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fresh to death
Transformers: RotF

2.5 hours of testosterone and loud noises.
Boy movie down to a tee.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen:

Personally, I think these movies are successful because of Shia Lebouf. He's a brilliant actor. Overall it was a great action movie, and I enjoyed the progression into the Transformers past. The movie had more plot than the last and kept me on my toes. 8/10


ACF Refugee
I finally got around to seeing Memento and I must say its one of my damn favorite movies of all time. I reccomend it to everybody on here. Even though my mother had pre-disposed me to the ending, I still was blown away by it, and I often *forgot* about the ending completely while I was watching it.


Pinkfish, Fish
I finally got around to seeing Memento and I must say its one of my damn favorite movies of all time. I reccomend it to everybody on here. Even though my mother had pre-disposed me to the ending, I still was blown away by it, and I often *forgot* about the ending completely while I was watching it.

That is such a good film, it dosn't matter if your told the ending though..
It's up to you to decide what happened in the end.


I finally got around to seeing Memento and I must say its one of my damn favorite movies of all time. I reccomend it to everybody on here. Even though my mother had pre-disposed me to the ending, I still was blown away by it, and I often *forgot* about the ending completely while I was watching it.

:cthulhu:. When played in 'normal order', it's a pretty default detective movie of sorts, but it's the reversed playing and the dun dun dunnn at the end that makes it worthwhile. I much approve of this movie.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen:

Personally, I think these movies are successful because of Shia Lebouf. He's a brilliant actor. Overall it was a great action movie, and I enjoyed the progression into the Transformers past. The movie had more plot than the last and kept me on my toes. 8/10


What's brilliant about acting hyper and excited all the time? And the movies are successful because of giant robots beating the shit out of each other and exploding shit.

No one gives a crap about Lebouf in these films.
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Pinkfish, Fish

What's brilliant about acting hyper and excited all the time? And the movies are successful because of giant robots beating the shit out of each other and exploding shit.

No one gives a crap about Lebouf in these films.

I think its more to do with Megan Fox being a dirty little slut, not that I would ever dream of saying no.

Oh yeah and the robots, but sex sells.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Robots beating the crap out of each other and Megan Fox boobs/ass shots are the only reasons I care about the Transformers movie franchise. I mean, it's directed by Michael Bay, you shouldn't exactly expect Citizen Kane.
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I still need to watch that one (Citizen Kane), although it's thrice as old as I am, :monster:.

I watched a bit of Sum of all Fears last night, meh~ish. Political message and whatnot is dead-on though, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if WW3 was started by terrorists. Tensions between the States and Russia would have to be upped first though.


ACF Refugee
I watched Equilibrium. I thought it was okay. It felt kinda like a student film, I don't know how else to descrive it. It had a strong idea and the first half was solid and really good, but the second half was rather undeveloped and the ending was anti-climactic.


わたし は つか
i saw public enemies recently. i liked it. a bit slow in some parts of the movie, but still enjoyable.:joy:


I watched Equilibrium. I thought it was okay. It felt kinda like a student film, I don't know how else to descrive it. It had a strong idea and the first half was solid and really good, but the second half was rather undeveloped and the ending was anti-climactic.

Story-wise it was unoriginal - read 1984 and you get pretty much the same story. It wins because of its awesome action sequences though - sparse as they may be. I would've liked them to do a sequel with more action and stuffs.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I still need to watch that one (Citizen Kane), although it's thrice as old as I am, :monster:.
Rosebud was the sled.

I need to watch it again though. It's been several years since I've seen it.

Sheva Alomar

I'm Alive and on Fire
Adri, Sir Integra, Fiona, Sango
The Proposal

A crap chick flick with some good moments. Also, I'm a fan of Sandra Bullock.


ACF Refugee
Story-wise it was unoriginal - read 1984 and you get pretty much the same story. It wins because of its awesome action sequences though - sparse as they may be. I would've liked them to do a sequel with more action and stuffs.

I actually thought it reminded me of Farenheit 451. :/


Just saw The Bourne Identity. I think I saw it before, but only remembered small bits of it, :awesome:. Good movie btw, will watch the sequels later.


I actually thought it reminded me of Farenheit 451. :/

Yeah, but that one was published three years after 1984, hence that might as well be a copy of 1984 :awesome:. I haven't read that one btw, so you might be right.

Edit 2: Reading through the sumry, yeah, you're right :monster:. Of course, all such books have a common theme.
cannibal holocaust.

ok, the gore and horrifying acts and whatnot wernt what bothered me, more the fact that was camera was in love with them.

i know its a grindhouse, but still
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