Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


I was thrown off pretty much by that reveal of Hope's new look. I was honestly disappointed, but if they could pull this well it can turn out to be pretty interesting, thanks to some people's interesting theories on why and how it happened.

His presence really stands out and is entirely different to me despite donning his old XIII outfit. It's likely because of what we know about his background. And it's gotta do with his expression as well, he looks so cheerful, more innocent and angelic (lmao I am seriously not being all exaggerating here).

Some theories:
- You know how Hope mentioned growing that tree in order to increase the amount of time left before the world ends? What if he donated his own ‘time’ in order to make it grow in the first place?
- (pasting bc im too lazy to rephrase everything)
madapocket: Maybe the “real" Hope (adult one, that is) died/went missing and this young Hope is merely a figment of Lightning’s imagination or something. She wanted her most trusted partner to help her and this Hope was created solely for that purpose?

dissasterrific: omfg thats a depressing theory

irlieth: lets assume its true, that would explain the slight changes in hopes outfit if ~someone~ built him out of the fragments from lightnings memories. while she probably knew how adult!hope looked like she never encountered him hence hopes renewed adolescence.

perhaps its purpose is also to ensure lightning is doing as she was told; evoking some sense of duty in lightning; to fulfill her tasks as bhunivelze desires; maybe its not meant to be so manipulating but its manipulation all the same; something i wouldnt put past a god; considering how the falcies acted and everything

dissasterrific: Let’s then say all that is true, then this will likely relate to how Lumina looks like Serah as well… Interesting theory, it sounds plausible too.

And it’s just as your tags say, Bhunivelze might be behind this, pulling the strings. It bothers me in some way; I think that there will be a plot twist here.

And now I totally got that teasing of Lightning. Mr. Hope Estheim. DAMMIT LIGHTNING


Yeah, maybe young Hope is the angel on Lightning's shoulder and evil Serah is the devil.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Kind of apathetic about both sets of news. Neither Cloud or Hope are particular favourites of mine (don't hate them or anything just would rather have seen others) :smashedmonster: Also since Cloud's DLC is supposed to be getting the Victory fanfare, blah I never got the hype over that, would have preferred some other FFVII theme (like Aerith or Tifa's theme *flee* ;))

Also I'm kind of worried now that
young Hope might be the Hope that went into the future at the end of FFXIII and Light/Hope/Snow/Sazh all had this big adventure or something while Fang/Vanille were stuck in Orphan's cradle so we don't get Fang/Vanille until the ending or something :(Also worrying about it because Vanille's VA used the word "sad" for a word association game when asked about Lighting Returns so yeah.

Is the Cloud costume/Hope the reveals for the Japan Expo?


I've been really laughing hard over this I just.

madapocket: OMG, Hope ages one year for every day! Thirteen days, thirteen years!!!


(no seriously though... it may support the theories I mentioned, he may have given up 13 years of his uhm time? life? whichever, so that the world can be saved just in time as Lightning awakens)

Someone mentioned another theory as well, which is Hope actually dying pre-LR and leaving behind an AI to guide Lightning. Depressing.
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So... I'm a bit confused here. We know that pre-ordering the American release of Lightning Returns will give you the SOLDIER outfit for free. But is it a DLC that will be available at all once the game is released or is it a pre-order thing only?

Also, does it matter if I order the American or European edition? I know that PS3 games are not meant to region restricted, but might it not mess things up when I want to buy DLC on an American copy when I only have a functioning European PS3 account? Again, I'm confused. Not sure what to do here.

I have not played any of the FFXIII games. All the reviews, both the superficial and very deep ones, convinced me that it wasn't worth the risk of spending money on. But I guess that Lightning Returns is my chance to test if a modern-day RPG by Square has decent design or not.


AI Researcher
All the DLC for FFXIII-2 that was originally preorder bonuses were eventually released for everyone (at a price, and then in a Digital Contents Collection set for Japan at least). It will probably be the same here.

I would think the DLC would be an issue if you didn't have a US account, since you won't have access to the store? But if you made an account and got the DLC, you could still play it on your regular account fine. But I've never imported from America, so I don't know how those would work out and if there'd be a problem.


Great Old One
IIRC with XIII-2 there were special European/ Northern European versions that had the same bonuses, or even more. I bought the normal NE version and got both the Muramasa and that other bonus thing, can't remember what it was atm (Omega DLC?). So there'll probably be some goodies for us as well.

I'm not gonna bother with pre-ordering as it's just gonna delay the delivery as it's probably gonna be held up in customs. (It's the biggest downside to the Nanny State.) I'm just gonna go out and get it in the store.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Can I meteorain in that Cloud outfit? Looks like it just climhazzards.


Double Growth
Oh, something I didn't notice at first, but kudos to Lightning sheathing the Buster Sword the right way. This pleases me.


OMG WTF?! Hahaha oh no the poor shippers :/

the shippers

there will be suicides nao

Details and render

But seriously though, his voice sounds really grown up in the game - I'm pretty sure we don't know all the details yet...

Edit: Cloud's outfit video:

I'm missing all the other stuff in this thread aside from the VII pre-order thing that I'm commenting about right now... Fangu please catch me up on all LR news when I'm next on some form of chat :monster:

Anyway yeah, saw this preorder bonus today on Facebook but it said North America only, now this video says PAL region? So it's available in what edition and from where? Because I need it in my European life, obviously :monster:


Great Old One
I'm missing all the other stuff in this thread aside from the VII pre-order thing that I'm commenting about right now... Fangu please catch me up on all LR news when I'm next on some form of chat :monster:
I haven't been paying that close attention though, but I can give you the main events :monster:

That whole video seems European with the "PEGI 16" thing in the beginning, and it says PAL at the end.
Oh! PEGI is European? I thought that was US. But 'PAL' should have rung a bell. I don't know these age warnings. The only age limit they take seriously here (at least when it comes to games) is over or under 18 - the most violent games gets 'must be 18' and the game shops checks ID for those. (Sex is never a problem though, it's only for violence.) Going to the movies is 7, 15 and 18 (I think...) IMO there shouldn't be a need for more than 2-3 limit groups. I think the US (and then probably Eur too) has like 5 or 6? It's too many to keep track of. But I guess if you're used to the same system on movies, comics, games, TV... then it's easier to follow. There aren't any age warnings at all for TV here (but I see channels like the BBC have started to put them in - they don't recommend an age but they tell you there will be 'strong language and reference to drugs' etc.)

/off topic


If the sky comes falling down

I really want a Bartz costume now but this will never happen
. :sadpanda:


Great Old One
oh look a buncha letters

Edit: This is a good guide
Looks like it's C, E, E 10+, T, M, and A. And RP for not rated.

I looked up the Norwegian ones for movies:

Everyone over age 7 (4 if with an adult)
Everyone over age 10 (8 if with an adult)
Everyone over age 15 (12 with an adult)
Everyone over age 18

Regarding games, it looks like there is no law, lol. But because of general opinion, most game shops checks for ID for the PEGI 18 games. And in general they advice according to PEGI.

I learned something new today.
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In the UK we just get "15" or "18" some games (like Uncharted etc, they're rated with the same standard/ symbols movies are) but the PEGI colour ratings are on the back of some other games - the back of FFXIII is an orange background "16". Movies here are either "U" for universal, "12A" for must be 12 or if under must be accompanied by an adult (created because of the later Harry Potter movies - not kidding, it used to just be "12"), then there's "15" and "18" - games only seem to use the movie rating type sometimes, other times it's PEGI.

Anyway, I'm still around I've just been very busy for a week or so (out of the house busy) <3. I'll be back "full time" soon enough :D.


unsavory tart
Regarding games, it looks like there is no law, lol. But because of general opinion, most game shops checks for ID for the PEGI 18 games. And in general they advice according to PEGI.

I learned something new today.
Yeah, gaming does their own regulation as a way to prevent government regulation. iirc, movies do the same thing, there's no official law that a kid can't watch an R movie, if you are caught sneaking in a movie theater, you can't get slammed with trespassing but not for watching the actual movie. Comics did a similar thing awhile ago but without the ESRB, they just use to censor themselves, I don't know what they do now.

I think most forms of entertainment are kind of wary about the government trying to step in and censor so they do it themselves. I heard movie theaters will get fined by movie associations if they mess up on their rating system but I have no idea if gaming has a similar process.


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