Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


That Man
Hey, if Origa can get a gig in FF. I support it.

Origa is awesome (especially in Ghost in the Shell).


Great Old One
I dreamt about this game last night. Now I want it really bad. I hope there will be news soon (or at least announcements about news, lewl)


unsavory tart
Well I heard that the Coliseum is coming back to the game, who wants to fight Gilgamesh again!!!

Also, I hope that the restructuring doesn't mess with Lightning's Returns development
Hey, if Origa can get a gig in FF. I support it.

Origa is awesome (especially in Ghost in the Shell).
I only heard one song by Origa, and that was the Ghost in the Shell song and it was awesome ///3weekslate


^I read that stuff about the Coliseum too. I wonder how that's going to work with their "no DLC" rule?


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
^I read that stuff about the Coliseum too. I wonder how that's going to work with their "no DLC" rule?

It would form into the usual Square cocktease, because even though they say 'no,' a Coliseum opens up the door for new characters to fight, like a Cid (preferably Highwind), Vincent, Celes, Sabin, Edgar, etc. Basically Dissidia as DLC. I would be on this game day 1.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Well I heard that the Coliseum is coming back to the game, who wants to fight Gilgamesh again!!!

Also, I hope that the restructuring doesn't mess with Lightning's Returns development

I only heard one song by Origa, and that was the Ghost in the Shell song and it was awesome ///3weekslate

Here ya go Inner Universe, the song that made me a Gits fan.


unsavory tart
^I read that stuff about the Coliseum too. I wonder how that's going to work with their "no DLC" rule?
Iirc it was no story dlc, but non story dlc like extra costumes and probably coliseum fights are on the table. That said I hope they add a non dlc coliseum just because I felt there was not enough post game challenge in XIII-2


Found on tumblr

Fang's VA talking about XIII? probably, she doesn't have many other roles which is a frigging shame because she is absolutely fantastic.
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Average Jiro
Could Fang be that bandit leader or whatever? I've been kind of out of the loop for a while thanks to class but hot damn do I want this game.


Great Old One
That's the most obvious choice, but I'm kinda hoping it's Vanille! She would look brill in some kind of bandit costume. Fang is more of a classic warrior type than a rebel, imo. She doesn't run around being sneaky having a mission of some sorts, she goes straight for the throat. Oops look at my headcanons firing loose :lol:


Great Old One
Well, I'd assume she'd just want to get the job done, and not bother with getting the troops to do what they're supposed to do and stuff :P She never showed any interest in leading the group in XIII, she was more of a wildcard. But, again, headcanon.


unsavory tart
I still think the leader is Chocobolina, because of reasons. I do wonder how Vanille and Fang are in the new world. If Lightning decrystalized I don't know why Vanille and Fang aren't.

Is the game out yet?


Yeah Rachel could only really be talking about XIII there, excitement! I hope Fang and Vanille have larger roles to play. I follow Rachel Robinson on Facebook and I like how interactive she is with her fans - she's on quite a few projects now, she was one of the main characters in the last few episodes of Hellsing (Ultimate?) and she's been in a few other games.

I'm pretty sure XIII was her main launching platform tbh, because most of the people on her facebook page know her as Fang and not as anything else. She was terrific though.
I think it's terrible what's been happening to the FF franchise with all these convoluted direct sequels. Lightning's character has done a 180 and now she's even more of an embarrassment to her FFXIII-self... It's really sad. I miss the good old days when Square would release three major FF titles per console. At least that way, we had varying plots and characters.


Username may be a cunt, but he does have a point; I wouldn't have minded Square to do three separate FF games / franchises for the PS3. Or the PS2 for that matter, but both FFX and XII were decent titles imho.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
I think it's terrible what's been happening to the FF franchise with all these convoluted direct sequels. Lightning's character has done a 180 and now she's even more of an embarrassment to her FFXIII-self... It's really sad. I miss the good old days when Square would release three major FF titles per console. At least that way, we had varying plots and characters.

Explain the 180 personality claim.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
He's probably referring to how she went from viewing divine beings with contempt to stroking Etro's cock and talking like a robot. Yeah, it can be explained, but that doesn't mean it was a good direction for her character.

Her disdain for gods (also seen in Dissidia 012) was one of the coolest things about her.


^To be fair, she seems to have gone that way again. One of the released screenshots has her saying "only a fool follows the goddesses ways".


unsavory tart
He's probably referring to how she went from viewing divine beings with contempt to stroking Etro's cock and talking like a robot. Yeah, it can be explained, but that doesn't mean it was a good direction for her character.

Her disdain for gods (also seen in Dissidia 012) was one of the coolest things about her.
Actually I agree with this as a Lightning fan. The hardest part to swallow was her dialogue, it was quietly introspective and thoughtful... and makes sense of someone with longing who's lived with hundreds of years. Just not Lightning, it's an awkward fit. Then the dumbing down of her development- they made her feel guilt because I dunno, she tried to survive and killed some people. Which doesn't make sense with her character.

When Lightning felt guilty in the original game, it was because she legitimately hurt Serah in her time of need, the one person she wanted to save.

Lightning Returns seems to have turned her back to square one, but considering XIII-2, she needs it. She needs to be humanized again.


Yeah the way she was in XIII-2 bugged me. I know some people were touching themselves over her armour and stuff, but her general speech got on my nerves, it just didn't seem to fit her character very well. I wasn't a huge fan of the armour either.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Her disdain for gods (also seen in Dissidia 012) was one of the coolest things about her.

Despite Dissidia 012, I never considered her attitude to be disdainful towards the gods. Of course, I'm not considering the fal'Cie of Cocoon gods; and, honestly, I never thought that anyone on Cocoon did either. Extremely helpful, extremely the reason for their easy lives, but not gods. To me, Lightning was more or less disenchanted with the blessings when she is faced with the curses of the fal'Cie.


Despite Dissidia 012, I never considered her attitude to be disdainful towards the gods. Of course, I'm not considering the fal'Cie of Cocoon gods; and, honestly, I never thought that anyone on Cocoon did either. Extremely helpful, extremely the reason for their easy lives, but not gods. To me, Lightning was more or less disenchanted with the blessings when she is faced with the curses of the fal'Cie.

That's how it started, but by the end she was all about controlling her own fate. Gods, malevolent or not, kinda screw with that.
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