Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Also, Dissidia maybe be limited compared to a lot of a fighters, but the game can still be fun.

DOA may be a better fighting game but not by much, and is largely considered mediocre by the fighting game community, because of it's childish presentation AND it's exploitable game mechanics(4 made an attempt to fix this but just barely).


Lv. 25 Adventurer
That's no reason to insult me... I don't remember insulting anyone here, I was just stating my opinion, not trying to impose it.
I could have just posted something along the lines of "no u, I liek big bewbs bye", but that wouldn't have been constructive. I provided arguments and made an effort to write it properly.
So we have different opinions, that's fine. You don't have to become rude, I don't care if you're some kind of big shot around here.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
So we have different opinions, that's fine. You don't have to become rude, I don't care if you're some kind of big shot around here.

Lol I am "rude" to everyone and anyone, that's the way I am. The statement itself isn't meant to be an insult but a demonstration of my frustration. This is the internet, you should be used to that kinda of shit, and realise that people aren't going to restrain themselves for your sake.

Also, lol big shot. What a joke.

It's one thing to have different opinions, but entirely another to have silly justification for those opinions and attempt to propagate it among others.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Lol I am "rude" to everyone and anyone, that's the way I am.
And this is a justification how ?
So you're basically saying you're free to act like a jerk because you decided so. And expect people to be ok with that ? I certainly am not. Sure, this is the Internet, but I fail to see how that should refrain people from having a bit of manners.

Also, lol big shot. What a joke.
I don't know, that's the impression I get from the fancy colors you're using in your nick and self proclaimed rank, and the fact you seem to think you can do whatever you want around here just cause "you can".

It's one thing to have different opinions, but entirely another to have silly justification for those opinions and attempt to propagate it among others.
Propagate it ? I only posted a few messages, does it really seem like I've been camping this thread 24/24 just to get my point through ? If so, I'm sorry. That definitely wasn't my intention. Maybe I should just reply "fail" to whatever I don't agree with instead, since this seems to be the trendy thing to do.

But hey, this isn't obviously getting anywhere, so why not just call it quits. Isn't that considered off topic or something ? At least the boob giggling arguement was still related to Tifa. Somehow.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
And this is a justification how ?
So you're basically saying you're free to act like a jerk because you decided so. And expect people to be ok with that ? I certainly am not. Sure, this is the Internet, but I fail to see how that should refrain people from having a bit of manners.

No, I'm saying I don't care. If everyone else can handle it, so can you. Mods warn/give me infractions when they deem it appropriate, I don't see why I need to censor myself given this fact.

I don't know, that's the impression I get from the fancy colors you're using in your nick and self proclaimed rank, and the fact you seem to think you can do whatever you want around here just cause "you can".
Bah. What I want to do with this site is ban half the staff and change it to a general video game and discussion site, and make the main focus comics.

Spewing a little profanity when it pleases me=/=doing whatever I want. Fuck I'm not the only one who does it. The rank and colors aren't even my doing buddy.

Propagate it ? I only posted a few messages, does it really seem like I've been camping this thread 24/24 just to get my point through ? If so, I'm sorry. That definitely wasn't my intention. Maybe I should just reply "fail" to whatever I don't agree with instead, since this seems to be the trendy thing to do.
When you make an argument and go to great enough lengths to post pictures with commentary that supposedly prove you're right, means you're trying to influence the other side of the debate.
But hey, this isn't obviously getting anywhere, so why not just call it quits. Isn't that considered off topic or something ? At least the boob giggling arguement was still related to Tifa. Somehow.
Every one of these threads, be it the LTD or these clubs goes off tangent at some point.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
When you make an argument and go to great enough lengths to post pictures with commentary that supposedly prove you're right, means you're trying to influence the other side of the debate.
My bad for thinking it would be more constructive than just throwing my opinion with no justification and expecting people to agree. That's why I went through this, but if it got perceived as propagating then fine, I'll refrain from doing so. It's not like it's gonna change anything anyway, people are free of opinion. But then, please understand I won't calmly accept to get flamed because of mine, too.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
My bad for thinking it would be more constructive than just throwing my opinion with no justification and expecting people to agree. That's why I went through this, but if it got perceived as propagating then fine, I'll refrain from doing so. It's not like it's gonna change anything anyway, people are free of opinion. But then, please understand I won't calmly accept to get flamed because of mine, too.
Baaaah. Don't be so overdramatic.

There's nothing wrong with trying to propagate your opinion in a debate, just don't expect me to keep silent when I think your reasoning is silly.

Also, if you got a problem with what I say, report me.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Isn't that such a trendy word lately. How about you actually give arguments to justify your opinion, instead of blind flaming. You aren't helping things at all with this kind of message.

That's an idiotic justification for the intentional and unnecessary objectification of a fan favorite character. HERP DERP EXAGGERATED PHYSICS IN MOVIES AND GAMES, BREASTS TURNING INTO GOO IS AWWWRITE. The whole point of them performing ridiculous feats in a world where everyone else is still limited by gravity and physics is meant to pronounce just how powerful these people are. Everyone else is still restricted by the laws of physics. FF7's world has a very clear sense of gravity similar to the real world, the only real difference is people can become strong enough to defy it.

Comparing that to breast jiggling around is stupid and disingenuous

And with this Dacon perfectly summarizes why I felt your post was a fail.

You are, of course, welcome to your opinion, and you get points for at least trying to justify it. But that doesn't make it any less of a stupid justification.


Pro Adventurer

So... I'm the only one who laughed at how horrendously overpowered Tifa is compared to everyone else in the party?


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
And with this Dacon perfectly summarizes why I felt your post was a fail.

We were all thinking the same thing. It's just Dacon had the patience to put it into words. God bless you, Dacon. Now I can continue to be lazy.

That's no reason to insult me... I don't remember insulting anyone here,

Why, I wonder. Probably because anything related to sex automatically gets blown out of proportion in this country of yours.

I found this insulting. The phrasing seems to intend offense.

As far as sex sells and blah blah. I don't think anyone's going to buy this game just for Tifa's boobs. By the same token, I think that people will not buy the game just cause they don't like it. So this is just a discussion. Chill out. Having an opinion is not overreacting.

I've never played DOA so I have no comments on it.

But then, please understand I won't calmly accept to get flamed because of mine, too.

Dacon commented because you're not simply stating your opinion, but telling everyone that they're opinions are wrong and they are overreacting. You are indirectly asking for a response by addressing people in that manner.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I found this insulting. The phrasing seems to intend offense.

I didn't even notice that lol. I don't have any problem with sex or hell, bouncing breasts or exposed flesh, when it's appropriate. Some games don't take themselves seriously and are goofy escapism, like Bayonetta. Sex is the most natural thing in the world and I love the female body, but I don't think it's appropriate here.
So... I'm the only one who laughed at how horrendously overpowered Tifa is compared to everyone else in the party?

I was too busy being bothered by her disfigured foot and bizarre anatomy to notice.

Celes Chere

fancy colors you're using in your nick and self proclaimed rank

That's like... the entire Forum. xD

Anyway, lots of us say "Hey, fuck you man!" to each other. I mean, I can see how that would be bad on your first impression but most people don't mean it like an actual insult towards a person. I think you're being just a tad touchy on the subject, maybe that way isn't your cup of tea, but you're getting offended by something you read on the net - hey, it happens! xD If you don't like how someone talks there's like... an ignore list so yeah. Almost all of us have been told at one point our opinion 'fails' or some shit, who cares! People disagree all the time, 'tis natural. Some are just more... colorful about it than others. xD And saying fuck you isn't flaming... at least not the way it was used here. I think flaming would be more like:

"You're ugly, and a stupid dumbass, no one wants to hear your opinion, twat."

And here's a Tifa. =P

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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Is that a faaaaaaaabulous Assassins Creed avatar?

Geez nothing is holy with you

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
That pose is pretty common in anime in general. But that's what makes it fabulous.


On boobs. Props to Square for not making them bounce in AC. It would've been distracting, :monster:. And for giving her a proper outfit in that one, for that matter. I've never liked her original outfit.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
On boobs. Props to Square for not making them bounce in AC. It would've been distracting, :monster:. And for giving her a proper outfit in that one, for that matter. I've never liked her original outfit.

Tifa's boobs do bounce in one scene in ACC.

And I've mixed feelings about her AC outfit. Those weird shorts really put me off, that and the fucking leather.

Matrix much?


Save your valediction (she/her)
The Rinoa bottoms gave me bad heroine flashbacks (see wut i did thar) but I didn't mind the tops.

I didn't mind her original outfit at all. I especially liked the longer hair and the suspenders. I'm also glad none of her outfits have cleavage, it makes up for the ridiculous midriff-and-leg-sploitation.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Don't mind seeing the legs. It's the fucking miniskirt. Would have preferred workout shorts or something.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I thought the shorts were cute, and I liked the top. But I agree that leather apron was WTF.

I never minded her original outfit. I probably didn't realize it was inappropriate at the time, lol. Now I'm like, "How do you kick without showing undies?" but w/e. I guess I'll find out in Dissidia :/


Save your valediction (she/her)
How can Tifa do any of her old moves in Dissidia when she's flying around all the time?
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