Journey (PS3/PS4)


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'd gladly settle for a free kite/kites if anyone takes the image and decides to make them. :awesomonster:

X :neo:

Alex Strife

They say the third time's the charm. Well indeed!! This has been my best Journey so far.

I achieved more than half the trophies, and had an amazing time. And also enjoyed my best playthrough so far. It was fantastic.

At the beginning I met a transcendent one, who was not very helpful... and soon he left. I was going on my own for a while. After a while, I found a second companion, and the flower, too!! :D

I was finding more and more symbols as I moved onwards, and some trophies, and I was glad about that. However, my second companion soon left as well, right before the surfing section. And then, just as I was about to enter the underground, I met with my final partner, with whom I stuck until the end!

We helped each other, we found the creature on the underground tower, we avoided the cyclop-serpent-monsters, and we waited for each other when the occasion required it.

In the end, we made it to the mountain, without much difficulties as we were helping each other. We started the final climbing together, and we were chirping literally all time. During the giant waterfall section we lost each other, and I thought I wouldn't be able to finish with my partner.

Then I waited, perhaps two or three minutes, but we met again! And then, this happened. A picture speaks louder than a thousand words. Judge it yourself.


Best heart-warming moment of awesome in my online videogaming life.

In the end, that last stretch, both of us were walking slowly, not wanting to finish, and neither of us wanting to walk ahead of the other. In the end, we made it together, of course. Just as it should be :)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
If my heart wasn't made of wood I'd be crying now ;_;

Thats fucking awesome.


Harbinger O Great Justice
@ Alex: That's one of the things that's started to become popular on the internet for pictures of Journey. One person's story went that the player with them made hearts for the but they didn't catch the player's symbol or name, but wrote the story out online, and said thank you "to the person who draws hearts in the snow." (Somewhere on that tumblr link I posted earlier). I've never encountered one of those players myself, but I can't even imagine how absolutely lovely it must feel. Thanks SO much for sharing. I've been contemplating going online just to draw some for another new Journier.

Also - I just made this while bored at work. :3


X :neo:

Alex Strife

Especially right before finishing, since the light makes the tracks much more visible. Oh, I also forgot to add that my fellow Journeyer actually added me, even before I could do it myself :) and we thanked each other for the awesome playthrough.


Higher Further Faster
I just played this game again omg

Third person I met was transcended.

They showed me where to find EVERYTHING, so now I'm transcended, too. And I found the flower, and all the murals, and the ancestor creature.

They were very good at flying, so we flew together a lot of the game.

And omg right before we finished they drew me a heart in the snow alnoiasg;lkasldkjh

So I drew one back...

I think this was my best play thus far!

EDIT: Oh, I guess they were the fifth person I met. Where did I have time for four other people?
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Harbinger O Great Justice
I saw you playing when I briefly logged on to PSN, and I was so excites to hear about your experience. :D Just wait until you have the opportunity to guide a new little Red Cloak through all the secrets as a transcend. It's an amazing feeling. ^_^

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
You read my post for my second play-through, right? How I guided that one. But sadly I didn't know all the secrets yet.

I don't know if I have confidence that I'll remember where everything is.

And yay, I sent them a message and they replied back! ^_^


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yes I did!! The flower is the toughest for me to remember, and I just figured out how to get the third Hill Glyph without flying up a mountain. XD

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster

But um anyway, I checked out the Journey thing on Home. It was kind of lame, other than looking like the people from the game. What are we supposed to do there? I got the fish and the statue, is that it? :P


Higher Further Faster
lol I thought the statue would be a tiny thing to put on the table in my apartment. Nope... XD


Just read on facebook there's gonna be a game concert in Cologne this November and Apotheosis from the Journey OST will be performed. :P

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
gosh this was a really beautiful game


Harbinger O Great Justice
My little sister just played through the game for the first time, and she played it offline. I am absolutely bursting with anticipation for her to play it online.

@Tets: I would LOVE to hear that in concert, but I doubt I will. I shall just be content with my OST. xD

Also- did anyone else notice that there's a companion waiting for you at the end of the first corridor after the meditation?

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
Oh I noticed that. I was going to ask about it in the thread but I kept forgetting. Is it actually another player or just something added to the background for effect?
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