Least favourite character in ACC?


Cloud in AC is totally out of character,IMO.

Rude and Reno say to Cloud after he wakes up:

"Weren't you living with some kids? They are not here"
"Are you okay with that?"



FFVII Cloud would just say "What the fuck? Let's mosey!"

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Theres a difference between out of character, and having a character change due to new things and evelopements in their lvies, like contracting an incurable fatal disease, which your adopted son also has, and being unable to find a cure for it.


Theres a difference between out of character, and having a character change due to new things and evelopements in their lvies, like contracting an incurable fatal disease, which your adopted son also has, and being unable to find a cure for it.

I believe that what Cloud went through his life that is shown in FFVII is enough reason for someone to just give up...but he didn't.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I believe that what Cloud went through his life that is shown in FFVII is enough reason for someone to just give up...but he didn't.

Yes but in FFVII he had Sephiroth to deal with. He could fight Sephiroth. But when Geostigma rolled around, he was literally helpless. He tried to find a cure and failed. He could do nothing about it. Sadly you can't cure diseases by swinging swords at them.

By the time Kadaj had rolled around he had sunken into a heavy depression.


Yes but in FFVII he had Sephiroth to deal with. He could fight Sephiroth. But when Geostigma rolled around, he was literally helpless. He tried to find a cure and failed. He could do nothing about it. Sadly you can't cure diseases by swinging swords at them.

By the time Kadaj had rolled around he had sunken into a heavy depression.

I think his family would be more important than Sephiroth.Even more so,considering the fact that he had no family since his only relative (his mother) was killed.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I think his family would be more important than Sephiroth.Even more so,considering the fact that he had no family since his only relative (his mother) was killed.

Yes, and now one of his family is stricken with an incurable disease and he is incapable of doing anything about it. Combine that with his own geostigma and his past failures, and is it any wonder he gives in to despair. At least during FFVII he had a tangible enemy to fight. He can't do anything about geostigma though. By the time Kadaj arrived he had already lost hope. From his perspective, even if he went after Kadaj he and Denzel would still have Geostigma. He was also afraid he might fail again, in regards of rescuing Denze and the other kids. Therefore he was reluctant to go.

You'll notice that once he actually faced Kadaj and his goons in the forgotten city he was pretty quick to get down to buisness and start whooping ass for the rest of the movie.


Fiat Lux
No one would expect Cloud to simply take the circumstances of Geostigma into his stride. HOWEVER... that doesn't mean he should neglect his family and actually put more strain on them in the process. Like I said last night, the fight against Sephiroth was about mental strength more than anything else - literally, in the case of the final showdown. For Cloud's character development to be consistent, and not flip flop at the drop of a hat, he should have displayed that same fortitude to stand by his family at all costs. Instead, what we got was an extremely feeble and self-absorbed individual.
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Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
No one would expect Cloud to simply take the circumstances of Geostigma into his stride. HOWEVER... that doesn't mean he should neglect his family and actually put more strain on them in the process. Like I said last night, the fight against Sephiroth was about mental strength more than anything else - literally, in the case of the final showdown. For Cloud's character development to be consistent, and not flip flop at the drop of a hat, he should have displayed that same fortitude to stand by his family at all costs. Instead, what we got was an extremely feeble and self-absorbed individual.

Cloud was very strong at the end of FFVII, even when he discovered what had happened to him, but one thing is to know something and other is to really acknowledge it. Like with a sudden death, it takes time to settle in the the mind of the loved ones, maybe days, maybe weeks, and when it happens is when depression shows its ugly face.

Cloud, the real Cloud, always suffered from self-esteem issues. During FFVII, anger fueled him and kept his mind busy so he didn't have time to really think about what had happened. Once all was over and things cooled down, he looked around him and saw what was left. He felt responsible for all that happened to both Aerith and Zack, and felt that he was unable to protect the ones he loved. That's why he wanted to be away fromt hem, as illogical as it might sound.

The misplaced guilt is something very common in a case of depression, I can tell you that. You feel you are such a worthless lump that you better stay away from anyone. Cloud is not out of character, he was just suffering the consequences of what happened to him.


[ S ] O L D I E R.|G|IRL
Well. Most people dont like Cloud's AC persona because he was too depressing or people would like to call it "emo" when he really isnt. He had a reason to be upset and I dont blame him, his best friend dying, a girl he could of saved died right in front of him. Yeah, Cloud will always remain a badass to me even in his depressed mode. But in relations to this topic, the least character I would have to say is Denzel. >_>; HE NEVER struck me as intresting as well, even in ACC he did get a backstory a bit on how he ended up there but still who cares?


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I say Zack as I saw no point in throwing him into the mix. He's cool and all but his appearance was just awkward and misplaced.

Also the one brother with the long hair. He's creepy.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I disagree with regards to Zack. He fit in perfectly with the theme of the movie, and he really did NEED to be in it, for various reasons.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
He was fine in the flashback but what the hell was the point of him jumping in during the middle of the fight right as Sephiroth is going in for the kill? I'm at the edge of my seat and then that shit happens? Just seemed like a big plot hole to me.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
I say Zack as I saw no point in throwing him into the mix. He's cool and all but his appearance was just awkward and misplaced.

Also the one brother with the long hair. He's creepy.

Zack was half the reasons why Cloud fell into a deep depression, and during most part of the original game Cloud had his personality mixed up with Zack's. If we remember that an important part of the movie dealed with Cloud's need to make up with his own conscience, I'd say that forgetting Zack would have been a big mistake.

But yes, Yazoo is creepy but that's the reason why I love him :awesome:


Joe, Arcana
As much as I loved they're actual characters in the Original game, The appearances of Barret/Cid/Yuffie/RedXIII were far too underplayed.
We're talking about characters that journeyed with Cloud throughout the whole game. They pop up for a small fight (In which they do very little) And have almost no role for the rest of it.
I would have been quite happy with it if Reno and Rude got a smaller part than them but sadly not.

I know i'll be disagreed with here but its just something I felt let down with by the Film.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I agree man. What I would have liked to see, is when Sephiroth flew in for the finish, instead of having Zack show up in Cloud's mind to motivate him, AVALANCHE could have come in and launched an offensive of their own, maybe wounding Sephiroth and giving Cloud the chance to finish him. Then they could have a brief 'we did it' chat, and Zack could just congradulate Cloud in his mind after the fight.

Also I would have preffere dit if AVALANCHE had finished Bahamut themselves while Cloud went after Kadaj. Also a little more explenation as to how they all ended up in Edge would have been nice.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Cloud could never touch the level of gangsta Zack arose to~

Yeah because all gangstas are happy go lucky chumps who make lame speechs about pride at retarded moments.

Zack was an interesting character for several reasons before CC, now he's just another overhyped character with a story full of ridiculous shit.

I will never understand this absurd Zack > Cloud attitude people have. Cloud's story is much more endearing and he turned out to be all around more badass than Zack ever was, and that was when he was dealing with mental retardation all the while. Zack is just your typical "BELIEVE IT" shonen character now.
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Joe, Arcana
Also I would have preffere dit if AVALANCHE had finished Bahamut themselves while Cloud went after Kadaj.

This would have been perfect. It would have shown them to actually be capable rather than complete pansies who's only real purpose is to lift someone into the sky.
It was great Vincent had a bit more of an appearance but he's no more amazing than the rest of AVALANCHE and so it should have been doled out equally.


Yeah because all gangstas are happy go lucky chumps who make lame speechs about pride at retarded moments.

Zack was an interesting character for several reasons before CC, now he's just another overhyped character with a story full of ridiculous shit.

I will never understand this absurd Zack > Cloud attitude people have. Cloud's story is much more endearing and he turned out to be all around more badass than Zack ever was, and that was when he was dealing with mental retardation all the while. Zack is just your typical "BELIEVE IT" shonen character now.

Agree 100%.

Celes Chere

As much as I loved they're actual characters in the Original game, The appearances of Barret/Cid/Yuffie/RedXIII were far too underplayed.
We're talking about characters that journeyed with Cloud throughout the whole game. They pop up for a small fight (In which they do very little) And have almost no role for the rest of it.
I would have been quite happy with it if Reno and Rude got a smaller part than them but sadly not.

I know i'll be disagreed with here but its just something I felt let down with by the Film.

I agree times a million! Especially with what you said about Reno and Rude, who were awesome don't get me wrong, but what makes them SO special that they become main characters of the movie? O.o Yuffie's always been one of my favorites, so I was PO'd she did not get a bigger role. Barret and Red seem to get ignored for the most part. :C They never get big roles and sadly- Cait Sith has more spot light than they do. (Maybe it's the fact it's tied to Reeve, but still)

I will never understand this absurd Zack > Cloud attitude people have. Cloud's story is much more endearing and he turned out to be all around more badass than Zack ever was, and that was when he was dealing with mental retardation all the while. Zack is just your typical "BELIEVE IT" shonen character now.

Not a lot of people have this attitude. A lot of fans still love Cloud, and no one is going to replace. I prefer Zack, just because his type of character is the kind I favor. Zack's a hero with an attitude some-what similar to Zidane's, or any other main FF character that dreams or hopes for anything. Cloud's more like this:

I just admire Zack's devotion, dedication, free spirit... the fact that he was such a good person made it even sadder when he died.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I agree times a million! Especially with what you said about Reno and Rude, who were awesome don't get me wrong, but what makes them SO special that they become main characters of the movie? O.o Yuffie's always been one of my favorites, so I was PO'd she did not get a bigger role. Barret and Red seem to get ignored for the most part. :C They never get big roles and sadly- Cait Sith has more spot light than they do. (Maybe it's the fact it's tied to Reeve, but still)

Not a lot of people have this attitude. A lot of fans still love Cloud, and no one is going to replace. I prefer Zack, just because his type of character is the kind I favor. Zack's a hero with an attitude some-what similar to Zidane's, or any other main FF character that dreams or hopes for anything. Cloud's more like this:

I just admire Zack's devotion, dedication, free spirit... the fact that he was such a good person made it even sadder when he died.

No, Cloud is not more like that. Especially during FF7, where he was hopeful, heroic, arrogant, and vengeful all in the course of the game. He was only depressed in AC because of all of the emotional fallout he never had the time to deal with during the game. Cloud is not some emo wankster that cuts himself, he's a broken person who has done his best to make up for all the fucked up shit that happened to him and the people he cares about. In that aspect, Cloud is a lot more real than most FF characters. He's gone through some real trials, and he's better for it.

Zack is just your usual happy go lucky character who's all "WE CAN DO IT" during times of hardship. He's not special at all. I'm sure you could apply the same argument to Cloud, but his story is much more endearing. Cloud is the guy that always got pushed around in highschool, was never popular or had any friends, but somehow still manages to come out on top, regardless of his many issues and insecurities.

Zack is nothing special as far as heroes go, he's just another shonen superstar.

And I see a LOT of people saying they prefer Zack to Cloud, because Cloud is "emo". Even moreso thanks to the frickin compilation.

Celes Chere

What I did like about Cloud, is that his mind was so fucked up. But for the most part, his character was a bore to me. I don't ACTUALLY think Cloud is 'emo' not only is that term not to be used because it's fucking annoying, but I do think he has the right to act the way that he does. It just annoys me sometimes. AC/ACC, for instance, I loved when Tifa had to knock some damn sense into that man who is still acting like a boy. I don't hate Cloud or anything, or even dislike, I guess I'm sort of neutral when it comes to him. It's his type of personality, that just isn't favorable. Cloud's personality is kind of similar to Squall's, and we all know how I feel about that. :awesome:

Zack inspired me. T-T I like characters that inspire me like that, and Zack had some pretty messed up shizz happen to him too. Sure, his mind wasn't messed with or anything, but like Cloud he still lost people he cared about. There were times, when he didn't know what to do, it's not like Zack was PERFECT or anything. At the end of the game, I just love how he risks his life like that to get back to Midgar, just to get to Aerith. Even though he's considerably weaker now, and is protecting Cloud at the same time. I think that a character shown with a heart that beats so strong, is like someone you can really look up to. I can appreciate what Cloud has been through, and what he accomplished, but he's not a character I would look up to, quote, or say amazed me and left me in tears. xD I don't think the fact that he's happy is a reason to hate him, just like you say because Cloud is depressed isn't a reason to hate him. They both have their reasons for acting the way that they do, and I prefer Zack's way of doing things.

It's pretty stupid that someone would say: "I hate Cloud because he's sad", the vid was more of a joke. xDD Besides the part about Vincent, that was spot on.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
So, you can only look up to someone who puts on a happy face during times of tribulation, but can only feel indifferent to someone who conquers much more difficult trials, but still needs emotional support?

I don't hate Zack, but he is completely unremarkable, and his story is boring and predictable, even ignoring the fact that we knew the eventual outcome.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Zack was an interesting character for several reasons before CC, now he's just another overhyped character with a story full of ridiculous shit.
We need a button that thanks more than once.

Celes Chere

So, you can only look up to someone who puts on a happy face during times of tribulation, but can only feel indifferent to someone who conquers much more difficult trials, but still needs emotional support?

I don't hate Zack, but he is completely unremarkable, and his story is boring and predictable, even ignoring the fact that we knew the eventual outcome.

No, no. That's not quite what I am trying to say. There are plenty of characters I like who have their fair share of suffering and emotional problems. Cloud would have been shit on his own. If it weren't for mostly I'd say. . . Zack, Aerith, and Tifa, he would have been screwed. Tifa especially, since she's the one who actually helped put his mind back together again, and knocked sense into him. Then Aerith, who lifted the guilt from him. Finally Zack, who actually saved his ass, and was basically the most kick ass friend ever. There is nothing wrong with getting help from your friends - at all - but if you read CoT (have you?) and look at AC/ACC, you feel like giving Cloud a good slap to the face to make him realize that he isn't alone. Everyone has always been helping him every step of the way, but he still thinks he isn't good enough - that's fine, but I don't think leaving your family behind without so much of a good bye was the wisest decision. Reno said the lines: "I think she wants you to move on" this is exactly how I feel. Cloud needs to man up a bit, but I don't blame him for being emotionally weak. I like that Zack always had that fighting spirit, but it wasn't like that 24/7. You act like Zack only felt one emotion, but that's not true at all. I think that he had an excellent range of emotions and accomplished a lot. =/ He helped so many people along the way, too. I never thought that his story was boring. If I could describe, I'd say bittersweet. The only thing story-wise that pissed me off about CC, is Genesis. Otherwise, I don't see what the problem is with it.
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