KupoCon Europe - Mind The Pom - March 25, 2017


Pro Adventurer
I don't need a room for Friday night because I won't be coming into London until Saturday morning. My thinking was that we'd all stay up late partying after the event – that's where the beer comes in (for those who want it) :monster: – and crash together afterwards.

I'll add that I'm not tied to staying at the event hotel. My first thought, before anyone mentioned sharing, was along the same lines as Kev: a cheap hostel. Some hostels do private multi-bed rooms, which could be fun and still cheaper than the hotel. It'd be great to know other people's plans or desires.


Joe, Arcana
Well I'm good with the hotel for convenience and shit, but I'm not unswayable. :monster:


The thing with hotel rooms is usually if there's an uneven amount of beds, the 3rd one is shit :monster:. Hostels often have things like smaller rooms with multiple separate beds (stacked), buuut. I'm 31 and have a steady income, I'm probably beyond that point :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I'm 29 and have almost no income; I'd be happy to sleep on the shitty third bed or even the floor – I could bring a sleeping bag. :P


Joe, Arcana
I think the hotel is my top choice. For sure two nights I'd say. I booked the whole week off work anyhow for shits and giggles.
Those travelling to London/England/The UK for this, how long are you sticking around?


Depends on shenanigans :monster:. I mean I've been to London once before and did the major touristy shit, but, no reason why I couldn't stick around for IDK what else London has to offer. Or move inland and nag Mage like I did last time I was there :monster:

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
You coming? That'd be sweet. And also rather hilarious that after the many passing comments to each other about meeting up one day, being in the same county and all, that we'd end up meeting in a different country.

T'is the plan :monster: Gonna try and book all the craic this weekend. Come March, we do as all good Irish emigrants do.

Infest. O___O

Deleted member 546

I logged back in to let you know that I am coming. Right now, one-handed.

Srsly though, gonna book some shizzle in the next week. I only today found out about it.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Fucking jealous of all you guys. Even though I hardly care about FF anymore :monster:


Srsly though, gonna book some shizzle in the next week. I only today found out about it.

lies, I mentioned it a few weeks ago :monster:

I'll probably be around there the 24th, 25th and 26th. Open for suggestions on what to do besides the event day itself. Whoever's there on the 24th should probably meet up and get mullered beforehand.

Fuck knows we'll need reduced consciousness the next day, :monster:. I've never been to anything like this, I'm afraid the weebs will give me PTSD.


Pro Adventurer
I think we are the weebs. :P

I'd rather do my drinking after the event. But I don't have much choice anyway because that's the only night I'll be spending in London.
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Deleted member 546

Srsly though, gonna book some shizzle in the next week. I only today found out about it.

lies, I mentioned it a few weeks ago :monster:

If you're expecting me to remember shit that doesn't involve booked appointments and machinery, we're gonna have a problem.

I'll probably be around there the 24th, 25th and 26th. Open for suggestions on what to do besides the event day itself. Whoever's there on the 24th should probably meet up and get mullered beforehand.

The fact that you've used my choice of words for the drinking context says it all. :monster:

Fuck knows we'll need reduced consciousness the next day, :monster:. I've never been to anything like this, I'm afraid the weebs will give me PTSD.

Closest thing I ever went to was Reg Ex, which turned out to be the precursor for Eurogamer at the NEC. There was far too much sweat smell for my liking.
Also no u, you're totally a weeb. :P Plus you've been to dev expos an' shit, I'm sure they're much the same but with a better budget. :P


I have, the crowd there is easily recognisable by their combination of checkered buttoned shirts (guilty), facial hair (guilty), Macbooks (guilty), lanyards (I take those off when outside at least), bad posture (yup), technology or other conferences T-shirts (I have a couple of those), and autism. At least the BO is kept in check.

Also I like to think we're far beyond weebs already, :monster:

Deleted member 546

Beyond weebs in an Inception-kinda way or because we could totally take them one-on-one? Or drink them under the table?


I think the hotel is my top choice. For sure two nights I'd say. I booked the whole week off work anyhow for shits and giggles.
Those travelling to London/England/The UK for this, how long are you sticking around?

I've got the Friday and the following week off. I was intending to stay for the weekend until Sunday/ Monday then head home (because Andromeda)

Depends on shenanigans :monster:.

The same is true for me :monster:

I logged back in to let you know that I am coming. Right now, one-handed.

Srsly though, gonna book some shizzle in the next week. I only today found out about it.



Beyond weebs in an Inception-kinda way or because we could totally take them one-on-one? Or drink them under the table?

Higher-order meta-weebs, weeabooing about weebs and shit. I think. IDK :monster:

also lex & mage 2gether 4ever once moar

I think we should make Facebook and frontpage poasts about both KupoCon wossnames btw.

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
By the by, anyone know what the evening ticket entails? Are folks here goin' for it? Also super cheap flights to London have rendered much of my last two weeks of overtime moot.



Happy Little Lemon

Pro Adventurer
Well fuckin' jel of you all (and now also disgusted with myself for saying 'wel jel').

My bff and I had plans to attend because we had been meaning to take a trip somewhere anyhoo. Then half a dozen impediments (all unrelated to one another) arose so I just said fucking forget it - fate doesn't want me to have fun it seems :monster: or to meet any of you. I'd probably die from uncontrollable nerdgasming though, so it might be for the best if I just stay home :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Totally irrelevant, but I don't know if it's my eyes or my shitty screen but whenever this thread comes up I think it says 'Mind The Porn' :monster:

Deleted member 546

By the by, anyone know what the evening ticket entails? Are folks here goin' for it? Also super cheap flights to London have rendered much of my last two weeks of overtime moot.



I'm not interested in the KH concert so the evening shindig sounds good. I think it's an excuse to over dress, over drink and fall out of my high heels.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Kind of....sort of...totally ill advised... but thinking maaaaybe I should just go and meet you guise. And then like when people are at the con I can just faff about in museums and shit. But like, no idea how much it would cost.

Cos I want to meet people, and it makes sense to meet as many people as possibru in one go doesn't it? And then if I'm a boring cunt then it's ok cos you'll have other stuff to do.

I dunno, gonna have to research this.

EDIT: Jesus fucking christ why is all this shit so complicated?! I can't make head or tail out of these train ticket prices.
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