I’ve quickly translated the Famitsu article located
HERE. Lots of good stuff.
Similar to Lightning, Hope has been chosen by Bhunivelze to help restore the world and assist the “Savior". It is still unknown why he has regained his former youth. (Because Bhunivelze is a pedophile… Ah, not official! This is my thought! XD)
Unlike her encounters with Snow and Noel, it appears that Lightning will be able to feel safe with him. The younger Hope obviously appears much more calm and mature than his self in FFXIII. He seems to carry the appearance of FFXIII, but the personality of FFXIII-2.
"The Ark" is located within Bhunivelze (the New Cocoon) and so is the Yggdrasil - “The Tree of Life". Unlike the lower world, time has stopped in this seemingly celestial realm, so there will be no need to rush. At 6AM every morning, Lightning must report to Hope and give “Eradia" (light energy) to the tree, increasing the lifespan of the world to its full 13 days. Eradia can be attained by clearing quests. You can also enjoy conversations with Hope and have him fully restore your stats. On top of all this, Hope will also supply you with items, though it has not been stated whether you have to purchase them or not.