Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII


Double Growth
Vanille sounds pretty much the same in Japanese, imo. As Splintered said, that was kinda their problem sticking to close to her Japanese voice.


Well, if I'm wrong...somehow I get the feeling it wasn't just "some random pink-haired girl" seems like they are targeting girls with Pink hair?

And I can pretty much name 3 girls with Pink hair right off the bat.

Ah well excuse my wording, but yes they are targeting women with pink hair to threaten Lightning in some way because they hate the savior.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
They both seem to have their merits. Also I totally forgot how hot Rygdea is.


Too bad he apparently only has eyes for Fang :(


unsavory tart
It was practically a crime for XIII-2 not to use Rygdea. I don't know why they left him out, he was actually one of the NPCs I really liked, and he lived through the first game and was instrumental in Academia's founding. Also he has an awesome accent.
Ah well excuse my wording, but yes they are targeting women with pink hair to threaten Lightning in some way because they hate the savior.
Well, to be fair to them, they probably only really know what's going on because of an oracle drive and so they are just picking up anybody that even remotely looks like Lightning.


Ohhh that is true. And yes, I agree with everyone as regards to Rygdea. He was a cool character imo that should've been fleshed out more.

Anyways, here are the sample tracks from the different trailers we got.

The Ark


The Wildlands


The Dead Dunes

Here's what I think on who's working on what (copy-paste from Tumblr)

The Ark and Luxerion - Masashi Hamauzu. The piano works and just the overall melodies are heavily similar to his pieces from XIII and XIII-2.

The Wildlands and the Dead Dunes - Naoshi Mizuta. His orchestral techniques are noticeable basing from his work on XIII-2.

Yusnaan - Mitsuto Suzuki. The complex use of violins are unmistakably his.

My personal favorites? Yusnaan and The Ark. I really like those a lot.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
It was practically a crime for XIII-2 not to use Rygdea. I don't know why they left him out, he was actually one of the NPCs I really liked, and he lived through the first game and was instrumental in Academia's founding. Also he has an awesome accent.

I mused on an older post that it might be because he can be considered "too old" for japanese players to relate to (along with others like Cid or Yaag). Remember that anyone over 21 is already considered an adult, you know, those strange creatures who have no imagination and only live to tell you off when you don't brush your teeth and send you to bed early.

Ffs, they stated that Sazh was 35 and he didn't stop complaining that he was too old to be running around in the countryside: it wasn't the "too grown up to play games" kind of too old, but the kind of someone says when their joints are already rusty and they are thinking about retirement. Plus, they gave him facial features of a 50-year-old-man!


^Lol, don't forget Auron from FFX. Same case with Sazh. I think there are other characters with the same case who are just not coming to me right now...

EDIT: Whoops forgot to share this. Noel in this week's Jump.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Vincent should fall under the "to old to be a PC" rule... except that he's got the whole "tragic past" and "no longer completely human" thing that overrides his age. Same thing goes for Auron (undead)...

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I mused on an older post that it might be because he can be considered "too old" for japanese players to relate to (along with others like Cid or Yaag). Remember that anyone over 21 is already considered an adult, you know, those strange creatures who have no imagination and only live to tell you off when you don't brush your teeth and send you to bed early.

Ffs, they stated that Sazh was 35 and he didn't stop complaining that he was too old to be running around in the countryside: it wasn't the "too grown up to play games" kind of too old, but the kind of someone says when their joints are already rusty and they are thinking about retirement. Plus, they gave him facial features of a 50-year-old-man!

It's getting weird for me to play Japanese games these days as a result of all this. I'm 27 now, so I've passed the age of most FF games' entire cast.

VII probably does the best job of diversifying its cast's ages without stereotyping its above-30 crowd (Cid may be the exception, but I kind of think he was born an old man), but Sazh is probably the character I can best identify with. Both for personal experience reasons and the "I'm getting too old for this shit" stuff.

I'm told that being an old man is a state of mind, a way of carrying yourself. Just how you're wired. I'm also pretty.frequently told that this is me. XD


AI Researcher
It is a rare case where the English casting is just way fucking better. This is the FF series's "Cowboy Bebop."
you're fucking crazy and i want to disown you

It was practically a crime for XIII-2 not to use Rygdea. I don't know why they left him out, he was actually one of the NPCs I really liked, and he lived through the first game and was instrumental in Academia's founding. Also he has an awesome accent.
I don't get why they got his actor back to record voice overs for the Lost Report videos before FFXIII-2, and then... didn't use him for the game in any way. I get not using Rosch who also did voice overs, but Rygdea is a crime.


That Man
The Ark is just the sound of awesome, though it does feel like early FFXIII stuff with just a hint of something out of FF Vocals and some obscure stuff I've heard from Zone of Enders.

Wildlands feels like a throwback to FFXII a bit with just a hint of FFIII Reorchestrated in it.

Dead Dunes is giving me a FFX-2 vibe.

Yusnaan is very much like FFXIII-2's music.

Seriously, ladies, stop slobbering over pretty men in this thread...GET A ROOM!


No we're really not. I have a penis and I like having a penis. I just happen to enjoy other penises the masculine form.


New key art (small size for now)


I thought Vanille had her hair down but the closer I looked at it it looks more likely a veil.


unsavory tart
New key art (small size for now)


I thought Vanille had her hair down but the closer I looked at it it looks more likely a veil.
If that's hair that looks weird as hell in this picture. Also look, everyone's here :3 I mean, except Serah. Lumina is there though.

Yuel looks like she's at the center of the plot again, maybe chaos!Yuel or as a Etros or Mwynn vessel.


I need to look closer, there is Serah though. With Mog. I wonder if she pops up more than just in the ending. She's in her XIII-2 gear (shame, XIII was better despite the creepy schoolgirl vibe)
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