Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

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Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I know what you mean about it fleshing out the backstory, but I always thought a big part of the Dropping of the Plate (biblical) was THAT it was an over-the-top response, and a "false flag" terrorist action designed to increase public sympathy towards Shinra and lower it towards any resistance movements (which, judging by the average slum resident, is already pretty damn low).


Pro Adventurer
When President Shinra talks about dropping the Sector 7 plate I will be pleased if, in the remake, he brings up the Before Crisis version of AVALANCHE as a motivator for crushing this tiny, Barret-lead version of the group.

The former AVALANCHE was a thorn in Shinra's side for *at least* over half a decade before their leader was "assassinated" and the group ceased to be. Barely has the President had time to enjoy this seemingly final victory before a new cell pops up and explodes a reactor. So the President wants to nip this one in the bud immediately.

Highlighting this context in the remake would help the player further understand why Shinra went to the outrageous length of dropping a city plate onto the slums.

It would not be a necessary addition to the script but nevertheless it is a bit of fleshing out that I'd enjoy.

I still want to hold onto my theory that Midgar is in economic decline, and the plate drop was a financial move that was just waiting for a convenient scapegoat.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
When President Shinra talks about dropping the Sector 7 plate I will be pleased if, in the remake, he brings up the Before Crisis version of AVALANCHE as a motivator for crushing this tiny, Barret-lead version of the group.

The former AVALANCHE was a thorn in Shinra's side for *at least* over half a decade before their leader was "assassinated" and the group ceased to be. Barely has the President had time to enjoy this seemingly final victory before a new cell pops up and explodes a reactor. So the President wants to nip this one in the bud immediately.

Highlighting this context in the remake would help the player further understand why Shinra went to the outrageous length of dropping a city plate onto the slums.

So would I. It's probably the next best thing to a HD/3D remake of Before Crisis which will never come.

I'm hoping, for the sake of the ending, that if players manage to complete the 100% of the game that they'd get awarded with a new Epilogue set between Meteor being destroyed and the
500 years later ending as also shown in the beginning of Advent Children-both versions


Pro Adventurer
I definitely don't think you're alone there, and yessss I know the chorus of "But the Compilation has now established that..." is on its way, but I will say that I, for one, LOVE the ambiguity of the original ending and would be so pleased to see it carried through faithfully. We know that Cloud has finally figured himself out, that the Lifestream has surged through to aid Holy, the clash is happening in a blinding flash, and the rest? ...Is up to the Planet (and to some extent, the player). As Bugenhagen asks earlier, is Man inherently a danger to the planet? Are we bad or good? Will we be wiped out in the Planet's defense or spared (with clues sprinkled about)? Such a bold move for the often cut-and-dry world of videogame narratives.

That said, I wouldn't throw a fit and break my toys if they decided to make a more definitive, tie-up-the-ends ending, especially if the journey itself is handled excellently. It's just what I'd hope.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I definitely don't think you're alone there, and yessss I know the chorus of "But the Compilation has now established that..." is on its way, but I will say that I, for one, LOVE the ambiguity of the original ending and would be so pleased to see it carried through faithfully. We know that Cloud has finally figured himself out, that the Lifestream has surged through to aid Holy, the clash is happening in a blinding flash, and the rest? ...Is up to the Planet (and to some extent, the player). As Bugenhagen asks earlier, is Man inherently a danger to the planet? Are we bad or good? Will we be wiped out in the Planet's defense or spared (with clues sprinkled about)? Such a bold move for the often cut-and-dry world of videogame narratives.

That said, I wouldn't throw a fit and break my toys if they decided to make a more definitive, tie-up-the-ends ending, especially if the journey itself is handled excellently. It's just what I'd hope.

Yeah, well, for me, I'm more for a most questions are answered ending type of person and for me, the Compilation gave me a huge sigh of relief about the fates of humanity in FFVII.

But now with (most likely true, much to my utter dismay) rumors of Tifa's death in the Remake becoming more of reality, the Remake is definitely a reboot. Aerith's death was bad enough and I know that I'm expecting it to be twice as shocking in full CG Remake, but why now decide to kill off Tifa as well? She's one of my favorites.
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But now with (most likely true, much to my utter dismay) rumors of Tifa's death in the Remake becoming more of reality, the Remake is definitely a reboot.
Any "rumors" about Tifa dying are actually just jokes. There is no reason to take such a claim seriously. You can relax.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
But now with (most likely true, much to my utter dismay) rumors of Tifa's death in the Remake becoming more of reality, the Remake is definitely a reboot.
Any "rumors" about Tifa dying are actually just jokes. There is no reason to take such a claim seriously. You can relax.

Well, it's probably a good idea to be in half and half and while I am relieved that they are jokes, I don't think even Cloud could handle it. I can already see tears falling on his face and how devastated he'd be in the Remake which will be more realistic than in the original game.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
The thing with killing Tifa is that it stops Cloud ever knowing who he was before Sephiroth messed with his head. Given how important that arc is to Cloud's character (even after the OG), I can't see any reason why they would overhaul it so much.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
The thing with killing Tifa is that it stops Cloud ever knowing who he was before Sephiroth messed with his head. Given how important that arc is to Cloud's character (even after the OG), I can't see any reason why they would overhaul it so much.

True, unless they decide to kill her off during the final battle against Sephiroth, which I hope doesn't happen.


Pro Adventurer
So THIS is how rumours get started, huh? Lol. They are NOT going to kill Tifa off. Changing a background, dialogue, even a character motivation...sure. But these Remake developers aren't just randomly "kill central cast member"-happy. Fear not, young traveler!


Pro Adventurer
Especially not when everything they've shown so far has gone out of it's way to be extremely faithful to the original game.

Nah. Any changes I see will be like Twin Snakes. There may be some side-steps and unexpected moments, but it's still in service of hitting all the major narrative points.

As I understand my lore (And dear god will I be glad when Ultimanias are published), the game started with Cloud, Barret, and Aerith as the main characters, and it was decided early on that one of them should be offed. They decided that Barret going out in a heroic blaze of glory would be too predictable, since that was a pretty common element of Final Fantasy. Killing off a female, and in a non-glorified way would shock the audience.

Of course that also meant getting rid of your main female, and love interest, so Tifa was put into the mix.


Pro Adventurer
I heard something about them having another martyr im the remake, some dude from Gongaga named like Mark or somethin, but idk he just sounded like a rip-off of Cloud tbh
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Pro Adventurer
Part of me wonders if they will put in the scene of cloud and friends crawling through the air ducts to watch the meeting before someone remarks about the smell of shit Haha

That's one of those scenes that I think a game that makes you fully aware of 3D spaces is going to be a lot more difficult to translate. That's a combination of at least 400 lbs wedged into one airvent section that would be made of aluminum at best.


Pro Adventurer
Ahh man, I hope so! I mean thats where we learn about Neo-Midgar and everything, right, so it's got to be in there in some form. Scarlet is one of the characters I think it will be most interesting to see in the RM, the whole 'beautiful-but-completely-vile-woman-in-slinky-cocktail-dress' thing was a bit lost by the lego-graphics. Actually, that leads me to something I hadn't yet considered...much like the many terms, names etc we used to assume the sounds of before they were voice-acted (I was crushed to learn things like 'Yuh-fee' being 'Yoo-fee', or 'Tide-us' being 'Tee-dus'), we will, for the first time, have actual audio of 'Gya-ha-ha' and 'Kya-ha-ha'...
I'm probably in a minority of one here, but I would like to see them do some remodelling on Scarlet. It's ridiculous to think a woman of her stature would go to work in a red satin cocktail dress slit to the hip. She should still rock the sexy older woman look, but maybe when she's at the office she could wear a pant suit with no shirt under the buttoned jacket, and when she's in Gongaga she can wear a jumpsuit with a red leather bomber jacket, and so on. It would be nice to see her in a range of clothes. I bet she's got a wardrobe as big as my apartment.

Stuff like this:





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Double Growth
Wouldn't bother me, though it'd be nice to see the cocktail dress at some point. Maybe when she's in Rufus' office for the firing of the Sister Ray, like theyre having an office cocktail hour for it :monster:

I wonder how they'll do hers and Heidegger's laughs. Will they be distinctive enough that Cait Sith will be able to refer to them by their laughs later? haha kyahaha
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Pro Adventurer
I'm pretty sure Scarlette will get the typical anime Ohohohohoho. She does do the backwards palm thing IIRC, and that's a pretty typical anime trope.

As for her dress? Look, it's Final Fantasy. I'm not ever going to question someone's clothing choice in this franchise, and her cocktail dress is positively tame compared to literally anyone else in the game that isn't wearing just a business suit.


Double Growth
lol, people are so bent out of shape about those things. They come off of his Remake Play Arts figure, for whatever that's worth to you.


Pro Adventurer
If we're on the subject of clothing, I hope Barret loses the shades.

Oh no doubt. I'd bet anything those things exist expressly for the purpose of him taking them off in an emotional moment of self affirmation.


Barret may be hiding his eyes.
Cloud may be hiding the true hilt of the Buster Sword
Tifa may be hiding her scar
Aerith IS hiding her white materia.

I may be onto something here.
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