SPOILERS INTERmission Chapter 2 Spoiler Discussion


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
If I had my wishes, I'd still rather the destiny/time shenanigans wind up being a pointless blemish on part one than to hang over the whole project merely to justify a bad idea :awesomonster:

I suppose my agreement with this would hinge on the proposed changes :wacky:

Like, it could end up working out extremely well or landing flatter than a dead parrot. That's the joy of uncertainty but I'll say this.

If they can keep new things as interesting and well written as Intermission and give us the FFVII story, then I see no problem with it all.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I can only speak for myself, but you're correct about what I'm thinking. :monster:

Although, I'm not sure that the Sephiroth from whatever continuity/timeline/etc the OG and Compilation exists in, is the same as the unknown Sephiroth we've encountered in Chapter 18 of the Remake. I'm simply not comfortable theorizing his origin like that. All that's known is he's different, and potentially from somewhere else, maybe even the future.


Ninja Potato
It's the idea of Sephiroth going to an slightly alternate version of the established canon and then making an even more different version of that that I find to be kind of ridiculous.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's the idea of Sephiroth going to an slightly alternate version of the established canon and then making an even more different version of that that I find to be kind of ridiculous.

I'm sure Future Trunks thought the same thing. :monster:

But we can plainly see, along with what Nomura has said, that the Remake isn't the exact OG continuity. They are separate. However, they share the same lore, timeline, elements, etc. It's also connected to the Compilation. That's pretty indicative right there.


Ninja Potato
I'm sure Future Trunks thought the same thing. :monster:

But we can plainly see, along with what Nomura has said, that the Remake isn't the exact OG continuity. They are separate. However, they share the same lore, timeline, elements, etc. It's also connected to the Compilation. That's pretty indicative right there.
I made the Trunks comparison in my head lol, especially considering 2/5 of the timelines in play we'll probably never see.

My ideal was that the remake and original could kind of interchangeably fill the role of the "meteor crisis" story, just told differently, and the rest of the compilation is functionally identical so it doesn't matter. Of course, if the remake stroy has a totally different ending and doesn't lead into AC or DoC anyway, I guess it really isn't that important. Just requiring a whole extra timeline to accommodate a potential plot hole with the Yuffie DLC is kinda silly imo.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I mean, it most certainly will be told differently, it kinda already is. How functionally interchangeable this story will fit as "FFVII" will depend on how the story unfolds and ultimately how one chooses to view it. For some it most certainly can never be an "FFVII" by its very existence.

So it really just depends on what goes down and I would say... What one personally places as sacrosanct for FFVII to be FFVII.

As far as retcon-plotholes go, Yuffie not saying anything about Deepground is pretty pedestrian.

Yeah, like this is so beyond unimportant to me that it just makes me chuckle. Dirge of Cerberus didn't even bother to believably show us how Cloud, Tifa and Barret managed to deal with Deepground and evacuating Edge. Cloud confronted Rosso the Crimson and the game left that hanging like a spinster accused of Witchcraft in 1692.

I'm supposed to be bothered over a retcon not showcasing Yuffie having any emotion or recognition towards Nero the Sable? The fucking game didn't even showcase Yuffie doing anything in the first place. Par for course.


Ninja Potato
I mean, it most certainly will be told differently, it kinda already is. How functionally interchangeable this story will fit as "FFVII" will depend on how the story unfolds and ultimately how one chooses to view it. For some it most certainly can never be an "FFVII" by its very existence.
Oh, I mean it will never be the FFVII, that will always be the original game. What I mean is just continuity wise, either one could fill that slot without creting major issues with the compilation. It's really down to how the rest of the remake's story goes to determine that, though.

Yeah, like this is so beyond unimportant to me that it just makes me chuckle. Dirge of Cerberus didn't even bother to believably show us how Cloud, Tifa and Barret managed to deal with Deepground and evacuating Edge. I'm supposed to be bothered over a retcon not showcasing Yuffie having any emotion or recognition towards Nero the Sable? The fucking game didn't even showcase Yuffie doing anything in the first place. Par for course.

I could make a way better case for FFVII itself being noncanon to the compilation than this DLC being noncanon to it, honestly lol. The way Zack dies is fairly different, the room Cloud throws Sephiroth into the reactor is different between the OG and every other depiction of the scene. The OG SOLDIER logo is the Deepground logo in the compilation, The layout of the Shinra mansion is contradictory with Dirge and Crisis Core, the Turks outfits are blue instead of black, the Buster Sword looks very different, Red XIII says he's the last of his kind even though BC establishes he knows he isn't... etc. etc. FF7 is far from free of contradictions and design changes as it is, honestly. That's why I thought it was weird people find this one with Yuffie a deal breaker lol.


It's the idea of Sephiroth going to an slightly alternate version of the established canon and then making an even more different version of that that I find to be kind of ridiculous.

At least as far as I'm concerned, this Sephiroth would be from the Remake future rather than OG (if he is indeed from the future instead of...idk something else)


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I could make a way better case for FFVII itself being noncanon to the compilation than this DLC being noncanon to it, honestly lol. The way Zack dies is fairly different, the room Cloud throws Sephiroth into the reactor is different between the OG and every other depiction of the scene. The OG SOLDIER logo is the Deepground logo in the compilation, The layout of the Shinra mansion is contradictory with Dirge and Crisis Core, the Turks outfits are blue instead of black, the Buster Sword looks very different, Red XIII says he's the last of his kind even though BC establishes he knows he isn't... etc. etc. FF7 is far from free of contradictions and design changes as it is, honestly. That's why I thought it was weird people find this one with Yuffie a deal breaker lol.

Pretty much. This is all the nature of adaption, technology and simple creative change.

And unless you're George Lucas, you just let it roll and move on past the changes.
OK, I haven't played the DLC but I have watched one of those cutscene movie thingies and here's what I think:

- Yuffie is lying about working for the Wutai government. That's a bullshit story she (and Sonon?) made up to get Avalanche's help. She and Sonon are two independent ninjas doing their own thing. How they joined up together, I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he initiated it, and that his real (secret) personal mission is to protect her, the daughter of his beloved Master.

- How can she possibly have been doing "this" - whatever "this" is - longer than Sonon when he's like ten years older than she is AND her father trained him? He's letting her be "Boss" because he knows how to manage her. He's pretty much the one making all the decisions.

- If Nayo and her cell really are Avalanche HQ, then it looks like Avalanche is run by the local high school's environmental club. (Not in itself a impausible idea, but one can see why Barret & Co would want to break away, them being adults and all). Why does Nayo have to sound like she's 12? Polk's a kid; he ought to be playing Whack-a-box in the Sector 5 Hideout.

- Barret's cell broke away a year ago, taking Jessie - the fake ID maker - with them. Have Nayo's cell really not needed the services of an ID forger at all in the last twelve months? They really don't seem very active - or effective. I can't help suspecting they're just a bunch of wannabes. Yuffie's a wannabe government agent and they're wannabe eco-activists.

- Why the fuck didn't the Shinra Elite Guards just shoot Zhijie as he was running around? What's in those big guns of theirs? Nerf balls? Or maybe every bullet they use comes out of their own paycheck?

- I liked the bit with the hoodlums trying to snatch Nayo for a Corneo bride

- Scarlet is Queen

- Did Shinra finally figure out where Biggs lives?

- People from Wutai don't look conspicuously different (i.e. "Asian"). They look the same as everybody else on this planet.

- I don't mind her being called Yoofie, but why do they have to spell it Yuffy? Yufie is how her name should be spelled.

- Why can't she keep her shorts buttoned? There's something about that which makes me feel a little queasy.


Double Growth
- Why the fuck didn't the Shinra Elite Guards just shoot Zhijie as he was running around? What's in those big guns of theirs? Nerf balls? Or maybe every bullet they use comes out of their own paycheck?

It seemed to be presented that they wanted to interrogate him. But I couldn't figure out what "intel" they were referring to that he supposedly knew.

- I don't mind her being called Yoofie, but why do they have to spell it Yuffy? Yufie is how her name should be spelled.

As you know I've advocated for Yufi. Looks a lot more Japanese, even though they don't really use "F"s.

- Why can't she keep her shorts buttoned? There's something about that which makes me feel a little queasy.

Evidently that was a trend among Japanese teenagers in the 90s which is why that was always part of her design.
As long as they stay up I don't particularly care, it's not like you can see anything. (I assume, I guess I didn't try, but it didn't really grab my attention)

I agree that I doubt Yuffie's mission is actually sanctioned. It's not like her self-assigned mission in the OG was an official one either.


Ninja Potato
- Yuffie is lying about working for the Wutai government. That's a bullshit story she (and Sonon?) made up to get Avalanche's help. She and Sonon are two independent ninjas doing their own thing. How they joined up together, I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he initiated it, and that his real (secret) personal mission is to protect her, the daughter of his beloved Master.
It'd be pretty messed up if Yuffie inadvertently got Sonon killed in her effort to fulfill a self-righteous mission that accomplished nothing in the end. I'd have to wonder how she got that info about Shinra's materia experiments, though.


Sharp Shinra Shill
Y'know guys, it seems pretty plain to me that the Compilation in the Remakeverse isn't going to be word for word how the original compilation went. Same as with OG FF7. And I don't just mean due to lack of plot ghosts either. The remake completely changed how Wall Market happened to no effect on the plot. Why not Deepground?


Fire and Blood
Yeah, it is to note that Shinra themselves didn't know why they were here sooooooooo.... I think that.. maybe Yuffie *thinks* her mission is real, but it isn't? Maybe the new "Wutai government" gave her that position and mission because she was causing too much ruckus, or they didn't trust her because she's Godo's daughter? She mentions that no one takes her seriously, so I can see them doing that, thinking she'd never make it to Midgar anyway, or if she did, she'd never end up in Shinra tower? I can't help but feel that she's veryyyyyyyyy hyped about it, so I don't think she's lying, but it wouldn't be surprising if someone behind was manipulating her into thinking she's got an awesome mission that Wutai depended on?

That said, the unbuttoned shorts also bothered me, because no one ever wear them like this. And Sonon definitely called her "boss" because he sees that she's a kid and needs kids' treatment. He definitely handled her well right from the beginning. And whatever it is, he knows about her character and possibly fake mission right from the start.


Double Growth
It'd be pretty messed up if Yuffie inadvertently got Sonon killed in her effort to fulfill a self-righteous mission that accomplished nothing in the end. I'd have to wonder how she got that info about Shinra's materia experiments, though.

Seems like a fairly reasonable guess to make.

Or it's a "Here, Prince Zuko, go do this task that I'm assuming is impossible so I don't have to deal with you anymore." kind of thing.
FFVII is messed up.

I don't know if they're referring to "the ultimate materia" in the same way that one might refer to "the ultimate weapon" or "the ultimate in leather shoes," i.e. the most powerful materia ever created. It does seem reasonable to infer that Shinra would be trying to make that. Yufie wants to take all of Shinra's materia, so of course she wants their most powerful stuff more than anything else.

However, if she's referring to "Ultima" materia then I don't know. Isn't that naturally ocurring? In the OG, you get it from a kid in Corel, not the Shinra building.

Maybe the Japanese version is clearer.

@ Force and Eerie: I like the idea of the "new government" sending Godo's daughter off on a task which is obviously (to everyone but Yufie) a suicide mission. But I also like the idea of Yufie as a consummate liar.
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