Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


unsavory tart
Yeah, I do want to see Snow/Serah now. More than before because now Snow has turned dark. Actually I wouldn't mind seeing Noel meet up with Serah too. And Yuel and Caius. Then Fang and Vanille are probably together but we didn't get to see enough of them together so when they uncrystalize, it will be nice to see them confirm their love. And Sazh because everyone forgets about Sazh and that's practically a crime.

... I just want everyone to be together and happy again.




Great Old One
Re: Yuel, I want to see Noel finally find his Yuel. You know, the running towards each other in the field image we saw so many times in XIII-2. Maybe not exactly like that as it reminds me of that stupid field scene in Star Wars II, but yeah. And there needs to be some cute 'do you see it clearly now Caius' between Yuel and Caius. Preferably Yuel looking all thin and sweet and innocent but yet strong and Caius looking all evil and twisted and about to die.

Yyyeeaahh I probably shouldn't build too many headcanons X)


That Man
I wanna see Jihl Nabaat come back from the dead and haunt everybody with her alluring body.

Would be cool if we found out what really happened to Caius as well, guy was epic.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Here are the lyrics to A Change is Coming by Stephanie McIntosh:

I am tired of tears and lies
And I think its time to let go of the past
I am scared a little but that's ok
I can smile
Now I can laugh

For with every touch of your gentle hand
I forget all the pain best I can

A change is coming
I feel so free at last tonight
I start to see a future bright
I dare to dream
I catch my breath
Reborn I'm ready for what's next
And if they ask me why it's so
To every single question
The answer is you

I'm inspired by your ideas
And your strength empowers me
More than you know
I was lost but somehow you found me out
I'm alive
I'm ready to go
And with every kiss I lose track of time
Guess I'm leaving my old life behind


And I'm elated by the world of possibilities I see
You make me wanna be the best
That I could ever hope to be

I feel it coming

Yeah I can I feel it


I have a feeling this is our Lightning Returns theme song.



Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
Here are the lyrics to A Change is Coming by Stephanie McIntosh:

I am tired of tears and lies
And I think its time to let go of the past
I am scared a little but that's ok
I can smile
Now I can laugh

For with every touch of your gentle hand
I forget all the pain best I can

A change is coming
I feel so free at last tonight
I start to see a future bright
I dare to dream
I catch my breath
Reborn I'm ready for what's next
And if they ask me why it's so
To every single question
The answer is you

I'm inspired by your ideas
And your strength empowers me
More than you know
I was lost but somehow you found me out
I'm alive
I'm ready to go
And with every kiss I lose track of time
Guess I'm leaving my old life behind


And I'm elated by the world of possibilities I see
You make me wanna be the best
That I could ever hope to be

I feel it coming

Yeah I can I feel it


I have a feeling this is our Lightning Returns theme song.


Idk, the song doesn't feel like an FFXIII like song.


That Man
Sounds more like a Kingdom Hearts tune, if you ask me.

Then again, a lot of lesser known groups get to play tunes for FF games nowadays, so that may be a good thing.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I don't mind it, but it does make me think Lightning Returns is coming soon to Disney Channel.


unsavory tart
You know what would be a better thing? No more &#^%ing pop songs.

Damn you Eyes On Me for starting this.
Sweet Etros this. I feel like it's tacky, it's awkward at endings and even worse for commercials. I like the osts for Final Fantasy, they are emotionally charged and epic, I don't know why they don't opt for them to be the last thing we hear.


That Man
Now now, don't go blaming Eyes on Me... That song was practically made for FFVIII. The rest of these songs that come out lately are coincidental or just really really lucky they fit.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^"Eyes On Me" is different because the melody is heard in at least three other tracks ("Waltz for the Moon", "Julia", and "Love Grows" off the top of my head) and the words are attributed in game to Julia; she wrote it about Laguna. So it wasn't just some random pop song SE slapped into the game.


Double Growth
It is different (though awful), but the point is, after Faye Wong got a #1 hit out of it we had to get a pop song in every game.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It's not Faye Wong's fault you have no ear for music. :awesome:

While on the topic, I've never heard anyone complain about "Melodies of Life." It's usually praised for possessing the same qualities as "Eyes On Me" (motif throughout the game, relationship to the story/characters, being pretty).


Double Growth
It's also a far superior song. I don't have anything against Kiss Me Goodbye, Redemption, or even Why as songs. (Less crazy about Suteki Da Ne) But every one of those games would have been equally as good or even better without them. AND it wouldn't have started this trend of attaching some lyrical pop song to every freaking game.


Double Growth
I dislike them for different reasons. VIII's is just so saccharine and unbearably cheesy.
I kind of liked it your way
How you shyly placed your eyes on me
Oh, did you ever know
That I have mine on you?
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then
I will know that you are no dreamer

Suteki Da Ne I just don't like the way she sings it. Sounds like she goes off key at the end of every line.
Kiss Me Goodbye at the very least is an impressive vocal performance, but damn if it doesn't clash with FF12 in every conceivable way.

1000 Words is probably the only one I can think of that decidedly adds to its game as the whole sequence is very well done. And, again, the singing is impressive (in Jade's orchestral version anyway, Koda Kumi's voice is nothing special).


Not a huge fan of this new song. I remember when XIII was still pre-release and they were pushing that song by Leona Lewis, and it really confused me. It didn't seem to go with the game at all, and they were pushing it as some sort of theme song. No thanks.

Hated the JPop at over the ending scene in Crisis Core. Hated the JPop at the end of XIII-2. Don't like Suteki Da Ne. Don't like Eyes on Me. The soundtracks for these games are all so good that the cheesy pop music inappropriately played over critical dramatic scenes is so off-putting to me that it completely takes away from the experience.


Great Old One
I liked the Leona Lewis song because I was already head over heals for Leona at the time :monster: But I don't see what the song has to do with anything. It's a song about getting over your boyfriend/girlfriend, so. "Kiss me Goodbye" I could stretch as far to say it's about goodbyes and endings, but even if there are goodbyes, there are a lot of "oh hello you're still there" and "oh hello again come visit lol" so it's still misplaced.

In general those songs don't make sense to me, but I have the luxury of not picking up on lyrics very easily, so I enjoy them for the melody and the vocals. So I don't dislike any of them, I think they fit to a certain degree. But the lyrics, well, you can't treat them as part of the story at all. They might as well just kept the Japanese versions IMO.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I'm more of a melody/vocals person than a lyrics person too. I respond more to how a song "feels" than what it says most of the time. There are exceptions, of course, and I appreciate recognizing when certain lyrics perfectly fit a game, movie or what-have-you -- but, honestly, I'm confused when people dislike a song with a beautiful melody just because "the lyrics don't speak to me." I know my way of appreciating music must be just as weird to the lyrics people, though.


That XIII guy
A Cloud-costume announced for pre-orders.

And is this for any pre-order, or is it simply from the stores on the official webbsite? Becuase I dont want to risk getting this game from UK with 2 days delivery D:

And while we are on the music topic, I feel like the ending song on XIII wasn't very out of place, but their instrumental have been phenomenal and very touching. I want them to keep doing the classical instrumental music. I've been listening to both XIII and XIII-2 ending credits-music a billion times. Those are track which have all the instrumental music from the whole game mushed into one track. One of the biggest reasons that I love these games so much.
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