the FFVII fan-base has been asking for it since AC, it's the best-selling game in the franchise, and just using characters from the game in other titles draws massive crowds.
CC is not a game that "everyone" loved.
In fact, the vast vast majority of FFVII's fanbase never got to touch CC, because the game was only released physically on PSP, in the very last part of that system's life-cycle.
It's a fringe title.