Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread


Save your valediction (she/her)
Yes, it will be interesting to see if the Remake passes the Bechdel test. With all these hot women inexplicably competing for Cloud (Biggs is right there. Don't you girls have eyes?) I somehow doubt it.

I actually saw a bit of Biggs/Jessie in her “Code Deciphered” room. After she opens the door, he gives her a quick “Good job” and a smirk, and she does a cute over-the-shoulder thing. It’s clear they are good friends, maybe lovers at one point?

I don’t know. I’m getting major fanfic urges from these new guys already. Can’t wait to play the whole game and get to know them better.


Ninja Potato
I took her ultra flirtatious-ness to be a bit of a coping mechanism to keep her nerves down during the mission. I know the "I've got to keep talking or I'll freak out" line was specifically during the escape sequence, but I figure she was more nervous than she was letting on during the entire bombing run.


Save your valediction (she/her)
re: Bechdel test, it’s something that is hard to unsee. Both characters have to have names as well.

@Pandemonium yeah I just caught that watching my wife play through. Poor Jessie, Cloud was such a jerk to her! The “help a girl out” line still feels inhuman to me, but the rest being her nerves is really good ^_^


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I like Ody's thought that her flirting could be a bit of a coping mechanism because she's nervous - but perhaps her nerves aren't just about the mission, but also about being around Cloud. She likes him, and maybe the flirting helps her not feel quite so nervous around him and lets her actually talk to him. In that regard, she may be more like her OG self, who did have a certain timidity regarding her feelings for him.

Oh, and did anyone else think that her line - "Keep those baby blues on me!" had a double meaning? Like, aside from wanting to help him through the lasers, she was also flirting with him and inviting him to get closer to her and give her attention and interest. At least, that's the impression I got.
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Erotic Materia

Yes, it will be interesting to see if the Remake passes the Bechdel test.
Huh. Never heard of this before now. I like it.

I took her ultra flirtatious-ness to be a bit of a coping mechanism to keep her nerves down during the mission. I know the "I've got to keep talking or I'll freak out" line was specifically during the escape sequence, but I figure she was more nervous than she was letting on during the entire bombing run.
I didn't get that vibe. From the get-go, she seemed confident and self-assured. No one else seems surprised about the way she's acting. The only time she showed any nervousness was when the reactor was literally collapsing around her, i.e. she was in immediate danger. I'm of the mind that she's a flirt because she's a flirt. She meets this hunky, spiky-haired SOULJA-BOY and likes what she sees. And maybe the adrenaline rush of the potentially-suicidal act of infiltrating and bombing a mako reactor is a good way to kill inhibitions.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Yeah, I can see that about her, EM. We'll see how she is during the escape and on the train. Maybe, with the danger behind them, her flirtatiousness might be a little less over the top and a bit more reserved since the situation would be calmer by then. Might lead to the beginning of her feelings going beyond just the flirting as she spends time with him there - alone in the cargo car and then going over the map monitor with him. And whatever else new that might have been added.

Jessie Rito

Useless Lesbian
I'd like to add something about the relationship between Biggs and Jessie:
In the german version of the remake demo their conversation after cloud talking about the mission being a one time gig goes like this:
B:" He isn't a sunshine, is he"
J:" He is really pretty though"
B:"Not that again"
J :" With a face like his? Always!"
B:" And what is wrong with my face?"
J:" Where should I start..?"
B: " Okay okay I got it. Keep it to yourself.."
J:" If you ask me..."
B :" I dont."

I think its kinda funny that Biggs kinda asks her in that version what she thinks of him ^^°


I definitely think Biggs is hot. I'd give the flower to him if I could. CLIGGS. Or CLOGGS. omg

Anyway I'm only just getting around to reading some of the interviews recently released or translated and I saw this from Nomura re: Jessie (minor spoilers):


That might have been revealed already idk.

From this interview that Tets posted in the interview thread:


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Cue Neoism:


Well, seems like Jessie's not wasting any time trying to move things along with Cloud. :mon:

And Jessie R, that's the approach I've taken with her and Biggs in my stories. They're close, and rumors say they were or are an item, but it's never been like that between them. He's very protective of her and they're close and mess with each other, but like brother and sister.

You know, I just had a thought:

I wonder if, after the plate collapse, we'll go back at some point to see Jessie's parents again. Imagine seeing Cloud and Tifa trying to tell them that their daughter is dead. That would be one emotional scene.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections

Gamespot did an interview with the English voice cast, that includes Erica Lindbeck (Jessie), Gideon Emery (Biggs), Briana White (Aerith), and Britt Baron (Tifa), who were sharing their thoughts on the characters.

Not bad, but it gets a little old seeing sites like this act like Aerith was the only one who died, the only one whose death mattered or meant anything. I think Part 1 is going to challenge that assumption with how they handle the trio's fates, especially Jessie, and it would be nice to see that realization reflected in pieces like these and not have them go so overboard on Aerith's moment. She's not the only one who dies in this story.
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Fire and Blood
You have to understand that 30min with the secondary trio (which you don't really interact with in the first place) is not the same as 2/3rd of a game with a main character who also happened to be special (she was the last Cetra) and had seemingly a role to play still (which she did from the lifestream but that wasn't what the player was waiting for). So yes Aerith's death was much more important to any player than Jessie's (since let's not joke around, this is who you are thinking about).

And yes, the trio's death will be more touching this time around but yes I do believe that Aerith's death will still be MORE important to the player than theirs. Which is normal since, you know, she is a MAIN character you spend MUCH MORE TIME with.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Except hers happens in a separate game, so there's still room for them both to be extremely impactful, with the trio's loss (especially Jessie's, given her prominence compared to the other two) on the same emotional level as Aerith's will be later on. No need to dismiss characters or think less of them just because they aren't "main". That shouldn't make a difference, and I'm tired of people instinctively putting certain characters on a lesser tier simply because they're not directly playable. With their expanded stories and the heightened impact and emotion of their loss, they should be remembered just as much as her.

And we're going to have a lot more than 30min with the trio this time. A whole lot more.


Fire and Blood
@Jairus you are placing expectations from an upcoming game (you spend more time with Jessie their loss will be as impactful as Aerith's in the OG) at the same level as what players went through with the OG decades ago. You are complaining that back then, people felt more touched/devastated by Aerith's loss than what they did with a very minor character simply because you think that Jessie's death will be as impactful this time around. It doesn't work that way. People felt more for Aerith back then, and will comment on this more than on a secondary character who didn't make any impression on them. I don't know, but if you expect anything else, it's just... weird man. You have weird expectations of people commenting on the OG.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Except hers happens in a separate game ...

For the past 23 years, it's been in the same game. Players have yet to experience anything different.

Jairus said:
No need to dismiss characters or think less of them just because they aren't "main". That shouldn't make a difference ...

Would you expect the Shin-Ra Manager dude to get as much discussion as Cid?

Jairus said:
... and I'm tired of people instinctively putting certain characters on a lesser tier simply because they're not directly playable.

Those are literally different tiers to begin with. The developers put them there.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
@Jairus you are placing expectations from an upcoming game (you spend more time with Jessie their loss will be as impactful as Aerith's in the OG) at the same level as what players went through with the OG decades ago. You are complaining that back then, people felt more touched/devastated by Aerith's loss than what they did with a very minor character simply because you think that Jessie's death will be as impactful this time around. It doesn't work that way. People felt more for Aerith back then, and will comment on this more than on a secondary character who didn't make any impression on them. I don't know, but if you expect anything else, it's just... weird man. You have weird expectations of people commenting on the OG.

Except that this isn't the OG. Things will be different. I just want people to realize that and really understand that she and the rest of the trio aren't bit characters anymore and to look at them in terms of how they'll be in the remake, not how they were in the OG. And that includes the fact that said secondary character now has much more of a presence than she once did and thus, can have more of an impact on the player. In some cases, possibly even just as much as a "main" character.

For the past 23 years, it's been in the same game. Players have yet to experience anything different.

But they will, when the remake comes out. I just want them to realize that what was once minor isn't so much anymore and give it the attention it's due.

Would you expect the Shin-Ra Manager dude to get as much discussion as Cid?

Except that SE has specifically gone out of their way to expand and develop Jessie and the rest of the trio. So the amount of attention people give them, and how they think of them, should reflect that.

Those are literally different tiers to begin with. The developers put them there.

Doesn't mean we have to put our liking for them in those same categories. What I mean is, tiers of thought. As in, how people think of them and remember them.

And Cannon, the topic wasn't completely unrelated because the interview talked about her and involved her VA. So she was a part of it.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Except that this isn't the OG.

That's all anyone has played yet.

Jairus said:
But they will, when the remake comes out.

Until then, complaining about how people talk about something they have experienced rather than something they haven't is asinine.

Jairus said:
Except that SE has specifically gone out of their way to expand and develop Jessie and the rest of the trio.

Don't evade the question. Would you expect people to discuss the Shin-Ra Manager dude as much as they discuss Cid, yes or no?

Jairus said:
So the amount of attention people give them, and how they think of them, should reflect that.

Says who?

Jairus said:
Doesn't mean we have to put our liking for them in those same categories.

It doesn't, but you're the only one who keeps saying what people should do.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Just because the Remake is not the OG, doesn't mean all characterization, experience, framed expectation or narrative knowledge goes out the window.

It came first, and is the baseline of everything going on here.

Sure. Maybe it will be different in comparison to the OG's depiction of Jessie's death, how it's handled, or how her character is handled in the Remake. Sure, they're going to develop.

But that hasn't happened yet. How can it reflect something not yet depicted?

The game hasn't been released, dude. Ergo, you cannot expect this sudden shift in perception or whatever. That literally makes no sense. Jessie is a tertiary character. Jessie's death was not as weighty as Aerith's. Fact. That's how it's been for 20 plus years. Now again. Maybe the Remake will change that, but stop expecting people somehow adhere to this equivalency of Aerith!Death = Jessie!Death. Because that's not true. Like, I don't understand how you can suddenly be clapping at people over that. It's unreal.

It'd be like me getting extremely upset over Rosso the Crimson not being shown up in the Remake. Because hey. She's a SOLDIER, goddamnit. A Deepground SOLDIER, and she was just as important and significant. She fought with Cloud too and didn't die. So clearly she's legitimate. And you know, she has the potential to be fleshed out and given more backstory. Maybe she could etc etc etc etc blah blah blinding bias statements here

Like. Seriously, tone it down.
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