Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge's Roles in the Remake Thread


Ninja Potato
Holy shit, yes! Haven't seen a thread like this since days of yore, it was like the ugliest parts of the LTD had a baby with he older "Cait Sith breaks the fiction wah" rants. I'm genuinely sad I missed this :reapermon:
I mostly try to avoid even mentioning the offending user these days, but if you want some more of this schtick you can probably find it by going through his post history lol. He had a Clessie club in the fan club section that I was embarrassingly involved with... Things ended with him getting a 1 year temp ban, followed by him reactivating a long dead alt account of his from 2009 to circumvent the ban, which got him permabanned. It'd be funny if it weren't just so sad.


Ninja Potato
Never be ashamed of your ship, JesseXCloud is adorbs and everything that exists has someone hyper obsessed :monster:
After this whole debacle I kinda got burned out on the whole thing, shipping was never my big thing anyway. Maybe the next Remake game will change things depending on if some crack theory or other comes true, but I doubt it lol. I think I'm just a dirty ol' Cloti now.


Ninja Potato
I think Wedge is legitimately just one of my Favorite FFVII characters now, for what it's worth. Now that simp mode has deactivated, he really is the stand out member of the group. He had great chemistry with pretty much everyone, and was generally just the sort of slightly incompetent yet likable character it's easy to root for.


The rebirth of this thread had me like


Sharp Shinra Shill
As someone who studiously ignored.....the stuff from months ago, I'm going to utterly unironically and happily say my piece on the avalanche trio. Feel free to respond or not.

Biggs - Gideon Emery is a gem and I secretly hope he's a character in all FF games going forward as I consider him a good luck charm at this point. I have my hopes for him going forward. His strategery (/Bush drawl), his worry wort tendencies....I have my own theories of how he plays into the story going forward but those I will keep to myself. But back to what is known...I kinda like that he was once a school teacher. Makes me wonder why he doesn't continue doing it as his "cover" (he instead seems to be all about the Watch now).

Wedge - The post plate stuff with Wedge has me wondering his ultimate fate in two ways. Also can't say out loud, but if either happen he will either be glorious or tragic. Very curious as to his job, as that didn't get much elaboration compared to the other two. Unless being the cat whisperer pays in the undercity (and I don't mean that sarcastically).

Jessie - I actually haven't focused on Jessie much just because she's the most fleshed out. But time will tell what they intend with her.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
He's gonna end up with a fandom-wide disclaimer and warning soon because not only is he pulling his usual tertiary character simping, he's actively harassing people on Twitter too. People who dare do artwork of any characters from FFVII other than Jessie get either DMs or tweet replies from him "requesting" they give equal attention to Jessie. Because she deserves equal attention and validation. And he'll gladly lecture you over it regardless of how unconnected the subject may be.

Because her feelings are real or something.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Omg they actually think Jessie is a better pick for Smash than Sephy, it's too much :muhaha: Why not just remake the game with Jessie in Clouds slot, he's been main character guy forever give someone else a chance! No Vincent you had your shot, now is Jessie time!


Pro Adventurer
I wonder if it’s possible to appreciate a character too much to the point where what you like about them isn’t who they actually are. And by not appreciating them for who they actually are, you’re not actually appreciating them. Kind of speaks to a larger conversation about artist’s intent versus audience perception, and the nature of love in general. If you truly love somebody, do you try to make them into whatever you want, or do you accept them for who they are?

Very fascinating discussion to me. Reminds me of how some fans want Cloud and Aerith to be this idealized, Disney-like hyper romantic couple when the whole point of that pairing’s direction was that it isn’t what it seems to be and is instead tragic. Not that they couldn’t go in that direction to appease fans, but why? What does it add to the story?

In Jessie’s case, I like the idea of her now being alive but having never joined Avalanche, working at the Gold Saucer instead but not remembering the crew when they recognize her (I think Maximilian Dood was where I got that idea). It could make for a bittersweet moment that really drives home the idea that things are different, but not necessarily better and could potentially be worse for her depending on what happens afterwards (like being gunned down in the crossfire when Dyne shoots up the Gold Saucer, which I just thought of right now).

I don’t think changing Jessie’s role so that she is more integral to the story and even letting her be a romantic option is more distasteful than say, letting Aerith survive just so that her and Cloud can be together, but I do get similar feelings of “just write your fanfiction and get over it already”.
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