Love Triangle Spoiler Thread


Great Old One
Yes, because it his describing his traits, not his standpoint. :monster:

But even more so, she's describing herself to be Cloud's koibito, not Cloud describing to be Aerith's koibito. One-sided much? :wacky:

Who wants to go eavesdrop on them? :wacky:
From what I've seen, it's Cloud eavesdropping on Tifa and Yuffie having a conversation, about what... I don't know. Then Cloud later tells Yuffie some stuff about Tifa.


Your Mom
She's describing Cloud as her koibito. I can't wait to see how this is taken out of context, just as a couple of lines in Maiden were. Ahh, it never ends, does it?


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
From what I've seen, it's Cloud eavesdropping on Tifa and Yuffie having a conversation, about what... I don't know. Then Cloud later tells Yuffie some stuff about Tifa.

I meant on the Clerith's. :monster:


Great Old One
Well, I'm guessing they'll be pretty happy this - major editing. We shouldn't eavesdrop on them or all, lmao. It's creepy enough that some of them do that here. It's kinda pointless reporting back to what they have to say about this, as we already know what they're going to say. Plus, I would be pretty satisfied if Tifa referred to Cloud as her koibito too, especially because it's already been stated by a creator. If I was a Clerith, I'd be happy seeing Aerith calling herself Cloud's koibito. Of course, it's one sided however, so it can't prove anything.

Though, I am looking forward to seeing more what hito has to say about this.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
We have the creator's calling Tifa Cloud's koibito in AC.

And we have Aerith thinking of herself as Cloud's koibito while she was alive.

Yeah, they're not in the same context. :monster:


Great Old One
And we have Aerith thinking of herself as Cloud's koibito while she was alive.
Wait, so Aerith was thinking she was Cloud's koibito while she was alive, not when she was in the Lifestream? Oh, well then, that's completely understandable, as she did not know the real Cloud, was reminded constantly of Zack looking at Cloud, and stated herself that she did not know the real Cloud until she died.

Now, you know they never specified who Tifa is a koibito to. They could have meant to Barret. :monster:
Or Johnny, Rude, and Zack. The possibilities are never ending. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
No no, she was thinking of that, while she was in the lifestream.

What I meant was, clearly, whatever happened in life is what made her refer to herself as his koibito. From her experiences with Cloud while alive, (which are the events of disc 1) she now refers to Cloud as her koibito.

I worded it wrong, sorry. :monster:


Great Old One
Did hito give any more details...? Like... how long was this after she died...? :monster:

I guess we'll just have to wait for hito to finish the translating... :wacky:


Great Old One
You know, I wonder - if this overlaps Maiden (which, you know, isn't canon but they've been stating it as canon), would that mean they'll say that Maiden isn't canon and the CoL is? :monster:

And if it happens to show a scene of Aerith watching over Cloud and Tifa in the Lifestream, I'd love to see what her thoughts are when they're under the Highwind.

She kissed him on the cheek. :wacky:
That's Yuffie, lol.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
What amuses the fuck out of me the most...

Is that they're in a catch-22 now. If they try to use this as proof of the relationship between Cloud and Aerith, they HAVE TO acknowledge Nomura's description of Tifa as Cloud's koibito to Cloud in AC. There's no way around that. At all.

They either have to abandon the koibito point here, or accept it and also accept the fact Tifa is described the exact same way in AC, except by a creator who's description of her is all encompassing regarding the present state of FFVII AC, and has no question about whether its one-sided or not.


Your Mom
They've always said that mention of Tifa as koibito is invalid because Nomura doesn't mention Cloud. Ridiculous, of course; who else's koibito could she be but the man she loves and lives with? They only make themselves look foolish when they argue such things.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Then I could retort with we don't know who the "woman" is in Case of Lifestream because they never refer to her by name at all, so perhaps its Ifalna :duhard:


Great Old One
Is that they're in a catch-22 now. If they try to use this as proof of the relationship between Cloud and Aerith, they HAVE TO acknowledge Nomura's description of Tifa as Cloud's koibito to Cloud in AC. There's no way around that. At all.
There wasn't even a way around that before - what I'm guessing is they'll be using the excuse about how it's not saying that Tifa is Cloud's koibito, therefore it's possible that she can be a lover with Barret, Rude, Johnny, etc. It's facepalm worthy.

They either have to abandon the koibito point here, or accept it and also accept the fact Tifa is described the exact same way in AC, except by a creator who's description of her is all encompassing regarding the present state of FFVII AC, and has no question about whether its one-sided or not.
Well, case in point, they also have to acknowledge that it's only Aerith referring to herself as Cloud's koibito. Huge difference.

Aerith can refer to herself as Cloud's girlfriend, but that doesn't mean she is Cloud's girlfriend.

However, Nomura stated that TIfa is a koibito. If they're going to acknowledge that it means lover, then they'll have to state the fact that it has to be a lover to someone, and not some fucking characteristic or sweetheart trait they claim it out to be. And if the creator says that, it's a whole lot more than a character having one-sided feelings.

Then I could retort with we don't know who the "woman" is in Case of Lifestream because they never refer to her by name at all, so perhaps its Ifalna :duhard:
LOL, are you serious? Oh my god, I AM SO USING THAT.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The ambiguity is that they never say who "the man" or "the woman" is. But anyone with have a brain and an understanding of FFVII knows that it's Aerith and Sephiroth.

Meaning, when there's an understood subject and the evidence is punching you in the eye, you have to acknowledge it.

If they try to pull that shit regarding Tifa, then I'll be glad to retort and say we don't know if that's Aerith and it could be Ifalna having a MILF crush on Cloud from teh Lifestream, just to fuck with them. :awesomonster:


Great Old One
Wait, does this mean you'll be debating? It'll be amusing watching you give them that piece of fact if they ever do happen to bring it up. :monster: :monster: :monster: :monster:

Infalna loves Cloud for sure. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I may if it becomes lulzy enough.

And if they try to say that because Aerith says that she thinks of Cloud as a lover/boyfriend, that that means its true and thus greater than Nomura's description.

I'm going to say I'm FF_Goddess's koibito, and because I said it, it's true. :awesomonster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
She kissed him on the cheek. :wacky:

Yeah, but Yuffie got him on the lips. And Tifa on the... well, you know.

They've always said that mention of Tifa as koibito is invalid because Nomura doesn't mention Cloud. Ridiculous, of course; who else's koibito could she be but the man she loves and lives with? They only make themselves look foolish when they argue such things.

To say nothing of the man who belongs with her, who she shared mutual feelings with, who her heart called to and whose heart called to her, who she reaches a commune with, etc. etc. etc.

Then I could retort with we don't know who the "woman" is in Case of Lifestream because they never refer to her by name at all, so perhaps its Ifalna :duhard:

It's Minerva. She totally joneses for Cloud, dontcha know. Sorta like the Lady and Rincewind, but more sexual.


Great Old One
I may if it becomes lulzy enough.
Then you clearly missed out on when it the debate was focused on Tifa's ribbon being red/pink or brown.



To say nothing of the man who belongs with her, who she shared mutual feelings with, who her heart called to and whose heart called to her, who she reaches a commune with, etc. etc. etc.
Do you mind giving me the quote where it states that Tifa and Cloud belong together or something?
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