Hypothetical Scenarios


Pro Adventurer
But back onto a more serious idea - What ShinRa had set Deepground against Sephiroth?

X :neo:

Depends on the time period that happens. During CC/BC? During FFVII?

And what if, after coming out of the Shinra Mansion, the 'Cetra' Sephiroth met Fuhito and got convinced to help him in summoning Zirconiade to kill all the "human traitors" harming the planet?


Harbinger O Great Justice
I was thinking during FFVII.

And that's a rather crazy interesting idea. I have no doubt that disillusioned Sephiroth would have fought for the Planet, up until Genesis (still around at that point), managed to find him, and tip him off the edge, like in Crisis Core, but I think that he would have gone even more homicidally crazy first, not being confined to just burning Nibelheim to the ground - not to mention, no one would be in close enough proximity to take him down. Lots and lots of violence and TONS of dead people.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
I was thinking during FFVII.

In my opinion, all the 5 Colored Tsviets fighting together could take him down. It wouldn't be easy, because of his big power-up after staying 5 years in the Crater, but I think they would be able to do it.
But of course, only if they were still under the Restrictors' control. Because if they were not, DeepGround wouldn't obey ShinRa at all, and would cause chaos as much as the WEAPONs. Hell, I see Azul and Weiss fighting the WEAPONs just to test their strength.
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
What ShinRa had set Deepground against Sephiroth?

Sephiroth would have been fucked. Period. I firmly believe that all together, Deepground, and the Tsviets alone are greater than strength than the whole of AVALANCHE (except Cloud/Chaos Vincent).

I think Sephiroth would have left Shinra. Even if learning his origins didn't turn him into a fruit-cake, he would still be pissed about to tell Shinra to go fuck itself. Zack may or may not join him.

Shinra would of course want to catch Sephiroth or take him down

Assuming Sephiroth just handed in a slip and left peacefully (and not make the mistake of being a drama queen like Genesis), why wouldn't Shinra just let him peacefully resign and live in cot in Costa Del Sol napping his days away in a hammock?


Pro Adventurer
and the Tsviets alone are greater than strength than the whole of AVALANCHE (except Cloud/Chaos Vincent).

In normal circumstances maybe, but at the end of FFVII AVALANCHE was equiped with the most powerful and rare Materias in the planet. In my opinion that, at least, would put them at the Colored Tsviets' level.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Ok, so what if Sephiroth unleashed Jenova's virus on the people of the planet while he was running around in FF7?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I see the game playing out mostly the same except that Cloud and co would have to be very careful not to catch said Virus.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I don't think so Quex. For one thing the virus would likely effect alot of people as Sephiroth spread it. Many people who helped the party in the OG, or were simply inconsequential, would be raving lunatics trying to kill everything around them.

That, and it would be almost impossible for the party to avoid the virus if they came into contact with Sephiroth. Cloud might be immune since he has Jenova cells, and Vincent might be immune due to Chaos. But the others would be kinda screwed. Well, maybe Cait Sith would be fine, seeing as he's a stuffed animal.

wubba bubba

master map folder
What if they made Genesis the main villian instead of Sephiroth, and what if Angeal was never killed in Crisis Core?


What if Vendel was the main character to FF7?


Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
What if Vendel was the main character to FF7?

See this? To quote the kids from South Park: "Dude, this's pretty fucked up right here." Anyway, Sephy finds out there is someone capable of being an even bigger dick to everyone in sight than he is and quits the villain business. The world is saved! ...but at what cost? Incidentally, people like me who get a good laugh out of other people's dickery are highly amused for the rest of their lives.

Here's one for you, what if the Jenova project had occured in a different way, specifically, what if Hojo had found some way to give himself powers on Sephiroth's level? How fucked up would that be?

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
If Hojo could gain that sort of power then a lot of wierd stuff would happen. I don't think Hojo is to interested in world domination. I think he might try to recreate his results, which could concievably result in a number of people having abilities on Sephiroth's level.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Here's one I don't think we've done. What if the party had never gone to Mideel after they lost Cloud? Obviously Tifa would not have taken her own temporary leave of absence from the group, but what else would be different? Could they have defeated Jenova and Sephiroth without him? If they had fought without him, would anyone have taken that mental step into the Lifestream to force Sephiroth to stop holding back Holy? Could anyone accomplish this besides Chocobutt himself?

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
If they never went to Mideel then things would get tricky. I think the party would be tough enough without Cloud to reach Sephiroth in the NC, but once they got there it gets a little tougher to tell. Chances are Sephiroth would kill them all, and thus his plan would succeed. By some chance they did beat him I imagine he wold just transfer his conciousness into Cloud and assume total control over him, like he did with Jenova. So he'd still have a body with which to accomplish his goals. So I think Cloud would be needed to actually stop Sephiroth.

Now heres one. What if that guy who was sick in the slums had actually been Zack as so many people once believed?
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