Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
- Smooth Criminal
Yes, but that doesn't prevent people from drawing conclusions. Basically, that we can expect to see a lot more time and development from the trio in the remake, and that their ends are very likely to be far more dramatic, emotional, and impactful than in the original and likely provide the big emotional gut punch for Part 1 as Aerith did for the OG.
Not everyone will draw the same conclusion as you, especially for a story that's not even out yet. You're expecting people to extrapolate the same conclusions or beliefs as you for a game that's still unreleased. Like, come on.
So one isn't allowed to say what they think about what people in general are doing?
You can say what you want, but this all sounds like fundamentalist fuckery. Again. The game. Isn't. Out. How the hell can you expect some to equate Jessie as important as Aerith when the game is not out yet?