Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

trash panda

I'm about 75% pursuaded that I want to buy this game.

I downloaded the demo last night. It only lasted for a few minutes but I did have a nerdgasm during the intro. I don't know how I feel about the battle system yet; it seemed really easy to get the hang of but I was a little bit turned off by the goofiness of the costume designs. I prefer her default attire.

The only thing that's keeping me away is the ticking clock. I hate being under pressure so much. Getting out of the reactor at the beginning of FFVII gave me a migrane; that's how bad I am at time trials. Doesn't matter if the timer has 42974392789326543 hours on it, it makes me panic. :(

I know there's a 'chronostasis' thingum to help with this, which makes me feel a little bit better/more enticed.

Alex Strife

If you want my opinion, Howl, it'll be stressful at first but soon you get used to it and it's not as bad. For example, I am finding myself "ahead of schedule" as the days move on...

I was very concerned about this and it wasn't that bad, so if it helps...

I've just finished day six, starting day seven. Totally ahead of schedule, finished every main storyline and so I have half the days to use on secondary missions, and items, and killing monsters until they go exctinct. Not bad!! I'm pretty sure I'll continue to do the whole "one day per day" thing but at the same time, I'm also sure that I'll have to play less to get the days done...

I also am liking this very much. A lot more than I thought I would! They've managed to make the characters memorable, maybe through seeing them on the three games...

I noticed that Biggs and Wedge, the characters you meet in Yusnaan, once they remove the silly gear they have when you first meet them, adopt clothes that are chromatically the same they have in FFVII! :D


^With a liberal use of chronostasis, yes I suppose.

I actually used chronostasis too much and ended up with literally nothing to do for the final 3 days, so just grinded stuff.

But yeah, a 100% no-chronostasis run wouldn't be possible if you're talking about making every monster extinct and stuff. Doing every side-quest might be possible but it'd have to be meticulously planned.

I am now considering a no-chronostasis run 0_0


Double Growth
I mean you could easily beat the game without losing from a timeout. I'm not a completionist, remember.

There are really only 2 circumstances under which I use chronostasis: its almost 0600 and I'm in the middle of something, or I'm wandering trying to find whatever a quest has me searching for.


AI Researcher
i think if you do the main quests, that's basically going to take you up to 13 days (or largely there)?

i used inns in the last day or two because i didn't feel like going waiting around for the final day


3x3 Eyes
Those tips from earlier really worked.
Found that I had the Woodland Walker garb which had an Aero+ ability built in (a barrage of aero attacks plus an aerora finisher). Exceptionally easy to stagger now and kill him off.


Double Growth
Finally got to have a nice, full day of playing yesterday. I've officially reached my thirteen days, I'm on day 7 with 6 to go. Day 5 was spent almost entirely in
Temple and because of the way that ends I was afraid it wouldn't add any time to my tree, but it did. Day 6 was very productive though, I started and completed the Dead Dune's main quest and finished scores of side and canvas quests.

I can't say I understand why this game has gotten such lukewarm reviews, I'm enjoying it quite a bit. The combat and customization is fun, and the plot is far and away the most coherent of the series, even if it feels a bit disconnected from the others (or maybe because of that?)
I finally discovered yesterday you can change the brightness of the colors when customizing your outfits, I thought I was stuck with all the candy-bright colors. And so I was able to change Lightning's SOLDIER outfit to properly match Cloud's from FF7 which made me happy :monster:

I just wish I could spend all today playing as well :(

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
The plot is the most coherent of the series? I'll agree that this game is getting dishonest reviews and that the gameplay is definitely the best, but, really, the plot is more coherent than the first game's? I don't know man.


Double Growth
Well, I haven't finished it yet of course, but so far I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what's going on. Which is more than I could ever really say in XIII as Lightning constantly extolled that they wouldn't be anyone's pawn while repeatedly doing precisely what the bad guys told them to do and Sazh and Vanille literally wandered aimlessly.

Storm XIII

Lv. 25 Adventurer
The plot is the most coherent of the series? I'll agree that this game is getting dishonest reviews and that the gameplay is definitely the best, but, really, the plot is more coherent than the first game's? I don't know man.
is definitely more coherent than XIII-2 at least.

but yeah, XIII still have the better story.


I would say the plot of XIII is better, but the way the story is told makes far more sense in Lightning Returns. It's what I mentioned a while back about the characters just being altogether more direct. They actually talk about stuff when it happens, and directly talk about stuff that's happened before.

It's like... in XIII the characters would bump into Barthandelus and be like "the sky is blue today (you have unlocked a new entry in the datalog)" or they'd be climbing through Taejin's tower and be like... [insert no dialogue here]. It was fucking bizarre, and it took me reading about the mythos behind the series in various places and then a second playthrough to actually be able to understand and connect with the story. Because in a game with so many damn cutscenes, they don't actually discuss anything that tangibly relates to the mythos or the story, it's all stuff that's central to the characters and you're left wondering what the fuck is going on.

In Lightning Returns, there's a valid mix of both character exposition and narrative exploration of the story and its actual themes.
Fang's "Lindzei was regarded as a trickster, even our own god Pulse discarded us though" was a tiny fucking bit of dialogue but I nearly creamed my pants anyway because THEY'RE FINALLY TALKING ABOUT STUFF THAT MATTERS. And if that kind of thing happened more in XIII, I am convinced people wouldn't have disliked it as much as they did.

So yeah, it's the difference between XIII's "the sky is blue" and Lightning Returns's "This is X, which does Y". Lightning Returns's gameplay, exploration and narrative style with XIII's story and I'm just about convinced naysayers of the game would have been a tiny minority. Imagine that switching between 3 schemas system with 3 party members instead? I mean holy crap I'd have loved that. I liked the paradigm shift system too, but the battle system is really cool and you'd feel like you have more control (not to mention it would have pre-empted the whole "auto-battle" stigma).


Double Growth
In Lightning Returns, there's a valid mix of both character exposition and narrative exploration of the story and its actual themes.
Fang's "Lindzei was regarded as a trickster, even our own god Pulse discarded us though" was a tiny fucking bit of dialogue but I nearly creamed my pants anyway because THEY'RE FINALLY TALKING ABOUT STUFF THAT MATTERS. And if that kind of thing happened more in XIII, I am convinced people wouldn't have disliked it as much as they did.

I had the EXACT same thought. Honestly I wish it had gone on a little longer.


Fiat Lux
I was suitably aghast to hear them still recycling the soundtrack from FFXIII in this game. Don't get me wrong, the musical acumen of this series is a fine accomplishment in itself, and transitioned to great effect in FFXIII-2 whilst dovetailing cleverly with the eclectic mix of compositions from the guest composers. But to still be hearing the same tracks after two more games certainly doesn't hit the right note with me.

trash panda

I stopped playing this a few days ago and am not motiavated to continue. :(
I tried to be interested; I really tried. I guess I'm just not a game nerd (or even a FF nerd) like I used to be.

trash panda

I'm legitimately shocked that your submission to the DeviantArt contest wasn't chosen as a winner, Howl. Granted, the winning entries were fantastic, but yours definitely deserved it over Marga Donaire's entry:

The information in that article is wrong. DA staff chose 50 entries that were to be shown to Nomura; he didn't thumb through every entry. That much was written in the contest rules. :awesome:

On the DA contest page, people really want to know who the top 50 were but DA has yet to make any comments on whether or not the names will be announced.

I've seen many comments from participants and non participants alike who are not impressed that all three winners were digital artists and seemingly well established artists at that. In other words, it wasn't a contest for amateurs, and the rules should have clearly stated 'if you are not a good artist, you will not win'. I saw many outstanding ideas from people who just lacked technical skill, and I saw many gorgeous entries that were bland and seemingly uninspired by anything in the FF universe. The contest rules asked for a costume design, but only one of the three winners had a full body front and back reference which makes me wonder whether or not it was simply a fan art contest.

Digital vs traditional media was a big issue in the comments on the contest page...
I don't think that any ordinary joe can pick up a tablet and produce outstanding artwork; there is technical and visionary skill involved. I've seen many digital artists who have little to no technical skills at all, and I've seen many traditional artists who have outstanding skills and no vision; and vice versa. The only thing I can think of that would give digital artists any advantage is that traditional art does not have an undo button, and that's about the only difference. :awesome:

I didn't think I had a shot at winning since square one, but who won isn't really important. Regardless of who won or for what reason, it was fun to participate and interact with other nerds who are interested in the same series. Besides, I got like a thousand page views. (That's a big number to me). :awesome:

MORE IMPORTANTLY, if Nomura's comment is true...this one:
“With one look I was hooked. The costume itself is sophisticated, and it’s also very well done as an illustration. The background that reminded me of the Japanese flag (Hinomaru) matched well with the piece and was beautiful. As an artist, when I look at different works of art, I think to myself “If it were up to me, I would do it differently,” but that thought didn’t cross my mind once when I saw this picture.”
Well...that explains a lot about the current status of the Final Fantasy franchise.

Final Fantasy was a work of art long before Nomura stepped in. His remarks here about changing things to match his own personal tastes says something about how closed minded he is. So he looks at the work of others and thinks of how he would change it? You should look at the work of others and admire it, draw inspiration from it, learn from it; not wonder how you might change it.

I'm actually feeling a little bit let down right now. FF molded me into the cushions of my couch throughout years of my childhood. I mean, I'd play the darned games and then go on the internet and read about them...then I'd go to school and draw pictures of the shit while I was supposed to be hacking long division.

It is a shame, really. I am not impressed with the direction he's taking. Not much else can be said about it. :no:

Alex Strife

I think the "I would have done it differently" doesn't necessarily mean "I'd do it better". This is simply a matter of interpreting the words.

For instance, I can see an amazing design and think "I would have painted this part in green and not red... but it works!!". I suppose that the fact the winner entry is what gets this comment makes it easy to understand his words that way. But I did not see it like that. I thought it was more that he was impressed in that the artist and himself had the same taste, but not necessarily implying it was better?

But then again, this is just my silly opinion so do not mind me.

OT: I finished the game last week. I enjoyed the ending. And I just took it for what it was and I was okay with it. I did not think longer about the "it's our world; omg so cheesy" than necessary. Maybe I just eat whatever they give me. Oh well.

On a random note, I giggled at the fact that
when the Earth gets a close up, Spain was the shown area. I wonder if that was coded differently in various places or they had one single version of the video?


unsavory tart
I was actually really offended my the way people are treating the winners. The amount of people treating not winning as a personal insult is aggravating. I've seen one guy railing on how digital art is a fad and it requires less skill in the comments after at least two of the winners were announced and it turned me off. There's a wave of people bashing the winners, deviantart, Nomura, and the like burring the congrats.

I find it a shame though, a lot of the best or more interesting costume designs came from people who just didn't have the skill to compete with the top artists. That said, I pegged Marga Donaire as a winner, and I remember looking at some fans listing off their favorite designs and that one came up consistently. The other two I didn't see coming.

Oh yeah, and I have to say, some of the weapon designs coming out of this were fucking amazing. It turned me into a twelve year old and made me like "omggg das so cool I want dat sword"

I was suitably aghast to hear them still recycling the soundtrack from FFXIII in this game. Don't get me wrong, the musical acumen of this series is a fine accomplishment in itself, and transitioned to great effect in FFXIII-2 whilst dovetailing cleverly with the eclectic mix of compositions from the guest composers. But to still be hearing the same tracks after two more games certainly doesn't hit the right note with me.
I think music was done actually quite interesting in this series post XIII, although I am in agreement that it feels like the original compositions showed up too much. The fact that music switched between not just between the four locations, but the areas, music changed between different times of day, sometimes during chaos infusions, and the mistrals. They made use of a rather extensive music selection.

I think the issue is that... maybe the music doesn't have the same impact? They aren't bad at all, some of them are excellent atmosphere music but compared to the earlier stuff it isn't as memorable. *shrugs*

Anyway I'm on NG+, tried using Japanese voices but I love the English Voice Actors better. Even if Ali Hillis isn't quite as good as her Japanese VA... I just like her as Lightning more. It's weird, her voice acting is unbalanced this time, there are moments her acting fantastic and moments when they were awkward (her interaction with Vanille and learning about the souls for example).

The sad thing is, there is replayability but... there's not much to do. I know that seems like a contradiction but I really feel like it's fun to do over, but there's not a huge amount of meat on the bones. I felt like XIII-2 was made for post game content, with extra endings, extra abilities, and likely not have done all the sidquests all the way through. Along with some new dialogue pop ups.

LR not so much. Because sidequesting tied in with stats I did pretty much 90% my first playthrough, and I thoroughly explored almost all the areas and had a day to spare to just wander. And because of the transfer of stats, the monsters and difficulties are a joke. I'm going to wait for the upgraded versions of Snow and Noel before I fight them, but since Caius doesn't change depending on the day and I fought him- I managed to beat him without even staggering.

I guess what I'm doing is completion stuff, getting all the hard mode garbs and upgrading weapons. I wish there was a challenging level that was dropped that was specifically for high level stats. I guess I shouldn't complain too much, I didn't fight Aeronite which I'm planning to this round because I sucked too much at staggering to do my first playthough.

Speaking of which, what weapons are worth upgrading? So far I'm putting my stats into Caius's sword and the Buster Sword but otherwise, eh.


3x3 Eyes
On the subject of replayability, the 'legends' collection has just been released, consisting of Cloud, Aerith and Yuna. All of which can be bought separately as well.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I've seen many comments from participants and non participants alike who are not impressed that all three winners were digital artists and seemingly well established artists at that. In other words, it wasn't a contest for amateurs, and the rules should have clearly stated 'if you are not a good artist, you will not win'.

That is the crux of most deviantART contests. They're mostly just popularity contests, because completely separating all the wheat from the chaff is too much work, they likely just skim off the top of what's popular :monster:

That said, I don't hold anything against any of the winning entries, or Nomura's choices. They're all very competent works of art and all have at least one or two little things that prevent them from being completely derivative. I actually like Marga's entry the most out of the three winners chosen because compared to the other two it's much simpler but still has enough embellishment to give it character and a distinct theme. Randis' design was also kind of cool (and definitely looked more like a design document) but I can't tell ass from face on that pose.

Overall though I certainly wasn't a huge fan of most of the sword designs. It's nice to see an elaborate piece but there were a lot of swords that looked way too fucking busy. There were many more inventive and creative pieces that still had a strong Lightning identity, but I guess it's not to say that the ones who won were undeserving of it. Like people have said, Nomura might just be closed-minded and judged the entries based on his vision alone, but it's his prerogative. I had a lot of fun submitting an entry regardless and I came away from the experience a better artist - and that's really all I can ask for. But yeah, way to perpetuate the popularity contest, dA.
And it's funny to see so many of the entries that did huge full-body shots and turned them sideways just so they could put all the detail into the dimensions of the banner :monster:


Great Old One
That is the crux of most deviantART contests. They're mostly just popularity contests, because completely separating all the wheat from the chaff is too much work, they likely just skim off the top of what's popular :monster:
Exactly. It wasn't a costume contest, it was a publicity stunt. All 'contests' are, - in these days of social media I'm surprised people still have the naïve idea that there's actually going to be someone going through all the entries giving them a fair evaluation to in the end pick out a winner based on 'best costume idea'. SE probably wants to use the entries, and for them to be usable, they need to be of excellent quality.


Ooooh Salty!
roxas9001, Krat0s9001, DarkSlayerZero
I consider all of SE's "fan" contests utter bullshit.

The super fan crap was basically "lets see who has wasted the most money over the years."

This contest was basically "who has the prettiest art."
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