SPOILERS INTERmission Chapter 1 Spoiler Discussion


Fire and Blood
How is what what Marle says in English significantly different? They’re both about how Cloud is emotionally constipated and closed off.

I really want to say "oh you sweet summer child" because I immediately saw the LTD angle in the French one, especially the second screenshot which is completely different in French and English. I agree that it's Marle pointing out what we all know in the end: Cloud's too messed up in his head right now.

Also, Don Corneo's men calling Tifa a "mégabombe" in French made me laugh so much. XD
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Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Can't actually play this so I'm youtubing it. Up to the first meeting with the ID Dealer.

ID Dealer looks like Rude in disguise. Hope it's not him...

The opening is perfect, Yuffie's intro showing both her faults and her skills, someone who is able to catch herself perfectly from a fifty foot plunge...but still falls over a lot, including the vistory animation where she spins and nearly falls.

Fort Condor is an extremely clever piece of game design, how can we make a short DLC feel more content driven? With an addictive cameo laden mini game. Does raise the Q of what happens with the real fort, which would be like selling 'Israel v Palestine: the board game' in universe.

Aaargh, I know they have to re use existing assets, but did they have to have this take place in Sector 7. AVALANCHE are so easy to find that they literally randomly bump into them in the street, loudly talking about bombing reactors, ffs! Roche of all people knows Cloud is in Sector 7 slums somehow, ripping another chunk of competence out of AVALANCHE.


AKA: SalihGuclu
Without SPOILING the DLC, can anyone tell me when INTERmission takes place in the REMAKE timeline?

I know that DLC Chapter 1 starts off from REMAKE Chapter 8(-ish) around Cloud and Aerith's arrival at Sector 5 Slums.

I want to play the DLC while also playing the Main Game in Chronological Order.

Chapter 1
Start: Chapter 8 (Sector 5 Slums arrival)
End: ???

Chapter 2
Start: ???
End: ???

Thanks in advance!!


AKA: SalihGuclu
Play it after the main game is my recommendation
I could do that or just jump right into the DLC right now as I have already played through the main game couple of times on PS4, but I like playing things in chronological order. Call me crazy, hehe :desu:

I have made it a habit with games. Played Kingdom Hearts series in chronological order and recently replayed through FFXV and its DLC's in chronological order.
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Ninja Potato
I could do that or just jump right into the DLC right now as I have already played through the main game couple of times on PS4, but I like playing things in chronological order. Call me crazy, hehe :desu:

I have made it a habit with games. Played Kingdom Hearts series in chronological order and recently replayed through FFXV and its DLC's in chronological order.
Yuffie enters Midgar at around the same Time Cloud is running around with Aerith in Chapter 8, and the DLC ends at the end of Chapter 12 (platefall)


AKA: SalihGuclu
Yuffie enters Midgar at around the same Time Cloud is running around with Aerith in Chapter 8, and the DLC ends at the end of Chapter 12 (platefall)
Thank you Odysseus! Now, at least I know where it ends:headbang:

Btw, already tried the DLC until I entered Sector 7 Slums and got to say that I like how the DLC starts. I wonder what the Robed Figures are doing there at the very beginning before the S7 Slums. Looking forward to play it (very soon). :D
Thing I just noticed: Yuffie says "by the power of his divine providence" in one of her abilities, and says "His ways are mysterious" when getting blocked by the whispers. Is she referring to Leviathan you think?
Joke's on Yuffie. Chadley can just replicate her water god digitally. :monster:

the happy turtle jingle that comes out of the controller
Wait, what? Are songs coming out of the PS5 controller?


Sonon is the most drab nothing character I've encountered in a long time and he may as well not even be there.

Is this my soundbar or did they rehire the volume mixer for FF15 back? Because I'm having serious issues with the volume mixing and I'm having traumatic flashbacks to Noctis mumbling important plot information.


Pro Adventurer
Is this my soundbar or did they rehire the volume mixer for FF15 back? Because I'm having serious issues with the volume mixing and I'm having traumatic flashbacks to Noctis mumbling important plot information.

I've noticed this during the base game as well, where it was a little too loud on the PS4 version, now it's too quiet in some places.
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Jimmy XH

Pro Adventurer
Well the timing of PS5 stock into Ireland was just about perfect. It got delivered today and I spent a little (!) time away from work to ensure I was ready to go at the end of the day.

I’ve spent three and a half hours getting approximately nowhere because I’m really loving getting stuck running around into all the new things to do. I just find the idea of Yuffie running around these now familiar areas with now familiar characters so fascinating.

Fort Condor is highly addictive although I’m not sure how I’m going to take Chadley on after a couple of attempts and based on the thread. Maybe it’s the terrific remake of the music that’s keeping my attention? Another nod to the quality of the original OST, for sure.

Yuffie sure is fun to fight with, but it’s taking a bit of time to get used to her. It feels like there’s loads of potential there. As for Ramuh...yeah we’ll come back to you later mate.

It’s good to be back!


I dont like Fort Condor much tbh but I did it for the sake of the trophy.

edit: I beat Ramuh with just Yuffie, but it took several attempts to get familiar with his attacks. My strategy was to keep a distance as much as possible while dodging/blocking, and use Windstorm as soon as he teleports right to you. Had to cure his damage, but I managed to stagger him doing this, before he could Judgement Bolt. Finished him off with a cool limit break finisher.
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Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Random chase through the box factory, with my favourite, Shinra infantry based slapstick comedy....Yay. This actually causes storytelling problems, because in most scenes you're expected to laugh at them, but occasionally you're expected to view them as a threat, and they can't quite make it work.

Stop pointing guns at the fugitive if you're just going to keep punching him.

Aaaand somehow the super inconspicuous cell of AVALANCHE is busted, while the super loud and obvious one next door is completely unnoticed.

Character work here is excellent. You learn a lot about Sonon and Yuffie in subtle ways. I love how repeatedly they are playing up her skills, she can do things like effortlessly eel through a thick crowd despite being so tiny, and actually be good at hiding when she needs to be. The dramatic entrance thing is fantastic, because they're not playing down her melodramatic streak, but making it useful. Reminds me of Dirge, where she is fond of her big dramatic entrances, but also sneaks up on Rosso.

I'm really hoping Sonon survives, he's quiet but a distinct character, and he's so damned good at being a discreet bodyguard.


Pro Adventurer
Fort Condor is highly addictive although I’m not sure how I’m going to take Chadley on after a couple of attempts and based on the thread. Maybe it’s the terrific remake of the music that’s keeping my attention? Another nod to the quality of the original OST, for sure.

This was my strategy. I used as many low ATB-based moving units as much as possible (mainly sword-based units, with a guard dog in particular) so I could keep up with Chadley's onslaught that he throws at you. I went after his left post first and try to destroy it before all of my units get killed and he starts marching into my side of the board. I threw everything I could including offense magic to destroy one of his posts and then spent the rest of the battle defending my side of the field until the timer ran out. I used the board that Wedge gives you and even with that, there is still some luck involved. I'd recommend getting a better board than Wedge's, but I don't know if a particular board isn't available until before or after you defeat Chadley, but I recommend spending some of those Condor coins if you haven't done so already.
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