Last Film You've Seen


Finally got round to The Imitation Game, I had it downloaded (unashamedly) for a while now. It's a very good movie, one of the best I've seen in a while.


Pro Adventurer
Watched The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel last night. I quite enjoyed it too; I really liked the first one, and though this one was perhaps more serious and had less humor, it was still very good, in my opinion.
Plus, watching this movie just reinforces my desire to visit India one day.

trash panda

I went to see Straight Outta Compton today.

+ I stayed awake the whole time
+ It made me cry
+ Ice Cube's son played Ice Cube
+ Tupac made a cameo appearance, even if all they did was throw a bandana and nose ring on some random guy XD

It was very good. VERY good.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Saw Straight Outta Compton friday night.

Delivering No Vaseline is probably my fav part.


After about 17 years of first hearing about this movie and it having a scene that was like OMG SO AWESOME!11oen, I finally got around to watching American History X. It was all right, :monster:. I'm not entirely sure what the message of the movie is though; it's not exactly anti-neo-nazis or anti-racism given how the black people are portrayed rather stereotypical and the neo-nazis don't get pwned in the end, the 'conversion' of the dude in jail isn't entirely convincing either, and the ending is kind of out of the blue / is probably related to some earlier scene in the movie that wasn't that important. IDK. I can see the appeal, but, ehhh.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Antman. It was pretty good. Better than I thought it would be anyway.


3x3 Eyes
The Human Race

I wasn't expecting much from this film, so in that regard, it didn't disappoint. Arbitrary rules in a 'Saw' esque game, annoying cliched characters, and predictable outcomes (sans the WTF end segment) makes this no more than an afternoon popcorn flick. Nice 'head bursts' death animations though.


Pro Adventurer
Just finished watching 'The Giver'.

Really enjoyed it, I think it's a great movie. Made me feel a lot of emotions, and had a lot of interesting concepts, not only within the movie but the way it was presented. I feel like I learned something, watching this show, and that hardly ever happens.
Which means, this show was way above average; I will definitely watch it again someday, and that's saying a lot when it comes to me and movies.


Rookie Adventurer
After about 17 years of first hearing about this movie and it having a scene that was like OMG SO AWESOME!11oen, I finally got around to watching American History X. It was all right, :monster:. I'm not entirely sure what the message of the movie is though; it's not exactly anti-neo-nazis or anti-racism given how the black people are portrayed rather stereotypical and the neo-nazis don't get pwned in the end, the 'conversion' of the dude in jail isn't entirely convincing either, and the ending is kind of out of the blue / is probably related to some earlier scene in the movie that wasn't that important. IDK. I can see the appeal, but, ehhh.

I liked the movie, but I see what you mean.

The overall message I got was it's never too late to change, however the conversion in jail mainly came from being ass raped and having a bromance with a dude who does a somewhat funny, KKK impression. Thought they would have explored the change a bit more.

The curb stomp is forever etched in memory though.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
It's just so good. And I've realised since the last time I watched it just how well executed the plot and character stories are in how they're presented (etc.)


Oh, everything! :) The visuals, the style, the performances. Just this time I noticed things I hadn't twigged onto properly the last time I had seen it, and I came to appreciate it even more as to how it told its story (especially in relation to Eddie and
the impact of Teddy's death on him, incl. little things that hint at it like the trip to Catalina


I got PTSD from Roger Rabbit, I mean it's just so sad on the one side, and WHAT THE FUCK HIS FACE IS FUCKING MELTING AND HIS EYES ARE BULGING OUT AND LOOK AWAY DO NOT SEE DO NOT SEEE!!!111



Harbinger O Great Justice
I was most surprised by the fact that the movie's real life plot is largely about the forcible takeover of public transportation systems by the automotive industry. But yeah, the bit with the shoe & the Dip, and when Judge Doom comes back up from being flattened are still 100% pure nightmare fuel -- but it never stopped it from being one of my favourite films as a kid.

X :neo:


I got PTSD from Roger Rabbit, I mean it's just so sad on the one side, and WHAT THE FUCK HIS FACE IS FUCKING MELTING AND HIS EYES ARE BULGING OUT AND LOOK AWAY DO NOT SEE DO NOT SEEE!!!111


His cape never stops blowing, man. It's like evil just follows him around to make a statement about him.
Lloyd's acting career as an antagonist personified in Toon form. If he's not scarring someone, it's not him.

I was most surprised by the fact that the movie's real life plot is largely about the forcible takeover of public transportation systems by the automotive industry. But yeah, the bit with the shoe & the Dip, and when Judge Doom comes back up from being flattened are still 100% pure nightmare fuel -- but it never stopped it from being one of my favourite films as a kid.

X :neo:

Absolutely. It just has a lot of great elements going on in it. It even hints at the racism against African-Americans in the 40s, as the original book does, with stuff like the Ink & Paint club a satire on the Cotton Club, which was a "Whites Only" club yet featured prominent black entertainers - even Roger saying stuff like "There's no justice for Toons anymore" was supposed to hint at it.

And the shoe scene - Jesus, it's macabre! So unjustified.
(Nancy Cartwright voiced the poor thing.)
One of my favorite fucking films. So well done, especially if you love classic cartoons (like me)

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