As someone who studiously ignored.....the stuff from months ago, I'm going to utterly unironically and happily say my piece on the avalanche trio. Feel free to respond or not.
Biggs - Gideon Emery is a gem and I secretly hope he's a character in all FF games going forward as I consider him a good luck charm at this point. I have my hopes for him going forward. His strategery (/Bush drawl), his worry wort tendencies....I have my own theories of how he plays into the story going forward but those I will keep to myself. But back to what is known...I kinda like that he was once a school teacher. Makes me wonder why he doesn't continue doing it as his "cover" (he instead seems to be all about the Watch now).
Wedge - The post plate stuff with Wedge has me wondering his ultimate fate in two ways. Also can't say out loud, but if either happen he will either be glorious or tragic. Very curious as to his job, as that didn't get much elaboration compared to the other two. Unless being the cat whisperer pays in the undercity (and I don't mean that sarcastically).
Jessie - I actually haven't focused on Jessie much just because she's the most fleshed out. But time will tell what they intend with her.