Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


That Man
All I really want now, is for Lightning to be able to obtain Caius' dragon sword and shoot black GunflamesDark Waves with it like Cecil.

Either that or they give us Noctis' Armory of Shinies from FFXV.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero

Deranged stare


unsavory tart
Yeah, you can tell it's just a few outfits customized but that's okay because I'd rather have the ability to change some of the crap she's wearing into something not... insane. You got to wonder about some of the people though, if they thought they wanted to put her in what looks like a flowery acid trip (@ :51) out of hatred or they just wanted to go crazy.

Noel's downfall is so sad, not only because he was optimistic but he even wrote a letter to himself telling him not to break. And well, he's broken despite his own advice. It's weird to see the character that was described as hating the fact that even one person died- so much so that he didn't even want to kill Caius- and then just tell Lightning that killing one more person won't do anything to him.

I want to know more about Vanille's and Sazh's story. Vanille for the obvious but I feel like there's so little to Sazh's story compared to the rest, I hope they don't give him a crap sidequest.

Also Caius: thank.


Great Old One
Noel's downfall is so sad, not only because he was optimistic but he even wrote a letter to himself telling him not to break. And well, he's broken despite his own advice. It's weird to see the character that was described as hating the fact that even one person died- so much so that he didn't even want to kill Caius- and then just tell Lightning that killing one more person won't do anything to him.
Your words are intelligent but all I can think is I DO NOT CARE ABOUT LOGIC NOEL IS EVIL SEXY SHADOW HUNTER

Also Caius: thank.
This I can agree on.


wangxian married
lightning in that tux uunf unf unf

i appreciate yeul's remodeled face although i thought the creepy doll look sorta suited her

also noel closed off his heart after serah died
hollow laughter
this game is going to hurt me a lot


unsavory tart
In one of the concept arts is this


Maybe it's like the statue of the three women in Noel's village, like a Mwynn, Etros, and Yuel thing? But it wouldn't really make sense unless this place was where the Etros worshipers/Yuel is.

also noel closed off his heart after serah died
hollow laughter
this game is going to hurt me a lot
This makes me wonder if any of the character arcs will interact with each others. Like, will Noel get to find Serah since they had an entire game of them being at each others side? Or Mog? Or Snow? Or how much of his story was wrapped up in Caius and Yuel, does he get to meet them? Caius is the one that forced him to accidentally destroy the world and expanded universe says Yuel and Noel are a thing, does that get resolved (but his Yuel is dead so it doesn't matter???)

What about Fang and Vanille? I can't imagine without each other. The game needs to be out now.

Okay favorites of the new outfits (not including the original outfits from the previous games)


The hat sells this one

Can't go wrong with a red mage

I think this is one of the samurai outfits so we aren't getting it D:

This is an alteration of the outfit with the victory pose everyone got angry about. It was actually my favorite out of the ones they initially shown, but I like it better customized here.

! Lightning in glasses.

Tron level



The dragon armor is pretty cool but I always have to laugh about the crotch window. It reminds me of Rassler's boob window from XII and I imagine Lightning taking an arrow to it like he did. Don't mind me.
And a tux ain't half bad either.


Double Growth
Rassler's armor had more of a trachea window, didn't it? Either way I do remember thinking it was hilarious that he died specifically because of his impractical armor.

The samurai one is the only one I've really liked so far. I've been okay with others,


But it doesn't even look like there's muscle in her legs! I swear I remember her having a little bit more meat to her in the OG.


I just brushed it off as them being inconsistent on the models as always. Lightning either looked too skinny or quite muscular in XIII too.


wangxian married
i love all the knight type outfits and suits. the skirts are cute but i don't like light in dresses/skirts i just eh no

This makes me wonder if any of the character arcs will interact with each others. Like, will Noel get to find Serah since they had an entire game of them being at each others side? Or Mog? Or Snow? Or how much of his story was wrapped up in Caius and Yuel, does he get to meet them? Caius is the one that forced him to accidentally destroy the world and expanded universe says Yuel and Noel are a thing, does that get resolved (but his Yuel is dead so it doesn't matter???)

What about Fang and Vanille? I can't imagine without each other. The game needs to be out now.

i really hope they do. i know this is lightning's send off, but they REALLY need to resolve the relationships in xiii-2

i mean serah's death affected noel just as badly as snow so i hope they resolve that in some way. fang and vanille need to be together and stay together b/c that's just how things are

and pls sort yeul out. any yeul. i need her to have a full on arc instead of being a constantly dying plot device

also i really need everyone to get together and be happy
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That Man
Hey, just a question but, can you mix/match and recolor outfits at all? Like in the Soul Calibur games?


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I don't mind some of those costumes with skirts (after all, she totally rocked a skirt in the OG), but some of those flowery dresses look hilariously un-Lightning like lol

edit: ohey I'm actually taking a shine to some of these LR tracks
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