KupoCon Europe - Mind The Pom - March 25, 2017


Pro Adventurer
Don't forget to look at coach options like Megabus as well. I know I'd rather sit on a train for three hours than a coach for six, but the difference in price is often so big that the coach is the better option. And the tickets are very straightforward. Megabus tickets for the weekend of Mind the Pom go on sale next week, as far as I can tell, and cost about £6 return.

But yes, come! :)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
What's a not shit hotel with a toilet in it that I wouldn't have to share? I mean, I don't mind sharing with any of you guys if needs be. I'm going to bring my own can of Oust :monster:


I may drive, but it'll depend on where we're staying. If so I can pick people up on the way down and we can chip in for petrol monies :monster: TLS ROAD TRIP

If I'm not driving I'll try to look for a deal on the train. A megabus/ equivalent to London is 10 hours and the train can make it in 4 if it's the express. Might do the overnight sleeper on either. Can't decide.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Right so who is actually going so far? I glanced over:

Lex, Yop, Flint, RedFFWolf, Joe, Mage, Kev? Have I missed anyone out?

And what day is everyone going down there?

And like, I can't decide if I should travel on the friday and go back sunday or what. I looked up them megabus things, and although the tickets for that weekend aren't on sale yet the timetable seems to be either set off at 2am and or set off at 6ish and get there for 2 in the afternoon. But then getting into Liverpool to meet the coach that early is gonna be hard unless I rope relatives in to give me a lift.

Then the train thing seems like I can get a return for £48 but I have to get a specific train there and back I think. EEEK so much pressure!

And I haven't even looked at accommodation yet.

God, last time I was in London was 1997, and that was only a day trip with school. We saw the Sensation exhibition and some stuff on Hiroshige. We went in Sega world, and I hated it because I was convinced we were going to miss the train home, and my 'friends' were arsing about on some robot fighting thing.

Although looking at pics of it now, it looked pretty cool, almost FFVII Midgar/Bladerunnery. Couldn't appreciate it at the time.


Oh, yay, this sudden influx of extra TLS people is great ^_^
I hope everyone manages to come along; would be great to meet you all. I'll be busy throughout the day but where KC's evening event ends TLS's is just getting started :monster:

@Octo - I think you've captured everyone who expressed interest / is going in this thread.
S&G (Mo) is going, too - he has some involvement with it :)
There's also CrashOuch (Sara). She's not on TLS as much, but we're good friends and last we spoke she is going.

Not sure what day I'm going down there as I've a friend who moved to London and I'm not sure yet whether I'm meeting up with her before or after KC, so that'll decide what days I'll be over.

No pressure, Octo! If you need a hand, I'll do what I can - o'course, can't say I know much about London and whatnot, but anything else about the day itself I can certainly do what I can. Same goes for anyone here.
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The Pixie King
I would go, but I have to go to a wedding in April, so cant afford time off for both. Also, I hate London... and I hate people :P


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ok guys, I can't book anything until I know what everyone else is doing ie. I don't want to be milling around london on my own on a friday night if nobody else is gonna be there, and I'm not going to book a hotel unless it's one you guys are staying at - and obviously that depends on the cost. Cos ideally I'd like to be able to afford to eat some food while I'm there :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I've written this all before, but no harm in doing so again, I guess:

I will be arriving in London by train on the morning of the event, Saturday the 25th of March. I need, and do not currently have, a place to stay that night. I'll be leaving London by plane the following day.

I'd be more than happy to share a room with someone but since people are going to be staying in London for different lengths of time, it would be probably be easiest with someone else who only needs it for the night of the 25th. If that's not possible, perhaps some people who already have a room will be kind enough to let me crash with them for a night. I could contact the event hotel to see if something like that is possible – it should be.

I'm also up for staying somewhere cheaper, provided it's not too far away.


I'll rock up on the day before and gtfo on the day after, probably. Haven't booked any flights or stays yet, but I'll try and be early on the friday and late on the sunday for max coverage.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Yeah, that's my outline plan, not really worth it for one night so I was gonna go down friday and come back sunday, probably early-ish on sunday.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
urrrrgggggh I booked it. Gonna stay at the same hotel as the con, for simplicity's sake.

I must be fucking crazy, look at me pretending to be a normal person :aah:

I gotta let you all know in advance that if I go weird it's nothing personal ok?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
What time does the con thing actually start and finish? Like how many hours am I gonna have to kill? :monster:

Also, london is expensive, so what is the best way to imbibe booze without becoming destitute?

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Scheduling: I'll probably floating around for a few days, Friday to Monday/Tuesday most like, cause I want to London-y stuff and shit. :monster: I haven't left this fuckin' island in years.

Alcohol: I suggest we all bring a very fancy wine glass each, and then proceed to purchase the cheapest of cheap Aldi brand wines. So we get budget scuttered whilst still maintaining the pretense of classiness


Flint you're more than welcome to crash with me

[and by extension anyone else I'm booking with, lawl]

My plan is to book it this week - I get paid on Wednesday so if people want to do a bit of a Skype meet to sort it out then I'd be pleased with that. I'll be heading down on the Friday - still not sure what I'm doing transport wise, I'll need to speak to Mo (S&G) - and can go from there. Leaning toward public transport rather than driving, in the main because of the drinking we're all apparently planning to do on Saturday XD.

How are you getting down Octo?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
was gonna get the train, it's only about 3-4 hours I think :monster:


Joe, Arcana
I also get paid this week and would be down for a little Skype organiser of sorts. My plan right now is to stay at the hotel and room with another person. By the looks of it a few of us are planning to do that, but they don't do mahoosive rooms by my short looks. Rooms of two likely our best bet?

Ghost X

I went to a con once, and stayed in a hotel room with two double beds, and let's just say that there were more than four people sleeping in there. How's the hotel gonna know the difference? :P.
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