Love Triangle Spoiler Thread


Great Old One
lol Before TNC closed I stated in a thread that I had an idea for how to save the forum but that I didn't think anyone would care enough to listen. A couple people did seem interested, though, but I never had a chance to share my thoughts with them before the place closed down. XD
You post there Tenny? :O I never knew that.

And also, it's not like we could do anything about it anyways. They closed the forum because they felt that there were to many Clotis dominating their own created forum - which, by the way, if I recall, the forum a few months back was being dominated by Cleriths.

And also, I'm pretty positive that the TNC will open again.


Higher Further Faster
I made an account and posted there a couple times but I got really annoyed at some of the people there so I didn't make much of an effort to go there.


Great Old One
With the same username? I think I've posted there about two times before someone referred to me as someone who stalked and jumped them so I stopped posting there.


Great Old One
Your second identity is someone deemed mentally insane. :awesome:

I know you can see this Crack, so come here and post.
Your second identity is someone deemed mentally insane. :awesome:

I know you can see this Crack, so come here and post.

What a devious plan. (:<

I've never posted in TNC, but I have lurked there, and I did see a lot of Cloti peeps. XD. The Clerii were simply losing.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Um, no offense, but in argument I can spell that out as = stalker.
Even moar similarities to Twilight iyam :monster:

Okay, this is a little late in the discussion, now that we've moved to Invisible Bobbing Ribbons of Lurve, but I just wanted to point out that it doesn't matter whether or not Zack told Cloud about Aerith (Zack didn't really talk much about himself with Cloud, even in CC), since Aerith herself told Cloud everything several times.

She literally spells it out for him, so it'd be easy for him to know that Zack was her boyfriend that she was still moping about in the game. XD There was only one Zack in first class, after all.

Anyway, carry on with the lens flares. :monster:
To be fair, Cloud wasn't exactly... in his right mind when she told him, so whether he'll remember is somewhat in doubt. :wacky:


To be fair, Cloud wasn't exactly... in his right mind when she told him, so whether he'll remember is somewhat in doubt.
What do you mean? Yeah, Cloud still had Zack's persona overlaying his own, but he didn't have amnesia. Why wouldn't he remember conversations they had?


Great Old One
Even moar similarities to Twilight iyam :monster:
By Kira, stop comparing that to Twilight. :monster:

And to be fair, one can also say Tifa was stalking Cloud in KHII (obviously she wasn't).

But then again, one can say Cloud watching Tifa by her window and stealing her panties is kinda the stalker type too. :wacky:


Higher Further Faster
@ V & OWD: Yeah I think Cloud still remembers all the stuff that happened while he was Faux!Cloud. He just wasn't himself during those events. It's all the stuff that happened before the game narrative begins that he was foggy on, but even now that's all cleared up, too.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
My point is that his memory was screwed up as though he were Zack while he was being told that, so he might have just processed what Aerith said in a weird way :wacky:

Celes Chere

The Clorith's have decided that this is actually Aerith's ribbon, floating in the air and following Cloud wherever he goes. XD

Lol, so really... it doesn't MATTER that Aerith isn't shown fully during Calling anymore, right? Because she's still there following Cloud. <3 I'm pretty sure I saw a black shape in the distance that looked like Zack.
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...he's done no such thing regarding other convos though. Like, he doesn't forget stuff that he does during the course of the game (unless he's having those seizure thingies and Seph takes control) and even then it's temporary.

I see no reason why he would have processed "Zack was my first love and was a Soldier 1st class" differently.

Cloud acted strangely because he thought he was someone else, but he had no problem understanding people. LOL


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V

Is it wrong that the first thing my mind saw in that image was a phallus? I have a dirty, dirty mind. :awesome:

...he's done no such thing regarding other convos though. Like, he doesn't forget stuff that he does during the course of the game (unless he's having those seizure thingies and Seph takes control) and even then it's temporary.

I see no reason why he would have processed "Zack was my first love and was a Soldier 1st class" differently.

Cloud acted strangely because he thought he was someone else, but he had no problem understanding people. LOL
Most of those aren't references to Zack, though, are they? Honestly it's been like four years since I last played FFVII so I may be wrong. :(


Higher Further Faster
Lol, so really... it doesn't MATTER that Aerith isn't shown fully during Calling anymore, right? Because she's still there following Cloud. <3 I'm pretty sure I saw a black shape in the distance that looked like Zack.

It doesn't work anymore. :(

Anzu Mazaki

Pro Adventurer
I really never had a problem with the Calling scene with Aerith because when I first saw it I thought SE was just taking artistic liberties (like the oh so controversial picture of her and the airship that never happened in VII). So I thought people *coughClerithscough* were obviously over thinking it.

But the fact that they took it OUT of the ending just goes to show I was over thinking, to assume they were taking artistic liberty when maybe they just wanted to start some controversy? XD


Higher Further Faster
No I think it was just artistic liberty, and maybe to give us a pretty shot of Aerith since we never got one during the movie (because yeah at the end the lighting was terrible on her in the church but thank God they fixed that in ACC).

It was probably taken out since it kind of diminishes her and Zack's farewell, and also because Zack was given a larger role in ACC that having just Aerith no longer makes sense.


Great Old One
Maybe they took out the scene because of the fact how viewers were interpreting it as. :wacky: And plus, Zack was given a larger role in ACC. Maybe it comes to show that Aerith isn't the only one who can see Cloud, etc. Zack is not part of it too. :)


Higher Further Faster
lol I was thinking that, too, Alise. Maybe SE was aware of how the Clerith's were interpreting the scene and decided to get rid of it so that they wouldn't keep raeping their story. :wacky:

I think I remember reading somewhere a long long time ago that Nomura wishes they had never put the scene where Cloud comes back to Hallow Bastion during the credits of KH because people took it the wrong way, or something. lol I wish I could remember where I found that quote.


Great Old One
Well, I mean, besides the fact of adding more Zack in, it's the only explanation, really. Because I think what some people are getting from that scene is that Aerith can either watch over him all the time, or that they meet together all the time. But deleting the scene just comes to the conclusion that Cloud and Aerith don't 'meet' after the incident with Geostigma. Now that the scene has been deleted, it can never be said that Cloud and Aerith still meet each other to this point. So in a way, that really decreases the chance of Aerith and Cloud ever meeting each other, as SE deleted the only possibility. We see Cloud and Tifa together all the time, and SE has confirmed that they'll always be together. So how many times is that for Cloud and Aerith since she last died? Once in the flowerfield when Cloud's angsting, and once when Aerith heals Cloud from his wounds. Two times. And we can come up to the conclusion that they never 'have these gatherings' again, as the only possible scene has been deleted from SE.


Higher Further Faster
Don't forget the Bahamut fight. :)

But yeah, it is true. I don't think the scene in the credits was supposed to be interpreted the way that it was.
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