Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

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Save your valediction (she/her)
Hian and Lulcieldid, you are now both arguing about the semantics of arguing, when people want Genesis in FF7R. There are bigger Bottomswells to Bolt2.

Hian, when we disagree, I bash my head on the desk, but when we agree, I pump my fist in the air. Examples:

Hian said:
The thing is though - the majority of people who played FFVII, did not actually engage with any of the compilation.
The most sold compilation product is AC, and it is still nowhere near close to FFVII in sales, and apart from being largely panned by audiences after they had time to digest it, it takes place after the original and therefore bears no relevance to the remake in either case.

The reality here is that no matter what they do with the remake, most fans of FFVII will buy it. The second reality though - is that bogging the remake down with the compilation is more likely to mean that a majority of people playing it will think less of it when they're finished, than they otherwise would - just like most people thought less of every other compilation product comparatively to the original.

Most of the people who looked to the compilation and wished for a remake, did not do that because the wanted the remake to have anything to do with the compilation - they did that because they saw the difference in production quality, and wanted that quality for the original game. [...]

But other than that, the original game is getting a remake because everyone loved Crisis Core and the re-done ending/opening Epilogue of said game.

No. The remake is happening because the FFVII fan-base has been asking for it since AC, it's the best-selling game in the franchise, and just using characters from the game in other titles draws massive crowds.

CC is not a game that "everyone" loved.
In fact, the vast vast majority of FFVII's fanbase never got to touch CC, because the game was only released physically on PSP, in the very last part of that system's life-cycle.
It's a fringe title.

The only thing I would add is that we've been clamouring for a remake since the PS2 debuted, FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. Seriously, when people saw Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts, they took it as proof that FFVII was getting a remake. This shit has been going on since BEFORE MANY FFVII FANS WERE BORN.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Hian and Lulcieldid, you are now both arguing about the semantics of arguing, when people want Genesis in FF7R.

The only thing I would add is that we've been clamouring for a remake since the PS2 debuted, FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. Seriously, when people saw Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts, they took it as proof that FFVII was getting a remake. This shit has been going on since BEFORE MANY FFVII FANS WERE BORN.

Thank you, Mr. Ite!


Hian and Lulcieldid, you are now both arguing about the semantics of arguing, when people want Genesis in FF7R. There are bigger Bottomswells to Bolt2.

It's more of a conversation I guess. It's just that Lulcieldid is a person who, since we first started to have exchanges, has a very particular way of responding to me that I find annoying.
In terms of the argument we don't actually appear to disagree so much as we simply have different values.

The argument is still relevant to the remake though, as we were discussing the style of the game.

The only thing I would add is that we've been clamouring for a remake since the PS2 debuted, FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. Seriously, when people saw Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts, they took it as proof that FFVII was getting a remake. This shit has been going on since BEFORE MANY FFVII FANS WERE BORN.

Yeah, and I'll add to this, I started wanting a remake for FFVII with the announcement for FFVIII.
I saw a low-poly screen-shot of Squall and Seifer in Dollet before anything was known about the story of the game, and immediately I was like "that (Seifer) really looks like a higher res version of Cloud. Maybe this is like a sequel?"
Of course it wasn't, but ever since then, I started thinking about what the game would look like in better graphics.
When KH came out, I was really wanting a PS2 version of the game, and when the first low-res screen-caps of AC was leaked without any info on what it was, I was convinced we were finally getting it.

That's how long me, and pretty much everyone I know irl who're fans of FFVII have waited for a remake.

Yeah well, that was back then. This is NOW we're talking about. They planned the Compilation in the later years, since they planned it after seven years, so they made Before Crisis and Advent Children. When they looked up on which Final Fantasy title to create a compilation, they chose the original game since the game's ending left them with ideas to fill up on they would've liked to see.

Again - that is irrelevant.
Those ideas did not exist when they first wrote Reno, so there is no wonder that there are inconsistencies between the two characterizations.

I was simply pointing out that - you cannot square those two characterizations except in head-canon, and as such, it's a pointless exercise to engage in.

And yet they are still using contents from the Compilation for other things, like Cloud's AC clothes in Super Smash Bros last year, or Shelke making an appearence in World of Final Fantasy that's coming out in October this year, which means that there are people who loved the Compilation if you look hard enough.

Yes, but they are still a minority within the larger group of people who played the original, and so if you're going to be catering to anyone at the expense of someone else - they are not the group it makes sense to cater to.

So you're suggesting that the Compilation was never canon to begin with or that they're eventually announce that it's no longer canon? Is that what you rather want and not listen to other people liking the Compilation?

No, I'm suggesting that, and I have no idea how you get to that from what you just quoted.

I was simply saying that even from a sales perspective, trying to have the remake make sense with the compilation is a fruitless endeavor.

That being said - it is not meaningful to speak of FFVII canon for the most part, because the established canon is a complete mess, and secondly because SE doesn't give a rats ass about the canon when they expand on FFVII.

They didn't care about the canon of the original when they started to make the compilation, and as I've already said to you several times, just based on the trailers, they're already making changes to canon from the compilation as well (such as Cloud wielding the original buster sword).

You're just going to have to get used to this -
This remake isn't just going to change things from the OG, it's going to change things as it sees fit regardless of whether those changes impact the OG or the compilation.

I thought they didn't want to cut out any of the storyline's content. When was this interviewed? Because I certainly remember reading that they didn't want to cut out the story, which is why they're placing the remake in episode-like parts.

Here are some choice quotes :

Kitase :
I, along with Nomura-san and [Kazushige] Nojima-san – who are involved with the remake – were involved with the original Final Fantasy VII. We were the people who created it, so in that sense, we don’t think anything is untouchable. That isn’t to say we’re changing everything!

Of course, within Square Enix and across the globe, there are people who think it’s on this holy scale. That there isn’t anything we can touch or play around with. But we believe we know the balance between what can be changed versus what needs to be protected.

Nomura :
Apart from delving even deeper into the episodes [of the game], we’re preparing tricks/devices/gimmicks (Author’s note : there was no single word to properly capture the essence of this word) among other things. After all, isn’t it the case that the people who played the original game, the important parts included, knows the story from beginning to end? We’re thinking we want those people as well to be able to get (literally “taste”) surprised [by the story] once again.

Yoshinori Kitase :
We don’t want to do a remake that ends with [just] tracing [people’s] nostalgia. We want to make fans of the original excited (literally : “dokidoki”, the sound of a racing heart in Japanese) again. We’re re-adjusting the story putting those [kind of] feelings into it.

Nomura :
Of course, there will be parts of the original that will get cut for various reasons, but even with that done, if in this version we’re going ahead with additional scenes, and with the level of detail of this product, we expect that the overall size/volume of the game will increase [compared to the original].

But people still loved the movie and the other games, at least some of them. Are you suggesting that only like 10 people liked AC and CC while everyone else in the entire planet hated them and would rather just destrory them? Then what's the point of Square still using some of the contents from the other titles in the first place if millions of people hated them?

No, that is not what I am suggesting.
What I am suggesting however, is that there are far more people who played the original, but only got exposed to a fraction of the compilation, or not at all, and didn't like it when they did, compared to people who loved it.

That does not change the fact that AC and CC both sold several million copies, and so adding an advent children costume her, or a Zack plush-toy there is still economically viable when you consider that such things don't cost much to do, but can still tap into those fan-bases.

However, this wasn't what we were talking about.
You made the claim that not including anything compilation related would be bad because it would alienate fans of the compilation.

I'm simply pointing out that if it's a choice between alienating fans of the OG as it is, and fans of the compilation, the former is far worse than the latter based on sales numbers..

*Ugh* Why do I even borther trying to argue here if you so obviously wish terribly that the Compilation never existed and that we would've had to wait for 20 years just to see FFVII again after 20 years of nothing?

Except that I never said I wished this, nor have I ever made an argument remotely even saying that.

Take a step back, and try wrapping your mind around the distinction between saying :

A.) The compilation is horrible in all conceivable ways and shouldn't exist, and
B.) the compilation does not work well with the original, and is less popular by far than the original, and therefore it is not productive to work hard trying to make the remake work with what's already there comparatively to just starting from scratch and using what you think works and change it based on what is convenient for story-telling purposes.

However, you're not far off in your assessment of how I feel about the compilation - I'd rather have a long time with nothing and the then a solid remake that stays close to the source material, than a bunch of sub-par spin-off titles that nobody really asked for stealing resources and time that could have been spent on simply giving us a remake earlier on in time.

The problem though is that this assessment is not relevant to what I've been saying in this exchange, since my feelings about the compilation is not what I've been arguing.
What I've been arguing is your confused idea about the extent of the compilations popularity, and the idea that the remake will somehow safely tie in with the compilation without ret-cons or changes.
Both of those positions are wrong, regardless of whether or not I think the compilation has been largely detrimental to FFVII's universe.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
So you have concluded that the Compilation is not canon and that Compilation fans like me and many others should never exist and we should all just burn in the underworld!? Is that what you're actually trying to say and that we never should've been fans in the first place!?

All because you hate the sequels and prequels and you're trying to get us Compilation fans to hate the series and just love the Original game like you and other OG fans!? Because you believe that nothing will change in the story in the remake? That you don't like the idea of comparing Square's plans to change things in their original games?

You know what? I'm sick and tired of always being turned down and having you trying to conceal me into getting rid of my love for sequels and prequels because you want everyone else who actually love the sequels and prequels of the FFVII universe to just think that Nomura and the team are not even adding new contents in the story and just doing a HD remake and just retelling the story!

Would you say the same thing with Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy XV game? Or the Kingdom Hearts franchise? There are people who wanted the world of FFVII to expand and like some changes, but you just don't want to see that.

You'd rather just live in the past and only think about the past that would be brought into the present, not thinking about the choices three of the original team are going through. You think that your theories are right and yours alone while everyone else is wrong.

I know I'm sounding like a very bad behaved child and not acting like my actual age and I'm very sorry for doing so and I don't mean to be assulting, but you'd be surprised that not everyone in spirit actually grow up to their actual age.


So you have concluded that the Compilation is not canon and that Compilation fans like me and many others should never exist and we should all just burn in the underworld!? Is that what you're actually trying to say and that we never should've been fans in the first place!?

Tash, calm down.

This is the exact opposite of what I just said. Can you please take the time to actually read what is being written?

I am pretty sure my posts are not so god damn obtuse that it's reasonable for you to make that ramble based on what I wrote.
Are you non-native English speaker or something? Is that why this is so hard for you to follow?

Again to make this perfectly clear -

I am NOT saying the compilation is terrible in all regards, and I am NOT saying fans of it should "burn in the underworld"(I mean wtf, seriously...).

I am saying that the specific argument you made 1.) that not catering to fans of the compilation with the remake would be bad, is not necessarily true and 2.) that to expect the compilation canon to stay untouched in the remake is pointless.

My feelings on whether or not I like the compilation, which I don't, is NOT RELEVANT to those points. Secondly, me not liking the compilation and wishing they'd rather have spent that time on an earlier remake is not me saying "go eff yourself for being a fan of the compilation" anymore than you saying "I'm a fan of the compilation" is code for "go eff you for only liking the original".

Seriously Tasha, cool off and give this a thought.

All because you hate the sequels and prequels and you're trying to get us Compilation fans to hate the series and just love the Original game like you and other OG fans!? Because you believe that nothing will change in the story in the remake? That you don't like the idea of comparing Square's plans to change things in their original games?

No, I am trying to make you stop being an emotional reactionary and realize when your arguments don't make sense.

I don't care one way or the other whether you love the compilation, and you're completely entitled to do so.

What I want you to realize is that what happened to the original with the compilation (ret-cons and changes) will happen with the remake too, and secondly, that you're being a massive hypocrite when you react like this to that statement.
Because you somehow seem to think that changing the OG through the compilation is completely fine and dandy, but changing the compilation for the remake is somehow wrong.

I'm not the one who feels entitled to FFVII being one way, that being my way - you on the other hand, is the one completely emotionally attached to the point of having outbursts like this to your specific conception of the FFVII universe.

You know what? I'm sick and tired of always being turned down and having you trying to conceal me into getting rid of my love for sequels and prequels because you want everyone else who actually love the sequels and prequels of the FFVII universe to just think that Nomura and the team are not even adding new contents in the story and just doing a HD remake and just retelling the story!

I'm not trying to convince you of this, so if you're tired of that, then I suggest you actually read my posts instead of having an unhinged reaction to something I've never said nor implied.
That's not on me - that Tasha, is on you.

I am not making the argument that Kitase and Co. are not adding new content to the remake - I'm specifically making the argument that they are, and that this new content is just as likely to ret-con and change things about the compilation as the OG.
How is this hard to understand?

We're not getting a frame by frame remake of the OG - NEITHER are we getting a remake that adheres 100% to the canon of the compilation.
We're getting an entirely new thing that tells the story in whatever way the team NOW feels is the best.

I would prefer one that focuses on staying true mostly to the OG, and you'd prefer one that's focused on staying true to all of the compilation - and neither us is getting either.

Would you say the same thing with Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy XV game? Or the Kingdom Hearts franchise? There are people who wanted the world of FFVII to expand and like some changes, but you just don't want to see that.

I wouldn't say the same for FFXV - because guess what? The titles in that franchise aren't being made years apart.

Would I say it about KH? Certainly. KH would have been a better franchise in almost all conceivable ways if it only consisted of 1 and 2, and later 3.
KH is a money-grubbing mess of series at this point.

You'd rather just live in the past and only think about the past that would be brought into the present, not thinking about the choices three of the original team are going through. You think that your theories are right and yours alone while everyone else is wrong.

No. I'd rather that people make quality franchises where prequels and sequels are planned out beforehand when the story is first conceived of - rather than tacked on years later as sub-par, easy and exploitative cash-grabs despite the fact that the title they're then tacked on to was never intended to feature other titles to begin with.

I am not principally opposed to FFVII spin-offs - I'm principally opposed to bad spin-offs, and I consider the FFVII spin-offs to be just that.
However, I also recognize that they're here now, and that my taste is just that - my taste. Not yours, nor that of anyone else.
You can love the compilation all you want, and I wouldn't dream of taking that away from you.
Enjoy it til hell freezes over for all I care.

However, being opposed to a certain kind of spin-off, or remake, does not mean that I am opposed to all kinds of spin-offs and remakes.

I know I'm sounding like a very bad behaved child and not acting like my actual age and I'm very sorry for doing so and I don't mean to be assulting, but you'd be surprised that not everyone in spirit actually grow up to their actual age.

No, you just sound unhinged at this point. Calm down, and read what is actually being said, instead of getting your head in a twist because someone doesn't like the same things that you do.

AGAIN - our entire exchange here had nothing to do with whether I, or you, like the compilation or not -
It had to do with the fact that you made clear errors in your arguments about the extent of damage ignoring the compilation would do to the remake, and the extent of changes we can expect from the remake.

The remake would not suffer substantial damages from not incorporating the compilation, and the compilation canon will not go untouched for this remake.

This does not mean that you have to stop liking the compilation, nor does it mean that I'm saying I'm somehow right, or better than you, because I don't.
Again, take a deep breath and read.
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I adore the Compilation, as Mr Ite well knows; I came into this fandom through, and most of my fanly efforts are rooted in it.

Despite all this, I totally see the sense in what Hian is saying.

Somebody else (or maybe it was Hian) observed that what we all need to remember is that FFVII doesn't actually belong to us. It belongs to the creative team who made/will make it, and like all creative people they are going to want to imbue it with whatever is their vision now. SE have never been particularly interested in reconciling the different parts of the Compilation or even in filling up plot-holes. That's not an oversight on their part, just as giving us different versions of the Nibelheim incident in the different installments of the Compilation isn't down to them just being too lazy to go back and check out how it played out in the original.

I really, really doubt that reconciling the OG with the Compilation is going to be a high priority for the remake team, and that's fine with me, and I LOVE the Compilation.

I think the thing I fear the the most is that they will tamper with the themes and messages of the original game.

Personally I don't get why everybody thinks this game has "dated". That's a bit like saying Shakespeare has dated. It's a product of its time. Sure,ed on, the English language has moved on, but the poetry, the characterisation, the ideas, the themes: these never grow old.

Also, no amount of eye-popping CGI scenery will ever match the beauty of FFVII detailed painted backgrounds. The GCI will be just like every other CGI, but those backgrounds were unique. I bet they won't even having toilet paper standing on the cisterns in the hotel bathrooms in the remake.


^ Thank you.

I believe it was Lulcielid who made that sentiment on the last page, but I agree entirely.

The irony in all of this is that CC, is IMO, a great game. It has a good story, and solid game-play. My problem with CC isn't that it isn't a great game - it's that it adds to the number of plot-/style inconsistencies of the franchise, and that didn't need to happen.

SE has treated the plot and style of FFVII as being open to interpretation since the very beginning, and that will continue (and already has, going by the trailers).
That might be bad, it might be good - but it's going to happen, and it's something that people on both sides of the fence need to accept.
Not just me as primarily an OG fan, but also those who love the compilation as it is.

I'm still allowed though, I presume, to say I'd prefer a more conservative remake even if that is not going to happen.
It's possibly to prefer one thing, and also be open to other things at the same time.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I'm actually leaning towards looking forward to this new iteration of the story, even I have doubts.
It's natural to have doubts, given what my feelings are on the compilation, and SE's track-record - but I'm allowed to be excited at the same time, am I not?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Also, no amount of eye-popping CGI scenery will ever match the beauty of FFVII detailed painted backgrounds. The GCI will be just like every other CGI, but those backgrounds were unique. I bet they won't even having toilet paper standing on the cisterns in the hotel bathrooms in the remake.

I'm hoping (possibly against hope) that they will have that level of attention to detail. I don't think it's impossible, there have been a fair few games recently that have 3d environments that feel detailed and unique without being 'cookie cutter' It's just a matter of whether they will do that or not.


Eyes of the Lord
Another wish to add to my VIIRemake wishlist:

Each part of the Remake having a different director or creative team
The idea is that each part (3 at the moment) would have their own flavour, making them distinctive and giving some variety to the Remake.
As for who would they be:

Part 1: Tetsuya Nomura
Part 2: ???? ????
Part 3: Yoshinori Kitase (I´d like to see him returning to the directorial role as well as him being the one in charge of ending the remake makes for some nice bookend type of feel)


Save your valediction (she/her)
Somebody else (or maybe it was Hian) observed that what we all need to remember is that FFVII doesn't actually belong to us. It belongs to the creative team who made/will make it...

I'm not gonna be very helpful here, but I'm firmly in the "myth belongs to the people" camp. Once you tell it, it ain't your property. I understand legal/fiscal considerations, which is why me and Jason Tandro and S&G won't be profiting from our sermonic retellings. But I'm from the Elizabethan School of Copyright, which is to say that property is a fake idea and we should all just play in the sun.

Yes I know that I am objectively incorrect. In regards to FFVII, I'm used to it. The remake won't be any more canon than the original, and my interpretation of the OG won't be any more canon than, say, Flare's.
Oh yes, I agree. Otherwise, how could I write fanfiction? And FFVII is such a potent myth!

But ultimately the creative team are going to aim at fulfilling their own visions, not just pandering to the fans. They are, after all, creative. They will make a much better game if they try to fulfil their own visions. Pandering to the fans always ends up in a hot mess.

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Is it just me, or do remakes and sequels of beloved works tend to bring out the worst in the fandoms? Ghostbusters, Star Wars (prequels), and so on.
Being a creator of original content is like being the manager of a football team. Once the fans exist, every single of them knows they could make a better job of it than you are.


Well, it's pretty obvious when you think about it.

Make one piece of art, and the fans of that art will all be fans of that art, regardless of what their reasons might be.
When you create a follow up piece though, unless that piece is the same in all conceivable ways, because your fans are fans of the first thing for different reasons, there simply is no way they're all going to be fans of your second thing as well in the same way, and so the fan-based becomes divided.
After all, they all liked the first thing, and they'd all like to like the next iteration of the thing they liked - or rather they'd like the next iteration to be imbued with the same things that they liked about the first iteration.
But, when that doesn't happen, then they'll feel like they've lost out on something, or been abandoned etc.

I think the problem becomes even bigger when you're talking about things with mass-appeal. The more fans you have, the bigger the differences within the groups, and the smaller the margin of error in alienating them becomes once you create a follow-up.

The problem becomes bigger yet again in media and art that is by its very nature, to one degree or another, escapist.
Fantasy and science-fiction very often provides a very peculiar and deep sense of emotional gratification, in that it allows people to leave their world and worries behind and complete indulge their particular fancies in a way other art and media seldom does.
That creates a pretty powerful connection between the audience and the product, and when that fantasy is then changed through later iterations in ways that creates dissonance in the minds of the audience, they find themselves forcefully ejected from that world that was previously their haven.

It's no wonder then, that people in fandoms of franchises like Star Wars, Star Trek Lord of The rings, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Harry Potter etc. can all be some really pieces of work when they get confronted with what they consider to be unwelcome changes, or people trying to effect unwelcome changes.

This is arguably why Final Fantasy for the longest time was such a smart franchise. Because it didn't make spin-offs, sequels or prequels, and it was perfectly understood that each game would be almost entirely its own thing, meaning that the majority of the fan-base, whilst disagreeing on which games are better than the others, could pretty much live with the changes, because the changes meant nothing for the world of their particular favorite game within the franchise.

Maybe I'm remembering things in rose-tinted glasses - but the "toxicity" of the FF fan-base didn't really become pronounced until they started removing world-maps, a mainline title was made an online game, and the spin-offs started coming.

Sure, you had your FFVI elitists hating on FFVII, and FFVII fans hating on FFVIII, but most of the games were largely well-received and loved by the fan-base - and most people could swallow their bitterness from any one title's changes on the basis that "hey, at least it's just one title, and it'll change again with the next".


Save your valediction (she/her)
Maybe I'm remembering things in rose-tinted glasses - but the "toxicity" of the FF fan-base didn't really become pronounced until they started removing world-maps, a mainline title was made an online game, and the spin-offs started coming.

Sure, you had your FFVI elitists hating on FFVII, and FFVII fans hating on FFVIII, but most of the games were largely well-received and loved by the fan-base - and most people could swallow their bitterness from any one title's changes on the basis that "hey, at least it's just one title, and it'll change again with the next".

You're quite right. I remember being super elitist when FFX came out because of lack of world map. And then XI was announced :P

Spin-offs though? I never cared. They've been churning them out since original Game Boy, and some of them (and by "some" I mean Tactics) are among my favourite all-time activities.


Double Growth
It still amuses me that the long-suffering FFVI fans always complaining about VII must have achieved what they wanted? Because they all vanished in favor of now it being all FFIX all the time. I can only imagine VI became too popular to be the unsung choice anymore. I'm curious which it will move to after IX. I might guess IV, but it's been remade and rereleased so many times that it might not be dark horse enough. I guess it could leap to XII.


Spin-offs though? I never cared. They've been churning them out since original Game Boy, and some of them (and by "some" I mean Tactics) are among my favourite all-time activities.

So you were completely satisfied with FFX-2, and the FFXIII trilogy pushing back other main-line FF games? =P

I know that FF has always had spin-offs - I was more thinking about the increase in budget draining spin-offs the last decade and a half.
It's doubtful that Chocobo Racing/Dugeon had much meaningful impact on Squaresofts mainline FF games.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I think the problem becomes even bigger when you're talking about things with mass-appeal. The more fans you have, the bigger the differences within the groups, and the smaller the margin of error in alienating them becomes once you create a follow-up.

The problem becomes bigger yet again in media and art that is by its very nature, to one degree or another, escapist.
Fantasy and science-fiction very often provides a very peculiar and deep sense of emotional gratification, in that it allows people to leave their world and worries behind and complete indulge their particular fancies in a way other art and media seldom does.
That creates a pretty powerful connection between the audience and the product, and when that fantasy is then changed through later iterations in ways that creates dissonance in the minds of the audience, they find themselves forcefully ejected from that world that was previously their haven.

It's no wonder then, that people in fandoms of franchises like Star Wars, Star Trek Lord of The rings, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Harry Potter etc. can all be some really pieces of work when they get confronted with what they consider to be unwelcome changes, or people trying to effect unwelcome changes.

This is arguably why Final Fantasy for the longest time was such a smart franchise. Because it didn't make spin-offs, sequels or prequels, and it was perfectly understood that each game would be almost entirely its own thing, meaning that the majority of the fan-base, whilst disagreeing on which games are better than the others, could pretty much live with the changes, because the changes meant nothing for the world of their particular favorite game within the franchise.

Yeah, I guess you've have a good point. Sometimes fans of opposite sides of the world in liking different storylines of Final Fantasy titles is sort like the end of the world or something.

Maybe I'm remembering things in rose-tinted glasses - but the "toxicity" of the FF fan-base didn't really become pronounced until they started removing world-maps, a mainline title was made an online game, and the spin-offs started coming.

Blame FFX-2 for that, and it came out exactly 2 years since it's prequel which, the timing of it in regards of script waiting was pretty much bad. Sadly, I think Square decided that, instead of giving up the idea of making sequels and then spin-offs, they decided to try again when kids demanded KH to be on Gameboy Advanced(Chain of Memories which was remade for PS2) which also probably got them thinking into make more sequels, spin-offs and then prequels, and the Compilation was the start of it.

Too bad the guy who directed FFX and FFX-2 decided to create the worst Final Fantasy title and two sequels in Final Fantasy history-FFXIII.

Sure, you had your FFVI elitists hating on FFVII, and FFVII fans hating on FFVIII, but most of the games were largely well-received and loved by the fan-base - and most people could swallow their bitterness from any one title's changes on the basis that "hey, at least it's just one title, and it'll change again with the next".

I like both FFVII and FFVIII since I'm a fan of both. I think the reason why FFVI fans hated VII was because VII held more of the late 20th Century/early 21st Century kind of thing and not the mythical/historical kind of thing happening.

You're quite right. I remember being super elitist when FFX came out because of lack of world map. And then XI was announced :P

Spin-offs though? I never cared. They've been churning them out since original Game Boy, and some of them (and by "some" I mean Tactics) are among my favourite all-time activities.

I don't mind certain spin-offs, love the spin-offs in the Compilation of FFVII, Mobius has me curious, definately a fan of KH, actually kind of like Type-0(I doubt the Online version will go anywhere, though), definately looking forward to World of Final Fantasy(I like the Lann and Reyne characters already), loved Dissidia and it's prequel, but the rest I'm not too keen on, like Tactics, FFXII-Reveant Wings(crappy sequel gameplay-should've it made it for PSP or something with better and different gameplay), and ect.


Save your valediction (she/her)
A decrease in quality on the whole doesn't point to spin-offs as the problem. If you take the team from one sucky game and divert them to working on another sucky game, you'll have fewer sucky games I suppose, but it won't fix the jerry-rigged central mechanic or the lazy/ inane story and art design of a Priority title. Those aspects sadly are in the hands of a few folks at the top.

FFIX was supposed to be a spin-off and that didn't seem to lessen the quality of FFX, nor did Tactics detract from FFVII and VIII. I don't really see how we disagree?


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
A decrease in quality on the whole doesn't point to spin-offs as the problem. If you take the team from one sucky game and divert them to working on another sucky game, you'll have fewer sucky games I suppose, but it won't fix the jerry-rigged central mechanic or the lazy/ inane story and art design of a Priority title. Those aspects sadly are in the hands of a few folks at the top.

Yeah, good point. People these days go to focus more on the quality of the graphics on how games should look they hardly pay attention to how the stories and gameplays should go.

FFXIII is a good example-beautiful in quality and landscapes, but sucky in story, character personalities(Snow's character is the most irritating it's no wonder Lightning and Noel don't like him) and gameplay.


Save your valediction (she/her)
A decrease in quality on the whole doesn't point to spin-offs as the problem. If you take the team from one sucky game and divert them to working on another sucky game, you'll have fewer sucky games I suppose, but it won't fix the jerry-rigged central mechanic or the lazy/ inane story and art design of a Priority title. Those aspects sadly are in the hands of a few folks at the top.

Yeah, good point. People these days go to focus more on the quality of the graphics on how games should look they hardly pay attention to how the stories and gameplays should go.

I mean, do we though? Or is that just what industry people *think* we think? I don't know a single person who is graphics-first, especially when it comes to RPGs.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Well, that's what it seems like to me, by FFXIII standards. I mean, did any of us ever got to meet anyone from Square Enix in Japan or Europe or even in America?

I certainly didn't and I've always wanted to meet famous producers, actors, ect, but still haven't got the chance.

Plus, it's not like games and such grow on trees.


I hope we'll see Aerith's church be linked to an actual religion this time, even if it's defunct one.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I hope we'll see Aerith's church be linked to an actual religion this time, even if it's defunct one.

Already so defunct that no one even remembers it or the name of the town it was built in.
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