Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread


Save your valediction (she/her)
I really like that Jessie is the one with connections in Command. Her OG line was a very bland “think how many bothans died for this code” and now it’s a line full of mystery. Who is that person? How does Jessie know them and do they know what she was using the code for? How is she walking the line between joining Barret’s splinter cell and keeping her foot in Command’s door?

No amount of flirtation overshadowed that line for me. It’s doopppeee.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I really like that Jessie is the one with connections in Command. Her OG line was a very bland “think how many bothans died for this code” and now it’s a line full of mystery. Who is that person? How does Jessie know them and do they know what she was using the code for? How is she walking the line between joining Barret’s splinter cell and keeping her foot in Command’s door?

No amount of flirtation overshadowed that line for me. It’s doopppeee.

Actually, it was Biggs who mentioned people putting themselves at risk to get the code, Jessie just says that she and Biggs got it. But yeah, the rest of your statement stands, and I'm interested in all that as well.

And I don't know why romantic interest necessarily has to mean "thirst" as it were. There are other reasons and aspects for it.
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Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I just don't see why her interest automatically has to be seen as purely physical, is all. And there's nothing saying it can't be romantic, either. He did come to her rescue twice, after all. I just don't see SE reducing that part of her character to such a superficial and shallow level when they could do so much better with it.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I wasn't talking about that, only saying that her interest doesn't have to be interpreted in only one way, is all.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Jarius, the first...5,6 pages of this thread has been

Jarius: Jessie has romantic feelings for Cloud.
Someone else: It could just be pointless flirting
Jarius: no, it's romantic feelings.
Someone else: Or it's just a crush

so on and so forth

I'm mostly paraphrasing, but replace "pointless flirting" and "crush" with "thirst", and "she has romantic feelings" with "romantic interest doesn't mean thirsting" and "there's nothing saying that she does or doesn't have feelings for Cloud" and the cycle of conflict continues.

I thought we all agreed to disagree on this?

.....wait, I thought I was gonna step outta this too. :closedmonster:

Anyways, I have to try running Cloud through the laser beams to see Jessie's reactions.
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Thirst for = lust after. It’s not necessarily romantic, because, well, they don’t know each other. She’s just going on about what a snack he is. It’s definitely not his personality, after all ;)

^This. Could she develop feelings for him somewhere down the line? Sure.
At the time of the bombing mission though it's pretty much just "that sure is a hottie, this uh. Carl? Chris...?" "Cloud." "Claude, yes! I knew that."


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I was just wanting it to be acknowledged that her interest doesn't necessarily have to be seen as being purely physical. Even in the bombing mission, she still can see his concern for her when she's trapped and when she falls and how he's there for her both times. That sort of thing would surely contribute to her feelings. I don't know why you want to reduce her character by potentially diminishing the nature of her interest.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I was talking to Tets and Trainer, I wasn't trying to bother you, Ite, sorry.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Ah. Well in that case I will recommend they only do the same. Jairus, you’re a zealot, and coming from me that’s saying a lot. Feel free to direct people to the first 8 pages of this thread if they want to get EXTREMELY intimate with your way of seeing Jessie.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I was just wanting it to be acknowledged that her interest doesn't necessarily have to be seen as being purely physical.

Tets did that:

Could she develop feelings for him somewhere down the line? Sure.

He's just pointing out that at the beginning, when she doesn't know his name yet, she's just commenting on how pleasant he is to look at.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I thought he was commenting on the demo segment as a whole, not just the first scene at the gate. At that point, yes, that's where it starts. It's just that I think there's still some progression even within the first mission.

I don't know why you would want to reduce her character by tieing her to Cloud as a love interest rather than being an independent woman

How does having her have feelings for Cloud or even making her some kind of love interest reduce her character in any way? Or were you being facetious?

And what's "yaaas kween"?


Pro Adventurer
I thought he was commenting on the demo segment as a whole, not just the first scene at the gate. At that point, yes, that's where it starts. It's just that I think there's still some progression even within the first mission.

How does having her have feelings for Cloud or even making her some kind of love interest reduce her character in any way? Or were you being facetious?

And what's "yaaas kween"? idea either and no idea what yaaas Karen is either
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