Last Film You've Seen


Just saw Mazerunner 2. Better then the first movie, finally moving from Thomas: superspecial chosen one shepherd of unquestioning herd to having an actual ensemble cast. But there's some of that stuff, also stupid zombie ****.


Finally got around to watching Donnie Darko.
It was one of the only films I can recall that left me gaping at parts - I was just so sucked into it.

There is a bit of a backstory as to why I really wanted to watch it around now, and what it did for me afterwards. It's irrelevant to the thread, but to sum up a bit nonetheless, I'll just say I may need to change some of the elements of the book I'm writing -
fuck that film, as great as it is :monster:
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Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
I saw resurrection of Frieza in theaters some months ago.

EDIT: Saw Boruto in theaters tonight.

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Hocus Pocus
Just finished there. I mean, it's a case of watching it now to get into the mood for tomorrow and prepare for a similar scenario; or tomorrow to officiate Halloween; or afterwards where it's too late, you've ruined your own Halloween. All I'm saying is I sure hope I am not alone in having watched this film around this time :awesomonster:

Charles Xavier

Pro Adventurer

So yeah, just came back from watching the latest Bond movie. On the whole, felt a little overlong, but still a fun roller coaster action ride. Christoph Waltz absolutely steals the show, despite his short screen time.

Did anyone feel the writers were playing 'Black Ops 2' when deciding the fate of Blofeld? The ending when Bond spared Blofeld's life despite his insisting on killing him resonated all too much of the scene where Mason spares Menendez the same way.


3x3 Eyes

First thing that must be noted is that I am a massive fan of Sliders, that cult alternate dimension hopping show that is (arguably) 2.5 seasons of sheer brilliance. Parallels borrows heavily on that concept, digs out all the cool stuff ... but then seemingly forgets to add in all the rather important and relevant angles like, oh, character interactions, development, motives, science, history, story tension - you know, all the 'boring' stuff.

It's like they amalgamated all 5 seasons of Sliders into this backdoor pilot. Unfortunately, they picked all the flashy and no substance parts...

So ...
we have a mysterious TARDIS like building that has punched through all known dimensions, and so, appears in every single alternate reality - which serves as the 'vehicle' for our dimension hoppers. Let's just ignore the improbability and the unbelievably massive scale of this for now. We also have an arbitrary countdown of 36 hours (why 36 hours? Don't know. Just something pulled out of someone's ass) before the building 'moves on' to the next world. (Well, not the actual building, but the people inside it when the countdown ends. Just ... just don't ask...) A number made even more confusing because we know from some throwaway lines that people have come in - and out - of the building every now and again, even though supposedly the building doesn't actually return to a world it has already been to.

The main - and severely bland - characters suddenly turn out to have parentage from the 'core' world - the people who created the technology. (Another pull from Sliders) and the mysterious Dad runs off in the end to continue his fight with some mysterious dudes and abandons his kids (again) to search for their Mum who - apparently - isn't really dead as they all believed. (And his Son had to face the trauma of for all these years).

Confused a little? Yeah.

We are only treated to 2 new dimensions, but like I mentioned before about leaving out all the important stuff from Sliders, we aren't really given any real background, history or discovery about these worlds - which is the most important thing you need in a alternate-dimension show. Just some throwaway pieces is all we really get. No real development or knowledge is explored.

No show is complete without a villain, and on post-apoc Earth we have a guy who has been 'watching' the building for some time now as the main character's Dad nuked their world. (Another WTF. Don't ask). He gets pulled along for the ride into High-Tech world and creates an interface which hacks into the building, which now allows the characters - if I have to call them that - to now choose their next destination. It's ok though, he built a miniature nuke on his own world, so he is quite intelligent to hack into the technology of people who can puncture a whole into every single known reality.


The only saving grace of the whole thing is Polly, a sassy dimension hopper who provides the outcasts with some knowledge about travelling between dimensions since she has done it for some time now. Though I spotted something weird early on, we find out in the end that she has 3 of her duplicates (i.e alternate selves gathered from other realities) hidden in the building, and they each take turns to go out with the others into a new reality.

Why? Well, we will never know because this backdoor pilot hasn't been picked up as of yet.

And let's hope it never will.

Gosh. I need to watch Sliders now to rub the bad taste this has left in my mouth...

Erm, 1 out of 5 for the only interesting bit at the end?


Watched The Polar Express last night (really appreciated it a lot more this year). The day before, The Muppets Christmas Carol
- the Ghost of Christmas Present is the greatest of greats, and the scene where Scrooge throws the wreath at Bean Bunny is one of the cruelest scenes
. And last week, Home Alone.
Nightmare Before Christmas shall be watched tonight, me thinks.


Re-watched V for Vendetta again because I can. I like how it's becoming more and more topical as time passes, :monster:. Surveillance state, one of the characters (played by Stephen Fry) executed for possessing a Quran, etc. 2015 is also a pivotal / mentioned year in there. Despite being released in 2006 and being a near-future sci-fi movie though, the technology in it is already dated - flip phones, early flatscreen TV's, lolololol

Ghost X

Evangelion 3.0

Finally saw this film. I don't think I can objectively rate anything in this franchise because
(urge... to... rate... 5/5 stars... and call it the pinnacle of human culture... :P)
, but it did little to dampen my high expectations. My only critique was that I felt the tone was slightly off in context to the rest of the series, and I suspect that was due to a lack of wacky humour. I think it also didn't quite communicate a monumental sense of scale in the battle scenes like the franchise generally does, but I really like the story progression and how everything looks quite alien now. Can't wait for 4.0, but apparently I will have to. It has almost been 20 years since the cartoon was first released too. Shiiit. *is old*


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Saw Joy yesterday, which was a fantastic film. J-Law deserves the Oscar!

And just come back from seeing Star Wars. MIND BLOWN. Will post thoughts in the appropriate thrad.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
It's called having your 9-year-old brother mess around whether he wants to go see it or not, my dad (who I usually see films with) seeing it seven times already and a busy social life at the weekends... only to learn just tonight that now my brother wants to see it.

Well, sod him, I've seen it with my uncle and I'm not going back for him. :awesome:
American ultra. Not quite what I expected but didn't let me down either. Pretty graphic which is nice. Story had a good concept but I feel left with a few loop holes

Nanaki Skywalker

Kate Lord of the Sith
Tarkatan Trash
Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist. This one is FAR better (and more faithful to the source material) than the previous two live action film adaptations of Street Fighter. The one with Jean Claude Van Damme in particular was total shit.
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