How many of you finished ff7


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000

I cheated for Emerald and Ruby weapons though because I don't give a shit about battles, they bring me no joy and in my opinion are not the point of the fucking game. :monster:
I've finished the game many times. Though if you count defeating Ruby Weapon as "finishing" the game, I've only beaten it maybe three, four times.

but I'm still slightly bothered that I've never mastered the Enemy Skill Materia.
Remember, fight Godo on disc 2 and have him teach Trine to all your Enemy Skill materia that have not yet learned it.
Also, Dragon Zombie only uses Pandora's Box ONCE so make sure that all 4 of your ES materia are equipped to learn it.

You probably know that this is all you need to pay attention to, but the urge to spout this out was too great. :awesome:

Same here I hardly ever take the time to do all the side stuff when I play games. I just like the main plot. :)
And here we have one of the ingredients for FFVII's success. It appeals to both casual and hardcore players.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
Remember, fight Godo on disc 2 and have him teach Trine to all your Enemy Skill materia that have not yet learned it.
Also, Dragon Zombie only uses Pandora's Box ONCE so make sure that all 4 of your ES materia are equipped to learn it.

You probably know that this is all you need to pay attention to, but the urge to spout this out was too great. :awesome:

And here we have one of the ingredients for FFVII's success. It appeals to both casual and hardcore players.

See, I get Trine from the Materia Keeper, so there's no problem there, and I've even gotten Pandora's Box. It took me a while to get White Wind from the Zemzellet, because I couldn't figure out that I needed to control them and cast it on myself. I don't even remember the ones I hadn't gotten... Maybe I'll go fire up my old save and check it this weekend...

X :neo:
See, I get Trine from the Materia Keeper, so there's no problem there, and I've even gotten Pandora's Box. It took me a while to get White Wind from the Zemzellet, because I couldn't figure out that I needed to control them and cast it on myself. I don't even remember the ones I hadn't gotten... Maybe I'll go fire up my old save and check it this weekend...

X :neo:

However if you wish to master all 4 of the Enemy Skill materia, you must save the Godo battle for disc 2 because only then do you have all of them.
You only have 2 ES materia when facing Materia Keeper, and three when you fight Stilva (who also has Trine) Inside Gaea's Cliff. Get the fourth materia inside Chocobo Sage's house.

I just love nerding out. =)


You d-dummy!
I-it's not like I wanted you to know my ACF username or anything! I-idiot! (Magitek)
Same here I hardly ever take the time to do all the side stuff when I play games. I just like the main plot. :)

Normally I would do all the side stuff, but I just didn't really care about the side stuff in FFVII.

FFV though, thats a game I could replay six times during the same week.


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
I did. But it took almost a year because on Disc 2 my save was wiped (along with ALL of my saves) and then I was so upset that I stopped playing for months to play Vagrant Story. Then, I eventually started again and finished the game.


Pro Adventurer
The ending made me depressed. I have no idea why... :( It still leaves something cold and alien in me. Not that I think it was a bad ending, mind you. Just... depressing.

I thought the ending was depressing when I saw it at first too. Beautiful at the very end, but depressing (facing Meteor with the reassurance of seeing a dead companion again, where is everyone afterward, why do we have to zoom to that far in the future for a pretty end?)

I watched it recently again and it's still grim in how they have to face Meteor, reassuring themselves that at least even if everything gets fucked up they'll see Aerith again, but I guess in a way the grimness also adds to the heartwarming--even with the shittiest outlook, they're going out with one positive thought and facing the possible end straight-on.

...Also, at one point, it looks like Cloud might be petting Red XIII on the airship. And that is so adorably dorky that even if it happened for the most depressing reason (WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE, SORRY RED) I'm going to believe that Cloud was petting Red because that's just...cute and dorky and Cloud.


Save your valediction (she/her)
...Also, at one point, it looks like Cloud might be petting Red XIII on the airship. And that is so adorably dorky that even if it happened for the most depressing reason (WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE, SORRY RED) I'm going to believe that Cloud was petting Red because that's just...cute and dorky and Cloud.

I just YouTubed that and I hadn't noticed it before either!! It's like he's patting him on the nose -- the way Aeris used to. :(


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, it's a brief moment and they don't exactly focus on what Cloud's hand is doing, but he's either patting Red's nose or letting Red nuzzle his hand, something like that--probably a nose-pat, since Red mentions in the game that he actually kind of liked when Aerith did it.

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer
I'll be honest to say that I had to resort to a Gameshark/Action Replay to finish FFVII in the end (*dodges flying vegetables*). After so many attempts to play the game through without cheating, the furthest I could reach was the Temple of Ancients.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I've only ever Mastered three of the four E.Skill materia, as I always take on the Wutai sidequest as soon as I'm able... :doh:

Mostly cos of the boost it gives to my chances of getting Yuffie on the date. :whistle:
I've only ever Mastered three of the four E.Skill materia, as I always take on the Wutai sidequest as soon as I'm able... :doh:

Mostly cos of the boost it gives to my chances of getting Yuffie on the date. :whistle:

Yuffie will not get a boost of Affection Points if you finish the Pagoda sidequest, so as far as the dating sequence goes you are very much free to avoid the Godo battle and have an equal chance of triggering the Yuffie date AND mastering all 4 ES materia.

Read the Date Mechanics guide :monster:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Yuffie will not get a boost of Affection Points if you finish the Pagoda sidequest, so as far as the dating sequence goes you are very much free to avoid the Godo battle and have an equal chance of triggering the Yuffie date AND mastering all 4 ES materia.

You mean the date guide I had mislead me?! :doh: Oh well... It's still kinda worth it to have All Creation on disc 1. >:3


Double Growth
The only enemy skill you ever need is Mighty Guard anyway :P ALWAYS take the buggy back to Costa Del Sol after Gold Saucer to get it.

The Enemy Skill that always gives me the most trouble is Beta. The first time you're near the Zolom its too powerful for you to survive, and by the time you can take the airship back you're too strong to get him down to the 10% health or whatever it is needed for it to cast the spell without killing him.


Pro Adventurer
The Enemy Skill that always gives me the most trouble is Beta. The first time you're near the Zolom its too powerful for you to survive, and by the time you can take the airship back you're too strong to get him down to the 10% health or whatever it is needed for it to cast the spell without killing him.

It depends how leveled you are at that point. As long as you have the Elemental-Fire on one of your characters armor slot it's easier. Equip the character with restore and the E-Skill and it usually comes down with just that character at the end of the battle. One of your characters gets thrown out by the Zolom (Depending on who attack last at the right moment) while usually the other one gets KO'ed by the Beta, which leaves only your E-Skill holder to finish off the battle. Obviously if you've got the Fire ring it's easier. Also it helps to put EVERYONE on the back row and concentrate on magic. Oh, one other thing. Make sure the E-skill holder has full health at all times, to insure he survives the Beta.
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
If you get White Wind ASAP (i.e., once you get to Costa del Sol), it can carry you through disc 1. It's also helpful in the Northern Cavern at the end of the game (as long as the character using it has enough health).

You mean the date guide I had mislead me?! :doh: Oh well... It's still kinda worth it to have All Creation on disc 1. >:3

Do not be tempted into sin! Why get All Creation when by the end it isn't even her best limit break? Do I have to actually WORK to convert you into a Perfect-Game fanatic?!

The only enemy skill you ever need is Mighty Guard anyway :P ALWAYS take the buggy back to Costa Del Sol after Gold Saucer to get it.

It's called 'Big Guard'. Geez, do I have to correct all of you? :awesome:


Double Growth
Dammit, as I was typing I knew FF7 called it something different than all the other games and so consciously switched what I was going to write...and was correct the first time :P


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Dammit, as I was typing I knew FF7 called it something different than all the other games and so consciously switched what I was going to write...and was correct the first time :P

Not to worry, you are actually correct as it is a translation error ;) probably a deliberate one.

From Japanese FF7:

Big Guard > マイティガード > maiteigaado > Mighty Guard


just another lurker
Good grief, it took me a while, but I completed it. I spent over 99 hours, 99 minutes, and 99 seconds on that game. Then again, I was into the chocobo racing, materia breeding, and training up to level 99 before even attempting to defeat ol' Sephy.

Lol, I flattened him in less than 5 minutes. ^_^

I always enjoyed doing the Wutai sidequest asap so it would be more of a challenge for me to get through those mountains to Wutai. Also, I wanted my prize for reading all the Turtle's Paradise Posters. :wacky: It was also pretty fun to get All Creation, as Sanae said.

Since those fun ol' days, I've completed it a few more times. But I just enjoy loading a previously saved game and playing the parts I enjoy the most. I love my old memory card. <3


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Shame, you missed Ultimecias castle, the greatest dungeon in a game ever.


Rookie Adventurer
Finished it twice. I played it first in 1997 when I was 7 yrs old. Don't remember how long my save file was, probably about 70 hrs. :geek: Atleast 10 of those hours were dedicated to just wandering around the world map. Back then I thought it was huuuge, and never got tired of it.

Played it again around 2005 before the original AC came out. Took me ~50 hours. I did some extra stuffs but not everything. I think I only beat Ultima weapon. :/

Dun think I've ever finished an RPG 100%.
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