Last Film You've Seen

Except for the 900 hour barrel scene off course :monster:

I don't know what the word on the street is about the lady elf Tauriel, but I liked her. Tolkien's always been severely lacking in badass women. I also like the idea of Legolas losing out in love to an (extremely adorable) dwarf.

I think the barrel scene was better than the chase through the goblin king's domain in the first one. That went on way too long. Actually I thought this second instalment was more fun than the first.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I don't know what the word on the street is about the lady elf Tauriel, but I liked her. Tolkien's always been severely lacking in badass women. I also like the idea of Legolas losing out in love to an (extremely adorable) dwarf.

I think the barrel scene was better than the chase through the goblin king's domain in the first one. That went on way too long. Actually I thought this second instalment was more fun than the first.

I liked Tauriel too. I mean, to be honest I don't think I care about fulfilling quotas and stuff, and had she sucked then I would have been pretty pissed off, but she was pretty cool - and not just a physical kick ass thing * but that she's pretty smart, she's thinking about the bigger picture.

And yeah, not that shipping matters of course, but I ship Kili/Tauriel. I think theres an interesting dynamic there for all sorts of raisins, not just the physical and cultural differences, but like how shes the serious one and he doesn't seem to take anything too seriously.

In the extended version of An Unexpected Journey the Goblin bit goes on for longer, and the goblin king actually sings a bit which in retrospect I think is a bit incongruous. But anyway....I could blather crap for ages but I wont :lol:

*because that whole thing is starting to wear thin on me, the idea that women are only kick ass if they're actually kicking ass like a man would. I've always admired Ellen Ripley - but it wasn't because she was some sort of acrobatic superwoman (she isn't) just because she was smart and didn't go to pieces.

Cait Sith

Ugh! As if!
I'm watching the Brittany Murphy biopic that Lifetime made.

I'm so shocked and pretty disgusted at the horrendous casting and acting. I know- it's Lifetime. But this is bad even for them.

It took me awhile to warm up to Brittany as an actress to begin with, but I really liked her towards the end.
Kinda off topic, but still about movie watching. I've been keeping a list of movies I've seen since January, including how many times I've seen them, whether in theatres or not, etc.

I've seen 35 different movies in theatres so far.. with multiple theatre views, I've been to the theatres 47 times this year.
Not including paying for other peoples tickets, but including concessions, I've spent roughly... $1,270 bucks at the theatre this year.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000


It's described as a documentary but its more like......a feature length music video of pretty much everything on earth. Incredibly visually impressive. I rented it off Amazon. Worth a watch imo.


I'm probably at half a dozen, maybe, there :monster:

@thread, Dredd (2012), it was actually pretty good :monster:. Won't win movie of the year or anything, but, decent action flick, not too corny or annoying, also not PG.


Pro Adventurer
Finnish TV is apparently showing all of the late Robin Williams' films at the moment. Yesterday I watched Dead Poets Society and Good Morning, Vietnam is on right now.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Just watched Fight Club. Hadn't seen it since it was first out on DVD. I remember liking this movie a lot at that time. Now, well the movie is not without some charm, but really didn't grab me.
Gone Girl

You can't talk about it without spoiling it. It's intense, doesn't go where you expect, has FANTASTIC performances, and overall a solid, solid movie. My only gripe is that I'm not sure how well it'll hold up now that I know what happens.

Ghost X

I actually watched Terminator Salvation from start to finish (on 2x speed >.>) for the first time the other day, and I have to say it wasn't that bad. It wasn't that good either, but it wasn't that bad. 3/5 star.

I don't think it would be too hard to fix up either, to make it comparable to Terminator 2, which is one of only a select few movies I've ever given 5/5 stars for :P. It needs more gritty realism (the CGI sucks), it needs a more diverse palette of colours (enough with the blue and orange already), it needs better acting, it needs less Helen Bonham Carter, and the terminators need to actually be menacing. I never got the sense that the humans were in any real danger. I think the continual sense of urgency and fast-paced-ness is what really makes the first two films good. Besides that I think some of the concepts were pretty good in this installment.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Gone Girl

You can't talk about it without spoiling it. It's intense, doesn't go where you expect, has FANTASTIC performances, and overall a solid, solid movie. My only gripe is that I'm not sure how well it'll hold up now that I know what happens.
Same. And yes, I know exactly what you're talking about.

It's definitely one of the best films this year. Watched it today and was blown away. Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike were phenomenal. What a complete and utter mindfuck!

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Gone Girl

You can't talk about it without spoiling it. It's intense, doesn't go where you expect, has FANTASTIC performances, and overall a solid, solid movie. My only gripe is that I'm not sure how well it'll hold up now that I know what happens.

I saw this last night. It's brilliant.


Fiat Lux
Monsters University (2013)

I loved the original Monsters Inc, it's quite possibly my favourite Pixar movie. And so it was with cautious optimism that I watched Monsters University, looking forward to seeing the old gang during their early years whilst mindful of sequelitis. You know what, overall it didn't disappoint. It had all the visual puns and colorful charm that you come to expect, and while not as slick or as touching as the original, few 'sequels' rarely are.

If I have one beef with the movie, it's that I have a hard time buying that
kids wouldn't be scared of Mike. When I was a kid I would've pissed my knickers if I'd seen a green one-eyed monster in my bedroom (there's a joke here somewhere)... then again, I was also scared of Rosie & Jim.

Oh, and the rather
surprisingly anti-collegiate moral of the story, which seems to encourage flunking out of higher education and climbing the corporate ladder, a confused message that if well-intended is overly quixotic to be taken sincerely.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I was also scared of Rosie & Jim.




The Fury, go watch it. Action scenes are the best. Brad Pitt is great in this, as i s Shia LeBouf, who I haven't liked in quite most roles I've seen him. Particularly brutal depiction of the tail-end of WWII.


3x3 Eyes
The Killing Strain

I've begun ploughing through Amazon Prime's offerings of horror films once again to find things to watch. There's usually some gems hidden away that you weren't expecting to find ... but this isn't one of them, lol. Campy acting, a really 'seen it all before' story that brings absolutely nothing new to the table (which would be alright if they did what they had in an exciting or well presented way) with forgettable and highly annoying characters, and shoddy effects.

The one thing I will give this film is that the zombies, blood and attacks are done quite well. Unfortunately, everything else is crap.


oh right thread :monster:. Watched Edge of Tomorrow yesterday (tl;dr Groundhog Day with aliens and Tom Cruise), it was an entertaining action flick, but it kinda lost pace halfway or two-thirds through imho. Needs moar robot suits :monster:


3x3 Eyes
oh right thread :monster:. Watched Edge of Tomorrow yesterday (tl;dr Groundhog Day with aliens and Tom Cruise), it was an entertaining action flick, but it kinda lost pace halfway or two-thirds through imho. Needs moar robot suits :monster:

I'm tempted to watch it because I've read the short novella that it is based on. But then I realise that I only want to watch it to see what they screw up and change and that puts me off, lol. I need to watch it for the right reasons! :P
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