Least favourite Final Fantasy character(s)


You need to invert the bits about chewing bubblegum and kicking ass, btw.

Also, Aertih had part in the story, Penelo (and Vaan) had not. If Penelo would've dropped off the face of the earth, which of the characters - besides Vaan, perhaps - would be bothered by that? None.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah, her "buddy-buddy" with Larsa is an important aspect of FFXII's plot since it leads to the treaty that brings peace between Dalmasca and Archades. It's an important part of the story that shows Penelo's character along with Larsa's. She's one of the catalysts that opens Larsa's eyes to just how ruthless Vayne was regarding Rabanastre.

You do realize all you're doing is minimizing her role in the story, just because you don't like her, right?

Her part in the story is interacting with the other characters, befriending them, and I'd say interacting with Larsa and helping him see a different side of what his country was doing to its citizens (specifically Vayne) is "playing a part" in the story. That's BS.
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The Wanderer of Time
You do realize all you're doing is minimizing her role in the story, just because you don't like her, right?

You got your cause and effect mixed up there. I don't like Penelo because she has a minimalistic role. I like Red XIII and Vaan, but I harbor no illusions about their roles. And there are plenty of characters with large roles who I positively despise - Sephiroth for example.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Whatever the "cause" is, you're still short changing Penelo's role in the story, which she clearly has. I can't say what your hang up is with her since I'm not you, but saying she does nothing is bollocks. That rationale could be used for any character...it's that thin.


wangxian married
Everyone else is chewing bubble gum and kicking ass....while Aerith is praying, WTF?

I'm sorry, it's rather fucking irritating that a woman is only "worth" anything if she's ~kicking ass lolol~ rather than whether or not she has a strong character.

Also, we've apparently never heard of the concept of a white mage. :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
^This. Times a thousand. :monster:

You do realize, I only used Aerith as an example, and I don't really hate her character at all, rite? :awesome:


wangxian married
I was just quoting that text quoted by Drake, I didn't check to see who wrote it lol.

This is what I get for jumping in late. )8


Beacause I am a puppet
I h8 every woman who gets all the hawt video game guys. Fuckin' whores oughta get zapped with gonorrheaga. :@

But rly, no one does a worthless damsel in distress like Princess Peach/Toadstool. Total Mary Sue. :monster:
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I thought Penelo was sexy. . .
That isnt very surprising though.

I thought Ashe was slightly annoying to be honest.

First, you're a pedo. Second, yeah. Pretentious cunt, imho :monster:. Same with Yuna in X, and they overdid it the other way 'round in X-2. Not that I bothered to play that for more than an hour, mind.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Nooooez! Pretentious cunts? Ashe, I can see. Not that I agree, but I can see how you could get there.

But Yuna? :( Can you give me an specific example of something she said or did that cast her as a pretentious cunt in your eyes?

Man, I'm really curious. :wacky:
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Celes Chere

EDIT - Oh, excuse me, she's also buddy-buddy with Larsa.

That's reason enough for me. :monster: I think 'Nelo is an amazing character. Sure, she's just 'along for the ride' imo, but she does a lot to help her friends. I think helping your friends accomplish something is quite a good reason to go on a journey. That's just me though, I personally didn't like Ashe. And here come the stones. *ducks* :awesome:


Mind that 'pretentious cunt' is a failing of my vocabulary, in her case, :monster:. She's just a holier-than-thou cunt, imho, behaving all proper an' shit while she goes pants-off in X-2. etc. Sure, it first the character and all that, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I wasn't thrilled with her new outfit in X-2. I never got how exposed ass-cheeks = confidence and spirit.

If she had worn that in the first place, fine. I love her original attire, but I wouldn't have known the difference, I guess. But acting like letting her clothes fall off was an upgrade, like dressing modestly was something oppressive to a woman or whatever, was crappy.

Other than her new clothes(and funny looking hair extension), I didn't notice any bad changes in Yuna. But, I only played it through twice(so I could get the "best" ending), and that was quite some time ago.

So yeah, I love Yuna, but thought that her redesign was silly poop.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Her ass cheeks weren't exposed. She wore shorts. And FFX-2 never mentioned anything about her clothes being oppressive. She just wore a new gunner/adventure outfit. Seeing as how the outfit of a summoner/white mage wasn't exactly fitting since she was neither of those anymore.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda

You can see ass-cheek. But it isn't even noticeable when in the in-game graphics, anyway. And I know they didn't say anything about her changing her clothes because they were oppressive. I was just saying what my first impression was about her redesign(actually, after posting about it the first time I started to remember more things about the game and shite, so yup). I nitpick/engage in petty bitchery sometimes. :monster:
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I do wonder though why she had THAT outfit. Presumably, you'd need support if you're running around, right? So why does she wear an open shirt and short shorts? It's a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen. :awesome:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Maybe that was the idea, it would help to distract enemies and shit, :monster:.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Her butt looked bigger in her old outfit. :( I was sad. But I guess...the skirt just fanned out a bit, is all.

Distracting enemies... :wacky: It's a funny mental picture, fiends horny for Yuna. I prefer to imagine fiends over human foes with this.

I do wonder though why she had THAT outfit.

Yeah, she's wearing the adventurous gunner outfit, but who designed it the way it is?
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Celes Chere

Yuna's outfit looks REALLY uncomfortable. X_X

I just didn't like the way they made her run. =/ "Like omg Im running lol~~ -frolic-"


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That outfit isn't really that revealing. Seriously. They've shown just as much skin and more in other FF's. It's rather hilarious how people say how "slutty" Yuna's outfit is, when there' are outfits just as revealing and more in other FFs and other games to date.

And you could ask Tifa that same question.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Haha, I'm usually the one yelling a people about this stuff. ^^

No, it ain't that revealing, 'specially not by manga/anime girl standards. At all.



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
None of the other FF characters had clothes that fit as tightly, methinks :monster: At least I can't think of any. Other than that yeah, Tifa and Yuffie's outfits are at least as revealing.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Or even FF female standards either. :monster:

I don't see how anyone can reasonably call her outfit slutty or skanky. It's prudish and lacking in context of how FF females have been shown. Apparently shorts and exposing some cleavage is a bad thing now.


Fran says hi. So does Rydia. And Cowgirl Tifa. And DC Yuffie. And Dona. And Vanille. I could think of some more but I think that's enough. :monster:
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