But we've seen a fair bit of the remake ...
Even counting the demo, we've barely seen anything, and certainly not enough to be comparable to however many hours we spent with Aerith in the original game.
Hell, wouldn't you be disappointed if what we got of Jessie in the final product was
only what was in the original+what little extra we've seen so far? Would you feel that it was comparable to the attention Aerith had in the original? Would you not feel that she was cheated of promised expanded development and an opportunity for more players to come to love her?
Jairus said:
... and have at least some idea of what to expect.
So you acknowledge that people haven't experienced it yet?
Jairus said:
Actually, SE said he was another character who was being expanded.
That -- and the entirety of the remake itself, for that matter -- has nothing to do with what I asked you.
Jairus said:
But basically, if there were people who liked him enough, sure.
You're practically trolling my ass at this point. You know what's being asked: do you
generally expect players to have more discussion about playable cast members who they spent dozens -- possibly hundreds -- of hours with or incidental characters who they had 1/10 (or less) of that time with?
Don't answer in terms of the remake or with a hypothetical about what they might have done if things were different. If you can't answer what I'm asking you, just don't bother responding.
Jairus said:
You're still differentiating between characters like Jessie who have a fairly significant role in Part 1 and those like the SM who aren't likely to have as much of an impact.
My question is not even talking about the remake
at all.
Jairus said:
Common sense. When characters are given more attention and development than they once had, naturally they should be thought of more than they used to be.
after people have experienced that additional attention and development. Until then, expecting people to act like they already have doesn't make any sense.
Jairus said:
Should is not the same as is.
What is this non sequitur even supposed to mean? I said you're the only one saying what people should be doing.
Jairus said:
I'm allowed to have an opinion, aren't I?
Your freedom to have an opinion is unlimited, but your freedom to express it comes with caveats. You can't express an opinion about what other people should be doing and then act surprised or victimized when they tell you to step off.