Let's Play Final Fantasy VII: At the same time!

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One


CHECKPOINT LOCATION: Right before you enter Kalm


The climax of this sequence of events, and the ultimate fakeout because a lot of players thought this was the end of the first disk. A lot of shit happens here, so let's talk about it.

-Which way do YOU prefer to go up the Tower? Bust in like some badass G's and get some cool items, or play it safe and climb up the stairs and see some hilarious dialogue?

-Do you explore all of the tower on the way up? Some good items are there to be found! Also, Red XIII is encountered here. The boss fight isn't too tough. Any strats to share? Make sure to steal that Carbon Bangle and Hardedge!

-Captured! However this is a blessing in disguise, as this is the first time that the party is reunited. This is the first time that a lot of players think about who they want to take on that date, even Barrett. Also, if you want to get Tifa's good graces, you can continually activate her dialogue prompt while inside the cell to get 'date points' towards her over and over again. Make sure you reassure her of your escape. 30 times if you have to.

-Shit gets real when Jenova escapes and things get weird. A lot of stuff happens at one time, Jenova gets released, Pres Shinra dies, and Rufus gets introduced and immediately makes his presence in the story known. Thoughts?


-End of the road. Who do YOU choose to accompany you to Kalm? Levels and Materia too!

Get going!


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Speaking of, I'm liek way ahead of you guys, already in Junon, and I don't even play that often :monster:.

I know, I'm in Costa Del Sol, I only stopped because I got Deus Ex. :P

How much of this game has been hardwired into my head is scary, considering I first played it 13 or 14 years ago.

I knew the exact order in which to open the chests on the floor of ShinRa Hq where you find the model of Midgar, when I started a new game I went into the config menu and changed the order of Materia to Attack-Restore-Indirect. WHY CAN I STILL REMEMBER MY PREFERED ORDER THAT MAGIC IS DISPLAYED IN?!

I can't remember the name of the first girl I kissed, but I remember the above. Help. :wacky:

Alex Strife

Definitely!! However, I can remember the name of the first girl I kissed. Uh... did I say first? Should say only. Damn! :D

I'll get to this at some point... either today or tomorrow.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Righty tighty tighty....to business!

The shiny wire of hope:

I remember playing this first time around, and always getting stuck on that bastarding swinging pipe! I think this was another mistranslation, Cloud says to jump before it gets too close, but I've always found that jumping as it is swinging away from you works best.

The music is awesome in this section, and as far as I remember we don't hear this music again until disc 2. Its total 'We're on a mission for great justice *air punch*'

I like the short scene afterwards where the gang are staring up at Shinra HQ.... feels like a suicide mission because at this point its been built up that Shinra are this all powerful evil corporation with security like Fort Knox. Its like 'death awaits you all! With nasty, big, pointy teeth!'

Shinra HQ:

I took the stairs, which is worth it just to have Tifa call Barret a 'retard' plus the Elixir, which is nice. Of course then I took the lift all the way back down to read that all important Turtles Paradise flyer!

I checked out the Shinra shop. The video for Shinra Motor mobiles....god Shinra make some fugly cars don't they? As an aside, whenever cars are mentioned in FFVII fanfics - specifically Turk fics - I always picture the cars as something akin to black Chrysler 200's. Powerful looking with just enough of that Art Deco look mmmmm. I don't want to imagine Reno and Tseng pootling around in some fucking 'steampunk' Noddy cars! :@


Floor 60, I always think its a nice touch with the short FMV of the sleeping guard in the surveillance room :lol: Where would videogames be without narcoleptic guards eh?

The little bit of stealth involved - I remeber this really used to tax me back in the day. Now I am more interested to know who all those golden busts are of. Previous Shinra execs perhaps? I kind of wish I could read the plaques.

Floor 61, lovely indoor trees.....I bet they're made of fiberglass or something. Dumbass NPC's....yet another videogame staple. Of course we're the repair team!- a guy in a SOLDIER uniform, a girl in a mini skirt and a guy with a MACHINE GUN GRAFTED ONTO HIS ARM :awesome: Yeah we can get that elevator working for you, but we have to order in a part and it wont arrive for another 2 weeks.

Floor 62. Poor Mayor Domino, nobody gives a shit about him. Having said that, I don't know what hes complaining about, he's essentially got a sinecure. The whining bastard, go and work in the slums if you hate your job so much. The puzzle here isn't so difficult once you know what you're doing, and its worth it to get the Elemental Materia. The mayors assistant can bugger off with his extortion.

Floor 63. Ugh, the coupon/door puzzle. I only found out how to do this from a game guide way back when, and the solution is burned into my memory. When I am 90 I will remember the coupon puzzle but I won't remember my husbands face :lol: Why have Shinra wasted an entire floor with this? Shouldn't all this junk be in the basement? This is premium office space here, this is no way to run a business!

Going to take a break here and reorganise my notes :monster:


Floor 63...

Correct me if I'm wrong but the Shinra tower has windows all over the front, right?
And floor 63...did it even have windows at all?
Did ANY of the floors have windows on the inside...?
Were the two elevators in the glass tube ever visible in any exterior shot of the building?


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Shinra are this all powerful evil corporation with security like Fort Knox. Its like 'death awaits you all! With nasty, big, pointy teeth!'



Floor 61, lovely indoor trees.....I bet they're made of fiberglass or something. Dumbass NPC's....yet another videogame staple. Of course we're the repair team!- a guy in a SOLDIER uniform, a girl in a mini skirt and a guy with a MACHINE GUN GRAFTED ONTO HIS ARM Yeah we can get that elevator working for you, but we have to order in a part and it wont arrive for another 2 weeks.

Floor 63. Ugh, the coupon/door puzzle. I only found out how to do this from a game guide way back when, and the solution is burned into my memory. When I am 90 I will remember the coupon puzzle but I won't remember my husbands face
I know, it's wierd the stuff that gets burned into your memory.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Floor 63...

Correct me if I'm wrong but the Shinra tower has windows all over the front, right?
And floor 63...did it even have windows at all?
Did ANY of the floors have windows on the inside...?
Were the two elevators in the glass tube ever visible in any exterior shot of the building?

Floor 63 has windows at one side, which would kind of be the front I imagine, if you remember the way the Presidents office is oriented

Its kind of hard to tell on floor 61 but there seems to be windows between the trees.

The gym floor 64 doesnt seem to have any windows

Cant find a good image but floor 60 doesnt have any windows, and the Mayors floor has the same window arrangement at floor 63.

As for the elevators, I could only find this screenshot from the Diamond Weapon FMV
I dont think the elevators are visable here :/

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
- I took the side entrance because the dialogue is too awesome to miss. It pleases me that there are exactly 118 staircases, or two for each floor. Yes, I counted. XD
- Am I the only person who feels vaguely creeped out by the roller-blade troops?
- If you refuse to talk to Barret or Tifa the ride to the 60th floor becomes the longest elevator ride ever.
- WHY AM I SO BAD AT SNEAKING PAST THE GUARDS EEFFFFF. Actually got caught so much I just ended up running out of guards to kill. xD
- WAHT I didn't realize the password changes each time you play, it was BOMB for my last two playthroughs. Sonuvabitch, lmao. /reloads. must have elemental materia
- YAY RED. He is my favourite.
- eyeball nipple lololol. Once again, good music usage as Cloud loses his shit.
- ahah, I love Rude. Would you press up, please?
- Tifa: EXCUSE me, princess. Way to go, Aerith.
- Never fails to give me chills when you exit your cell to examine the dead guard and Trail of Blood starts up. And no battle music really keeps the atmosphere going.
- Rufus is so damn cold. I love it.
- Can you imagine riding down an elevator and you glance over and in the elevator next to you there is a TANK HOLY SHIT
- Wtf Rufus you cheater, two turns in one of mine and now I'm dead. Knew I should have Cured myself T___T
- fuck yes motorcycle chase
- fucking bandits I hate them so much STOP STEALING MY SHIT
- grinded just long enough to get my Matra Magic enemy skill

Didn't bother getting the items on floors 63/64 because lazy (though I'll probably regret not getting that All materia later on). I'll go back and get them in Disc 2 when I pick up Cait's ulti weapon.

Party is Cloud, Red, Aerith, Levels 14, 14, and 12 respectively.


Cloud: Lightning-All, Steal, Sense, Poison, Enemy Skill
Red: Elemental-Fire (on weapon), Cover, Sense
Aerith: Fire-All, Restore, Ice


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Different every time for me, it's been Bomb, Best, King....
I remember it being King cos' the Mayor bangs on about how he'd like to to King of Midgar instead of Mayor.

So Hojo put Aeris & Red in a room together to 'breed them'?


How exactly was that going to work? :huh:
Best not to know methinks, but surely Hojo would have known that a human and Red weren't going to produce offspring. Never made sence to me that.


Fun fact: The password changes in the English version but not in the German one. Here it is always MAKO.
From the above post I gather this seems to be true for the Spanish version as well.
Fun fact: The password changes in the English version but not in the German one. Here it is always MAKO.
From the above post I gather this seems to be true for the Spanish version as well.

As somebody obsessed with differences between the various versions of FFVII, this HIGHLY interests me. Thanks for the info.


Pro Adventurer
I really like how modern VII is a whole especially the Shinra. I'm a 90s baby so I love VII's 90s feel. A graphical update would do VII wonders. Ive seen concept art of Shinra employees and they look so wonderfully 90s but you can hardly notice it in the game. But you can notice the CRT monitors everywhere

Jenova is IMO 75% horror 25% science fiction. It is meant to scare first and foremost. Jenova is like Sauron from LOTR, except it's headless body is more intimidating then an eye.

Anyone think there are similarities between Jenova's curent "deformed" state and Star War's emperor Palpatine's "deformed" state? At one time Jenova took the form of a beautiful woman to gain the trust of the ancients but after being defeated (Im probably wrong in my wording) by the Cetra she was left scarred and "deformed".

How abot how Sauron constantly messes with Frodo's mind the same way Jenova messes with Cloud's mind?

How about Rufus grabbing the helicopter with one arm, shotgun in the other.

I have to mention Tifa's uh, chest physics during the motorcycle CG cutscene. Why are people so offended by the return of her "chest physics" in Dissidia after the unrealistic absence of them in Advent Children when they were featured so prominently 14 years ago in the original game?

Interesting highway system Midgar has, those are some extreme elevation changes!

I love the scene at the end of the motorcycle chase with the crew talking to each other. It appears to be dawn. So campy! They escaped their cells early in the mourning and and just now reached the edge of Midgar at dawn.

I also love the scene and music outside the sector 7 gate. Midgar looks so surreal in the background.

My party is Cloud, Barret, and Tifa. It'll stay that way until Rocket Town when I'll replace Tifa with Cid.

Are the mythril mines the best area to level up on the eastern continent?

Oh the World Map music. Just wow. Never ever fails to impress me. Awesome synth, harmonica, piano, and drums. Absolutely incredible track that varies so much but is amazing every single second. Epic.

Never unstood why Barret is so quickly overtaken by Cloud as the leader. Afterall, Barret is nearly twice the age of Cloud

Outside Kalm I am

Cloud lvl 17 - Climminhazard
Barret lvl 16 - Mindblow
Tifa lvl 16 - somersault

Highest level materia

Cure: 863/2500
Fire: 1179/2000
Ice: 1077/2000
Lightning: 1068/2000
All: 1179/1500

11,471 gil

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I have to mention Tifa's uh, chest physics during the motorcycle CG cutscene. Why are people so offended by the return of her "chest physics" in Dissidia after the unrealistic absence of them in Advent Children when they were featured so prominently 14 years ago in the original game?

I think it's because back then, it was an accepted limitation of the medium, technology, and the perception of the game and the character itself. Nowadays it's just weird. Boobs do not move like that.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Jenova is IMO 75% horror 25% science fiction. It is meant to scare first and foremost. Jenova is like Sauron from LOTR, except it's headless body is more intimidating then an eye.

Anyone think there are similarities between Jenova's curent "deformed" state and Star War's emperor Palpatine's "deformed" state? At one time Jenova took the form of a beautiful woman to gain the trust of the ancients but after being defeated (Im probably wrong in my wording) by the Cetra she was left scarred and "deformed".

Jenova has always reminded me of 'The Thing'. I always figured that it was mid way through transforming itself when the Cetra sealed/defeated it. So it was 'frozen' like that....although that doesn't really explain why all of of the forms you fight bar Jenova Synthesis are the same shape .....hmmmm.

Jenova is pretty terrifying, its just meat and death and disease and...theres just something really visceral about it isn't there? *shudders*

The more I think about it, the more I think Lucrecia was fucking crazy to have Jenova cells injected into her, the silly bitch. I'm pregnant at the moment, and thats weird and gross enough as it is without having alien DNA involved :monster:


The Doomsayer
Of course I just busted in the front door, cuz this ain't no appointment... this is a 'mergency! Anyone who don't wanna get their face bashed in better git outta the way! :awesomonster:

It's a shame that the crew doesn't gun down this one random Shinra employee while riding the elevator. Though, he did shit his pants, so I'll spare him. Also how you can't chase the people in the first floor, I'm sad, lol.

As for the upcoming date sequence, I'll just see who I will get. I definitely love Yuffie's date sequence, but I don't know if I will even be able to get that, even if I tried. See if my more likely candidate of Barret will come though. :monster:

The music for this entire part of the game just makes it that much better. All the numerous Shinra themes or whatever, Crazy Motorcycle... DAYUM.

Up to this point, this is

Cloud: Level 14
Hardedge (Lightning)=(All)
Carbon Bangle (Poison) (Steal) (Sense)
Star Pendant

Red XIII: Level 14
Mythril Clip (Fire)=(All) (Sense)
Carbon Bangle (Ice) (Cover)
Protect Vest

Aerith: Level 12
Striking Staff (Fire)=(Elemental) (Enemy Skill)
Carbon Bangle (Restore)=(All)

Barret: Level 13
Tifa: Level 13

Everyone has learned their second Lv1 limit breaks, except for Red XIII, of course. I have Red XIII under Fury (actually, everyone is under Fury, owell), with the Cover materia to hopefully speed up learning his next limit break


Okay, just cleared Corneo's mansion...
The whole crossdressing part plus Honeybee Inn is so hilarious. Why do none of the later games have such humour? Compared to FFVII, the games nowadays seem much "cleaner"...

Plate's down. Did anyone ever wonder just *why* they would have a self-destruct mechanism for the plate support? Crazy fuckers.

Also, it was sad when the gang died. Especially Biggs and Wedge...say hi to Porkins from me, guys.
Last edited:


Waiting for something
Long post as usual, this time I’ve done my playthorugh with my thoughts incorporated rather than first impressions when I first played it

Well to begin with I busted in so I could get to the second TP flyer and just cause of Barret’s dialogue to the freaked out sales assistant. The dialogue going up the stairs is always funny. Is it me or at one point does Tifa look like she’s aware that Barret and Cloud can see up her skirt and freaks out, she kinda bends down at one point and puts her hands behind her when Cloud and Barret are below her on the staircase and yells at Barret to go first and then refuses to go up the staircase until Cloud passed her too, I thought it was pretty funny.

Moving up things aren’t too bad, I got caught once when trying to sneak by the soldiers but it wasn’t too bad when I was younger I used to get caught all the time and my low levels meant I pretty much got killed easily by them. I managed the coupon puzzle and got the mayor’s puzzle right, it was BEST for me, apparently the password is never HOJO or ORBS and I can believe that because I’ve got every other word but those two in all the playthroughs I’ve ever done and there’s been a lot in the past. I normally don’t and couldn’t be bothered to get it right the first time so I usually just guess a random option until I get right but I mentioned before I want one of each kind of materia available this playthrough :monster: so adding the elemental materia to my range :) Stole 3 carbon bangles for my group and got something very interesting with Barret, 2 limits at once:monster:. I used his Big Shot limit and took out a Moth Slasher which meant he used it enough to gain Mindblow and at the same time killed enough enemies to get Grenade Bomb, quite a nice little thing to happen. I seem to recall squealing a little the first time I set eyes on Jenova, it’s just so disgusting and the fact it’s head was missing didn’t endear me anymore to it either.

Hojo is a sick bastard…that’s all I have to say on him, I never when I was younger, again quite understood what he was trying to make Aerith and Red XIII do and then when it dawned on me it was…wait so he wants…he means to...EWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Red XIII pretty much sums it up too when he says “I have a right to choose too, I don’t like two-legged things” Oh and I’ve decided just to keep Red as Red XIII and not Nanaki although I usually do that to be a smart arse in my playthroughs. Anyways the boss battle again no problem, no strategy as such except to target him with plenty of fire spells and he’s done in a couple of minutes, I don’t even bother to use antidotes on the group when he uses that annoying Shady Breath attack, afterwards though I choose to have Aerith and Red in my group, this will also be my starting group going to Kalm. I’ve jigged my materia about a bit so that everyone is kinda on an equal basis for the time being, I now have 2 of each basic elemental material and everyone has an All materia equipped so that’ll work out well during battles. Stole Hardedge during the first fight with the SOLDIER 3rds, but currently I’m not doing extra levelling as my levels are more than fine at the moment but I’ve made sure to encounter at least 3 moth Slashers and a SOLDIER 3rd so I can steal Carbon Bangles and hardedge :)

During the bit where you find the president dead, I like that on the way up you can see claw marks on the walls and blood everywhere, It’s just so sinister and I love that we finally start building up a picture of Sephiroth and what he’s capable of. In terms of Rufus, I really like him as a character, I mean I know he’s a bastard and stuff but there’s something about him is just likeable, I guess because of his ambition being different to his dad’s and I like that he seems more active on things. The original president seems like someone who would actually sit on his arse and do nothing but Rufus travels around and while the goal is to follow Cloud, the others and Sephiroth he could easily have just sent the Turks after them, instead we see a lot more of him getting in on the action so I like that about him too.

In terms of swapping materia about for the boss fights, this is what I love about having the exchange option available in the materia menu, I use it more so than the whole un-equipping of other party members, it just means I know who has what materia and who to swap it back to. This is also gonna sound a bit weird but I also like keeping characters with the exact same materia in terms of how much AP they need for example if Cloud has a Lightning equipped with 500AP learnt and Barret has a Lightning equipped with 100AP learnt and they both un-equip them then they’ll get the exact same materia back based on what AP they had, this sounds really weird but it’ll come in very handy later.

I always did like the Boss fights in the elevator and Cloud’s one-on-one with Rufus, I dunno why just always an enjoyable couple of fights I love that the normal boss battle music plays during the elevator battle and that the glass gets shot in the elevator. I also like controlling Aerith at this point, I dunno I just like that she gets to be party leader for a little bit. During the battle with Rufus I just attacked him a couple of times and waited until the Barrier spell went down, didn’t really take long, couple of whacks and he was finished.

The Motor cycle chase is not only one of my favourite ever mini games in an FF game, it also has one of my favourite ever FF cutscenes, I just love everything about it and I always play a few games of it at Gold Saucer, the music is also one of my favourite pieces in the soundtrack. I hate having to move my group to the front row again through after being back attacked by Motor Ball Cloud had a limit break at the ready so that made the battle very easy indeed, dead within a few bolt spells and a couple of normal attacks from Cloud and Red XIII, I like to vary my attack patterns so the battle doesn’t get to boring. That’s it then, Midgar is gone for now onto the world map we go ^_^

As I said, I didn’t do much levelling at this point because I’m happy with how my levels are looking, my next grinding point will be around Junon. As I said I’ve chosen Red XIII and Aerith for now, Aerith I won’t be changing, she’s the best magic user and once she learns Fury Brand as a limit break its awesome news for the other two characters, but I’m thinking of using Yuffie as one of my more frequent party members this playthrough, I’ve used her before and she’s not bad in battle at all.

From now on I’m going to show my set up to include my accessories equipped, which materia is equipped to the weapon and which to armour and limit levels. I may later on list which enemy skills I have learned with each character.

Cloud: Level 19
Hardedge: Lightning+All, Cover
Carbon Bangle: Ice, Poison, Enemy Skill*
Accessory: Protect Vest
*Cloud learned Matra Magic before I reached Kalm.
Limit Level 2

Aerith: Level 16
Striking Staff: Restore+All, Lightning
Carbon Bangle: Fire+Elemental
Accessory: Talisman
Limit Level 1

Red XIII: Level 18
Mythril Clip: Fire+All, Steal
Carbon Bangle: Ice, Sense.
Accessory: Star Pendant
Limit level 1

Gil Remaining: 11742
Time Clocked: 8hrs4mins.

@Tets: I think they probably thought they went a bit overboard on FFVII although Midgar just seems like such a seedy city that it fits in quite well, but I imagine with better graphics and stuff in later FF games stuff like this would just look wrong, I honestly don't know how if they ever remake VII they're gonna be able to do it without having to tone it down a little, I think it works so much better in blocky/chibi style characters.


I always, always bust in, but this time I felt bad about it. I kept thinking about all the NPCs who are just doing their jobs, and Barret and Cloud are giant dicks. The elevator scene does a nice job of highlighting this, and I'm glad it isn't over-the-top, but it's easy to miss anyway.

So begins quite possibly the weirdest sequence in the game. Cross-dressing has nothing on this. The group moves up, floor by floor, completing inane mini-games to get key cards. The first isn't really a key-card getter, but the group has to sneak past the guards. It isn't hard, but I always seem to screw up on the last leg with Tifa, so I'd rather just fight the battles than deal with the tediousness.

The next floor, some lout gives you a key card for absolutely no reason. You actually have to be silent to get it.

Next floor, Mayor Domino has gone insane because he's being held under libraryhouse arrest and has decided to screw with the filing system by putting one book out of place in each library and constructing some password using a certain letter in these out-of-place book titles. His assistant has gone even more nuts because he seems to have meticulously observed this behavior and decided to store it away in case AVALANCHE ever sneaks into the Shinra building and wants to know the password. Then he can cash in, and they get the Elemental materia from his crackers-n-cheese boss.


I like to skip this whole thing by going down to the first floor, saving, then taking the elevator back up to guess one of the passwords, resetting if it's wrong, and repeating. My eyes start to cross counting the letters in the title.

Next floor is optional, as the party doesn't get a keycard, but they get items for crawling through air ducts and pulling switches on doors. Or rather, they get coupons which can be exchanged for items. Like Octo, I looked up the solution a long time ago, and I can't get it out of my head.

Next floor is a gym where Cloud can punch soda machines and find Cait Sith's best weapon, even if he won't pick it up. Deuche. Maybe I like megaphones, did you think of that, Cloud? You'll pick up toy soldiers and rocks on the ground, then spend actual gil on flowers, but you can't be bothered with a megaphones?

The 65th floor holds the most inane puzzle yet where you must systematically open boxes and fill in a map of Midgar from the bottom right. It's dry and uninteresting since you don't even have to guess what goes where, and the boxes open pretty much in the order in which you would imagine they do. It actually infuriates me, however, that there aren't enough pieces to fill in the whole thing. I get that it might reflect the fact that the seventh sector is now gone, but why would Shinra waste resources to update a puzzle on the 65th floor that shouldn't even exist when they haven't even discussed what to do about sector seven in their meeting yet?



Up on the next floor, they all climb on a toilet and head to the conference room. Here we meet some of my favorite NPCs. Hojo shines as a true creeper, and Scarlet comments that something stinks. It's clever, see, because she can smell the toilets and AVALANCHE.


Follow Hojo, wonder why the doors stay unlocked when they don't seem to on any other floors, and head up to the next floor. Here I can stole a Hardedge from the Third Class SOLDIERs and Carbon Armlets from the giant, animatronic circus monkeys on spiked balls. Finally some shit I want. I'm tired of these Tranquilizers. Are Shinra employees always so neurotic that they have to have a fix to calm down? Hey, it makes sense.

Then, Cloud encounters Jenova and Red XIII for the first time. Plenty of lulz are had as Barret stands there for the first five seconds and doesn't notice Cloud having a goddamn seizure right next to him!

At this point, Hojo has said the word "specimen" enough times that it's hard not to laugh.

I chose to name Nanaki "my father" because I think this makes me much more immature and annoying later on than simply naming him "Nanaki." "My father was a wastrel." In the meantime, Cloud gets to check on his father in the cell.

I really like how HO512 looks. He'd make a great zombie prototype for a Final Fantasy VII-esque zombie apocalypse.

The choice of having Palmer discover The President is a strange one. I guess they wanted someone who would snivel and whom the party would find convincing because he has no spine.

Cloud decides to stay behind to fight off Rufus. Tifa decides to stay behind--because she wants to do nothing? No really. I get wanting to wait for Cloud, but just standing there is not helping shit. Don't want to interrupt a pissing contest? Then head down stairs and wait for Cloud with everyone else. It isn't like they're going to leave him behind either. This whole three-person party thing is stupid.

The first time I played, screwed up and don't give at least two people materia fighting on the elevator. It was really stupid waiting for Barret's turn to attack the thing every time, so I've been extra cautious about it since.

Why can't Tifa just say "Cloud's this way!" instead of "I'll explain later?"

I really like the Motorcycle Chase music, but getting Cloud's sword to line up with the motorcyclists is something I have an unreasonable amount of trouble doing.

Someone has said it before, but this part of the game is actually pretty well-constructed. I complained a lot, but that's probably because playing here actually makes it feel like a video game. Most of the time, Final Fantasy VII feels more like visual novel with moments between where you have to do turn battles. Even these seem a little scripted, in a way. It's a little jarring, but I like that it has some aspects that feel video game-like, overall.

My materia set up isn't exactly fixed, as I'm adjusting it a lot, but Cloud and Tifa are at level 14, and Barret is at level 12 with Enemy Skill Matra Magic at the moment.


It actually infuriates me, however, that there aren't enough pieces to fill in the whole thing. I get that it might reflect the fact that the seventh sector is now gone, but why would Shinra waste resources to update a puzzle on the 65th floor that shouldn't even exist when they haven't even discussed what to do about sector seven in their meeting yet?

The missing piece is Sector 6 which is still under construction.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Next floor is a gym where Cloud can punch soda machines and find Cait Sith's best weapon, even if he won't pick it up. Deuche. Maybe I like megaphones, did you think of that, Cloud? You'll pick up toy soldiers and rocks on the ground, then spend actual gil on flowers, but you can't be bothered with a megaphones?

Yeah, who wouldn't steal a megaphone given the oppurtunity? Also, when they get to Kalm, he doesn't have any qualms about picking up Vincent's Peacemaker :monster:


The missing piece is Sector 6 which is still under construction.
Yes, I remember that. Hurr.

Yet, I also remember finding this odd, since you still don't see the sunlight in Sector 6 so well. There would be something noticeable about a huge gash in the plate, like is depicted in the puzzle, wouldn't there? Unless it's in the well-lit area, everything is still pretty dark.

Either way, it oddly doesn't help. I am doomed to forever hate that puzzle.
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