Journey (PS3/PS4)


Higher Further Faster
@Tenny: It's a scripted animation, as it even shows up when playing offline. ;)

X :neo:

Figured. It would be fun if it were another player, though. :P

I was missing one of the symbols in the desert. It was right next to the circle you step on to move onto the next level. :sadpanda:

haha! That one! That wasn't the last one I got, but I did go through a lot to find it. I could see if from afar, and when I climbed the tower I kept running around and dropping down, trying to figure out where it is. And I just couldn't until someone realized what I was doing, walked over to it and started singing. :awesomonster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
My friends,

This past week has been nothing short of surreal. I spent three years spent working on Journey, just hoping it would be a great game and would be well-received. Now, beyond the overwhelming response to the game itself, the soundtrack has suddenly found a life of its own. It was immediately in the Top 30 on iTunes in the US and the actual #1 album in Japan, Spain and a few others. In terms of the Soundtrack charts, it's #1 or #2 in over a dozen countries! Many of you have asked about the physical CD's, which I'm afraid I still can't send an update for yet, but know we're working very hard on them and they'll be ready soon!

To say thank you for all of this wouldn't even begin to cover it ... check my blog in the next 24 hours or so where a new post will hopefully approximate how this whole thing has made me feel.

In the meantime, I wanted to let you know about an exciting new project I'm thrilled to be a part of, and how you can help make it great! The game is called THE BANNER SAGA. It's an incredibly beautiful looking game, with an artwork style and emotional sense that instantly spoke to me.

But here's the exciting thing: the Kickstarter campaign which is financing the game has one week to go and today we've announced some new music-specific rewards (including signed CD's, signed sheet music, and a visit to the final recording sessions)! Please check them out, forward it to friends and consider backing it. That money raised will go directly into the production value of the score (hiring musicians, engineers, studios) to make it sound fantastic.

As a taste of what we can do with just a little bit more than what's there now, here is a piece I did a couple years ago that's likely to fall in a similar vein: The Eternal Warrior. If you like it, please please take a look and consider supporting this truly "art for art's sake" game.

Finally, because I always love sending you free music, I asked on Twitter recently if you would like to hear music of mine that's in the vein of Journey, or something totally different and the results were split straight down the center.

So first, here is the 'similar' one, which I wrote about 5 years ago for a touching indie film called Back Soon: Logan Reflects (The full album is available on iTunes).

Second, the wildly different one, is from a score I did for a friend's short film last year called Vessel: Vessel; To say that this was fun to record would be a hilariously absurd understatement. Our recordings consisted of 9 cellos, 3 bass trombones and 2 serpents(!) all in the room together sawing away.

Thanks again - some other really exciting news is coming soon so make sure to follow me on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube via the links below.


X :neo:

Alex Strife

Wow hey. The guy's working on Banner Saga? Isn't that the game that's being developed by former people from Bioware? The first look didn't impress me much, but the people behind this project are something else.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
As I blow my nose into this tissue, fully understanding that poor kitty's heartache, I can form only one concrete thought --

"Fuck you, Tenny." =(

But, really, thanks for sharing that.


Higher Further Faster
I think it made me want to cry more than playing the actual game did.

Oh those poor kitties. :(


Higher Further Faster
Because my heart is made of ice, and I want others to share in my sorrow over the kitty's pain...


Joe, Arcana
I wish I had the money to buy it. >:

It's one of the few that I do not want to pirate because I have so much respect for its conception.


Higher Further Faster
^Oh, the moment you get some spare money you simply MUST give this game a play.

I'm kind of wishing I could play it again right now, but alas, I'm not at home with my PS3. :(

Bought the soundtrack. :awesome:

This comment made me laugh. It's like, we were all sad, now here comes Tet with the happiness. :3

I know the person who makes Gamer Cat put this comic up on their DeviantART and talked about how they actually managed to sync up with a friend of theirs. This is why we need to plan a time to all play and see if this can be achieved. :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, I can try for friday too, as far as I know I've got no plans.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
We're all going to try and play at the same time, and see if we happen to run into each other.


Joe, Arcana
XD That's a dangerous thing.

Considering you will have to play for an hour and a half before you realise it's somebody else. Either way I can't join in, I'm in Canada starting tomorrow. Good luck with it guys.
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