Love Triangle Spoiler Thread

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
You ignorant Clotis.

Those aren't the flowers the represent Aerith. They're obviously just some suspicious looking cheeses someone dropped and it happen to fall on Zack's grave. The weeds are pushing it up to make it look like flowers. It's Aerith denial of Zack. Or something.

Get your facts straight.

(I'm bored.)


...cheeses FTW :awesome:

I really want to know what they're saying, its quite lulzy.

I must know! I'm so curious and bored! I NEED ENTERTAINMENT :rage:


Gas Mask Enthusiast
Lachlan, Ana, Aniline, Natoli
I love the whole "flowers growing on Zack's grave" ending.

I really don't want to hear a Clerith's say for that scene.


Great Old One
I really don't want to hear a Clerith's say for that scene.
I'm assuming that it'll be romantic for Cloud and Aerith if a flower shows up, but when it's with Zack NO WAY.

I can't find any new spoilers, meh. T_T
Mm, though, it looks kinda confirmed after SE even had the thought of adding a scene where Cloud saves Tifa, no? With no new Aerith scenes except for one where Sephy is about to kill her.
Well yeah but he saved Denzel and Marlene right? And didn't the save Yuffie in the game? I'm not a Clearith or anything I'm just saying I don't think a Cloud saving Tifa scene will get some people to realize THAT AERITH IS FUCKIN DEAD AND HE CAN'T BE INVOLVED WITH HER!...

anyway is there a link to this forum? I gotta see this, I need me some lulz.


Great Old One
Spiritually, I guess he can.

And I don't think they have anything lol worthy there, they are shipping a pairing after all. It's not like they'll be making strong assumptions yet - plus, all this isn't even confirmed so we should just wait I guess until there's an actual confirmation. We should stop talking about their forum. T_T


Found a new piece -

The quality during ACC and the childrens potrayal was well done... Cloud and Marlene, the place where Tifa held Denzel's hand... Cloud and Denzel's encounter, and Aerith's and the children's connection... there were a lot of heartfelt scenes.

Celes Chere

They're ranting in private, lemme guess?

Um, they have a private spoiler thread too, which is basically taking everything that's said here, and discussing it. I guess some of them signed up to get into here, and won't join because of how "Anti" Clerith it is.

Not, certainly not Anti Clerith. Just Anti Dumbass.

I'm assuming that it'll be romantic for Cloud and Aerith if a flower shows up, but when it's with Zack NO WAY.

Lmao, that is so true. Because Zack and Aerith are still in the past, even though they interact in the Lifestream. 8D



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Off chance, are you able to obtain anything lulzy they've said? If so I'd be interested in seeing some of it :monster:

Celes Chere

Off chance, are you able to obtain anything lulzy they've said? If so I'd be interested in seeing some of it :monster:

"What the heck does that mean?

I can tell the Clotis are gonna go rabid over this

so Cloud was going to Aerith's church BEFORE he got Geostigma?
Well, ain't that kawaii.

I'm glad I'm not buying this lame movie, though. Way-y-y-y too much Zack crap going on for me. How much screen time can an originally MINOR character get? Zack didn't even have a personality in FFVII. So what's with all the bullsh** scenes and "hero" crap? Zack was and is a lame--cliche character. I wanna see more of Cloud or Yuffie. Guess that will never happen, though.

It really sucks that Nomura has turned one of the greatest games ever into a money making-piece of crap item that's not even worth 10 bucks."


"Once again, no they didn't take out Calling and the "what do you cherish most" part. Those scenes are still considered canon. This is what name removed told me:

We gotta hold on to a FACT that "the release of ACC does not mean to replace/negate anything shown in AC". I've read bits from creators' interview (provided by name removed) and Nomura also confirms us that ACC does not mean to change any "facts" about AC. "

"As for ACC, I certainly haven't heard of any Cloti kissing scenes or anything like that. If anything, ACC sounds pretty Clerith to me, too. For one, it's Aerith who gives the message. There's also the scene where Cloud says that he started to become a hero after meeting Aerith (or so we interpret it). We knew that Cloud was guilty over Zack as well as Aerith, so I think the back to back scene is just Cloud confessing his guilt to Zack - like he did with Aerith in AC. "

"They're just pissed because, once again, S-E failed to canonize the "oh-so-obvious" CloTi pairing. Guess it isn't too terribly obvious to S-E, is it? And, it seems like there is a possibility that Aerith was confirmed as Cloud's lover, so....?"

"They're just ticked that there's nothing Cloti about it."
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami

I am seriously pissed off. I can't believe how fangirly I'm being.


Your Mom
For one, it's Aerith who gives the message.
Uh, the message to go find Cloud at the church, if I'm understanding right. How is that romantic?
There's also the scene where Cloud says that he started to become a hero after meeting Aerith (or so we interpret it).
What? He says that when standing on the hill of Zack's grave. When does he mention Aerith? What's she have to do with that scene at all?

Also, LOL at the one person wanting to see more Cloud. How in the world could we get more Cloud then we're already getting?
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Great Old One
I feel bad for Zack, lmao. And I also feel bad for the fact that fans will IMMEDIATELY hate something without even seeing it just because it's not preferable to their pairing.

For one, it's Aerith who gives the message.
Um, okay. So saving a girl you had a promise with isn't romantic, but indirectly giving a message to a kid and then to an adult is? :huh:

There's also the scene where Cloud says that he started to become a hero after meeting Aerith (or so we interpret it). We knew that Cloud was guilty over Zack as well as Aerith, so I think the back to back scene is just Cloud confessing his guilt to Zack - like he did with Aerith in AC. "
Right... because asking for forgiveness and confessing guilt is true love? Does this mean that they approve of the Clack relationship now? And also, where the hell does it mention Aerith?


"They're just pissed because, once again, S-E failed to canonize the "oh-so-obvious" CloTi pairing. Guess it isn't too terribly obvious to S-E, is it? And, it seems like there is a possibility that Aerith was confirmed as Cloud's lover, so....?"
And once again, they added an unecessary scene between Cloud and Tifa, but ABSOLUTELY NONE with Cloud and Aerith.

"They're just ticked that there's nothing Cloti about it."
LOL, okay, that's why they're hating the movie SO MUCH AMIRITE?


It's such a simple solution too.

Adding a scene where the guy saves the girl.

Adding a scene where Zack's sword is relocated to Aerith's church, his first lover.


Isn't it simple by now?

I don't like how they bash Zack so relentlessly. -_- The reason why SE added more Zack scenes in the first place is because MOST PEOPLE LIKE ZACK. Otherwise, they wouldn't even bother adding more scenes with him. It seems like they dislike everything that gets in the way of their pairing.


Pro Adventurer
OMG... my brain is bleeding after reading that..
My God....I just don't get it..
Are the Japanese Clerith this ridiculous too??
At least they know what Koibito is!!!

Celes Chere

What? He says that when standing on the hill of Zack's grave. When does he mention Aerith? What's she have to do with that scene at all?

If the placement of sword marks where Cloud began his journey to be a hero...then, to me, this says that he didn't start on that journey until he got to the church and met Aeris. It says that it was only after she came into his life that he wanted to/was able to become a hero.

I know the "hero" could possibly refer to Zack, but he had already started his journey (become a SOLDIER) before he met Aeris. And anyway, Zack's heroism came from saving Cloud -- an event which had nothing to do with Aeris. Cloud's fighting for the Planet, however, was centered very much around Aeris.


Great Old One
If the placement of sword marks where Cloud began his journey to be a hero...then, to me, this says that he didn't start on that journey until he got to the church and met Aeris. It says that it was only after she came into his life that he wanted to/was able to become a hero.
LOL, okay, but they can't deny the fact that in Dissidia, when CLOUD WAS SCENE WALKING AROUND YELLOW FLOWERS, it meant CLERITH. But when something is combined with something Zack and Aerith related, it can't be so. :O There's no interpretation there. If you played the game, you can tell what it means.

I know the "hero" could possibly refer to Zack, but he had already started his journey (become a SOLDIER) before he met Aeris. And anyway, Zack's heroism came from saving Cloud -- an event which had nothing to do with Aeris. Cloud's fighting for the Planet, however, was centered very much around Aeris.
UM, LOL, what?



Cloud COPIED off Zack.

Cloud has one fucking big ego for calling himself a hero too. I didn't know SE was all about third person.

Go to grammar school.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Well, the rest of them were pretty lulzy. But I was too busy getting pissy about what they said about Zack. I just can't believe how lame they're being by saying something like that. Their Clerithness ruins everything else about FF7 for them--EVERYTHING. Even something as great as ACC. I bet they hated CC too, because there wasn't any Clerith. EPICFAIL




I feel bad for Zack, lmao. And I also feel bad for the fact that fans will IMMEDIATELY hate something without even seeing it just because it's not preferable to their pairing.

I KNOW! It's the most lame ever. I can't get over it. I just can't.

Um, okay. So saving a girl you had a promise with isn't romantic, but indirectly giving a message to a kid and then to an adult is? :huh:

Apparently, any action Aerith does is romantic. ANY. :awesome:

Right... because asking for forgiveness and confessing guilt is true love? Does this mean that they approve of the Clack relationship now? And also, where the hell does it mention Aerith?



PS: My head hurts. I just wonder who's moar butthurt about ACC, the Clotis or the Cleriths? Methinks the latter.

If the placement of sword marks where Cloud began his journey to be a hero...then, to me, this says that he didn't start on that journey until he got to the church and met Aeris. It says that it was only after she came into his life that he wanted to/was able to become a hero.

I know the "hero" could possibly refer to Zack, but he had already started his journey (become a SOLDIER) before he met Aeris. And anyway, Zack's heroism came from saving Cloud -- an event which had nothing to do with Aeris. Cloud's fighting for the Planet, however, was centered very much around Aeris.

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Pro Adventurer
What do the Clotis have to be butthurt about? Seriously..

I wonder if Cloud and Tifa are in CoD OVA... I heard they were..


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Them vomiting rage amuses :monster:

And lol I want to hear this interview that says ACC doesn't replace AC. I gotta see this. I guess that "Complete" is just for show. OF COURSE!

LOL that's classic. I needed the lulz.

Holy shit, they spin this shit so well, they should be on Fox News. Seriously.

Celes Chere

Even if there were no Cloti scenes, I'm just excited about ACC in general, seriously. I'm very glad that more Zack has been added, because even though he's obviously not important to FFVII's plot in ANY WAY (lol), and just is a cliche rip-off of Cloud (rofl), I still have always liked him and thought he deserved more attention.

Not to mention, that the new fight-scenes, not just the Cloud/Sephiroth ones, look AMAZING. Not everything is about a pairing. Some people should realize that.

And heaven forbid that the buster sword being with Aerith = Zerith. So, the amusing twist of that was nice. My sides now hurt from laughter. =D


Great Old One
Holy shit, they spin this shit so well, they should be on Fox News. Seriously.
HAHAHAHA, oh my god, I'm adding that to my sig. :awesome:

Even if there were no Cloti scenes, I'm just excited about ACC in general, seriously. I'm very glad that more Zack has been added, because even though he's obviously not important to FFVII's plot in ANY WAY (lol), and just is a cliche rip-off of Cloud (rofl), I still have always liked him and thought he deserved more attention.
Yes. The point of the movie is not to talk about an LT, it's too enjoy the movie, and the GENERALIZATION OF ACC. The Cloti scenes are just a bonus, of course. And I doubt that people who REFUSE TO PLAY OR WATCH something because their pairing isn't featured doesn't make them a general FFVII fan.


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
I don't think you're ever going to get the definitive Cloti scene with wedding rings, picket fences, spikey haired munchkins et. al. It sounds like that the new scenes really round out the character relationships well, if not exactly fixing the somewhat arbitrary nature of the plot. I think we'll get some decent tidbits from the new OTWTAS novellas, but nothing really earth shattering.

WTF is up with the MCR dude though? Were they planning on adding a Cloud in eyeliner scene was well? :monster:
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